रामशास्त्री प्रभुणे पेशवाईके प्रमुख विचारपतिका काम कर रहे थे। साथ ही दानाध्यक्षका काम भी उन्हींके अधीन रहा। एक बार दक्षिणा बाँटते समय शास्त्री बोबाके सगे भाई दक्षिणा लेने पहुँचे। पासमें ही नाना फड़नवीस बैठे थे। नानाने कहा-
‘मैं समझता हूँ, आप अपने बन्धुको बीस रुपये दक्षिणा दें।’ ‘मेरे भाई कोई विशेष विद्वान् नहीं, साधारण हैं।इसलिये अन्य ब्राह्मणोंकी तरह इन्हें भी दो रुपये देना
ही ठीक होगा। नाना! मेरे भाईके नाते जो कुछ इन्हें देना
हो, मैं स्वयं दूँगा । दानाध्यक्ष रामशास्त्रीके यहाँ भाई भतीजेके प्रति किसी प्रकारके पक्षपातकी गुंजाइश नहीं।’ नाना फड़नबीस चुप हो गये। रामशास्त्रीने भाईको | दो रुपये दिये और वे उसे लेकर चुपचाप चलते बने।
-गो0 न0 बै0
Ramshastri Prabhune was working as the chief thinker of Peshwai. Along with this, the work of the donor was also under his control. Once while distributing Dakshina, the real brother of Shastri Boba came to collect Dakshina. Nana Fadnavis was sitting nearby. Grandfather said-
‘I understand, you give twenty rupees as dakshina to your friends.’ ‘My brother is not a special scholar, he is ordinary. That’s why give two rupees to him like other Brahmins.
It will be fine. Grandfather! whatever you give to him as my brother
Yes, I will give myself. There is no scope for any kind of favoritism towards brother-nephew at the head of charity Ramshastri. Nana Fadnavis became silent. Ramshastri brothers. Gave two rupees and they kept walking quietly with it.
-go no bae