हारे का जो साथी बनता है बाबा उसके साथ,
दीनो के दिल में रहे दीना नाथ,
बेसहारो का जो भी सहारा बना,
बाबा का वो ही तो प्यारा बना,
मजबूर की तुम मदत तो करो,
सिर पे तेरे होगा बाबा का हाथ,
हारे का जो साथी बनता है बाबा उसके साथ,
गिरते को कोई सम्बाले अगर बाबा सम्बाले उसे हर डगर,
बाहों में दीनो को भर लो जी तुम सवारे गा बाबा तेरी भी हर बात,
हारे का जो साथी बनता है बाबा उसके साथ,
तुम्हारे सुखो से सुखी हो कोई,
तुम्हारे दुखो से दुखी हो कोई,
चोखानी समजो जीवन ये ध्यन हुआ,
किरपा की तुमको मिलेगी सोगात,
हारे का जो साथी बनता है बाबा उसके साथ,
Baba is with him who becomes the companion of the loser.
Dina Nath was in the heart of the dino,
Whatever became the support of the helpless,
He only became dear to Baba.
Forced you to help
You will have Baba’s hand on your head,
Baba is with him who becomes the companion of the loser.
If someone supports the falling, if Baba supports him every step,
Fill your arms with people
Baba is with him who becomes the companion of the loser.
May someone be happy with your happiness,
Somebody be sad with your sorrows,
Think Chokhani, life has become this meditation,
You will get the sleep of Kirpa,
Baba is with him who becomes the companion of the loser.