कोई धनवान् पुरुष अपने मित्रके साथ कहीं जा रहे थे। मार्गमें एक विपत्तिमें पड़े कंगालको देखकर मित्रका हाथ दबाकर वे व्यंगपूर्वक हँस पड़े। समीपसे ही कोई विद्वान् पुरुष जा रहे थे। धनीका यह व्यवहार उन्हें अनुचित प्रतीत हुआ। वे बोले –
आपद्गतं हससि किं द्रविणान्धमूढ
लक्ष्मीः स्थिरा न भवतीह किमत्र चित्रम् l
किं त्वं न पश्यसि घटाञ्जलयन्त्रचक्रे
रिक्ता भवन्ति भरिता भरिताश्च रिक्ताः ॥
‘अरे! धनके मदसे अंधे बने मूर्ख! आपत्ति पड़े व्यक्तिको देखकर हँसता है, किंतु लक्ष्मी कहीं स्थिर नहीं रहती, अतः इसमें (किसीके कंगाल होनेमें) विचित्र बात क्या है। क्या तू रहँटकी ओर नहीं देखता कि उसमें लगी भरी डोलियाँ खाली होती जाती हैं और खाली हुई फिर भरती हैं। ‘
यह बात सुनकर वह धनवान् लज्जित हो गया।
A rich man was going somewhere with his friend. Seeing a poor man in distress on the way, he pressed his friend’s hand and laughed sarcastically. A learned man was passing by. The rich man’s behavior seemed unfair to them. They said –
Why are you laughing at someone in trouble, you blind fool of money?
Lakshmi is not stable here what is the picture here l
Don’t you see the pots and pans in the wheel?
They are empty when they are filled and when they are filled they are empty
‘Hey! Fools blinded by the lust for money! He laughs at the person in distress, but Lakshmi is not stationary anywhere, so what is strange about this (someone being poor). Don’t you see the dolies in it are emptying and the empty ones are filled again? ‘ ‘
When the rich man heard this, he was ashamed.
– Su0 Sin0