श्री भगवद अवतार चौबीसी

सनक सनंदन सनातन, चौथे सनत्कुमार। ब्रह्मचर्य धारण किया, हुआ प्रथम अवतार ।।

वाराहरूप धरके प्रभु, हिरण्याक्ष को मार। पृथ्वी लाये दाढ़ पे, हुआ द्वितीय अवतार ॥

नारदमुनि के रूप में, भक्ति करी प्रचार। ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत में रहे, हुआ तृतीय अवतार ॥

नर नारायण रूप धर, उत्तराखंड मंझार। अटल तपस्या कर रहे, हुआ चतुर्थ अवतार ॥

कपिल रूप में आपने, करा साँख्य विस्तार। माता की मुक्ति करी, है पंचम अवतार ।।

दत्तात्रेय के रूप में, नृप यदु को उद्धार। चौबीस गुरु वर्णन किये, ले षषटम अवतार ।।

स्वयज्ञ होय त्रैलोक्य की पीड़ा हरी अपार। हरि नाम तबसे हुआ, है सप्तम अवतार ॥

ऋषभ रूप धरके प्रभु, परमहंस व्रत धार। बन अग्नि में तन तज्यो, है अष्टम अवतार ॥

हयग्रीव हो स्वांस से, कीन्हे वेद तैयार। वेद-वाणी प्रगट करी, हुआ नवम अवतार ॥

पृथु रूप में पृथ्वी को, वश में की करतार।

सकल वस्तु दोहन करी, हुआ दशम अवतार।
मच्छ रूप को धार के, शंखासुर को मार।

सत्यव्रत को ज्ञान दे, एकादश अवतार ।।

कच्छप हो प्रभु पीठपे, मन्दराचल को धार।

हुआ समुद्र मंथन तभी, है द्वादश अवतार ।।

धनवन्तरी के रूप में, अमृत घट कर धार।
क्षीर समुद्र प्रगटे हुआ,  हरि, त्रयोदश अवतार।

मोहनी रूप धारण किया, देवों के हितकार।

अमृत दिया पिलाय के, चतुर्दशा अवतार ।।

नृसिंहरूप धरि भक्तहित, हिरणाकुश को मार।

राज दिया प्रहलाद को, पंचादश अवतार ॥

वामन हो बलिराज का, गर्व किया संहार।

तीन लोक दिये इन्द्र को, है षोडश अवतार ।।

  हंस रूप प्रगटे स्वयं, ब्रह्मा के हितकार, ब्रह्मचर्य, तप, धर्म, कह सप्तदशा अवतार।

परशुराम हो क्षत्रियों , मारा इक्कीस बार।

कुरूक्षेत्र तीर्थ किया अषटदश अवतार।

व्यासरूप में वेद का, ग्रहण किया तब सार। पुराण अठारह हैं रचे, उन्नीसा अवतार ॥

रामचन्द्र रावण हन्यों, खलदल कर संहार।

रहे धर्म मर्याद पे, हुआ विंश अवतार ॥

कृष्ण रूप में धर्म रख, हरा सकल भूभार।
अर्जुन को गीता कही, एकविंश अवतार ।
बलभद्र ने मारयो द्विविद, खेंची यमुना धार ।

तीरथ व्रत सबही किये, द्विविंश अवतार। बुद्ध होय मोहित किये, देव शत्रु संहार।

करा खंड पाखण्ड को, त्रयोविश अवतार

कल्कि रूप में धर्म हित, लेंगे प्रभु अवतार ।

दुष्ट नृपति मारे हरि , चतुरविश  अवतार।

भगवद् अवतारा वली, पठन करे चित धार। सदा होवे कल्याण उतरे भव से पार ॥

Sanak Sanandan Sanatan, fourth Sanatkumar. Adopted celibacy, became the first incarnation.

Lord, in the form of Varaha, kill Hiranyaksha. The second incarnation took place after bringing the earth on the forehead.

In the form of Naradmuni, he preached devotion. Remained in the vow of celibacy, third incarnation took place.

Nar Narayan Roop Dhar, Uttarakhand Manjhar. Atal was doing penance, fourth incarnation took place.

In the form of Kapil, you expanded Sankhya. Liberated the mother, this is the fifth incarnation.

In the form of Dattatreya, salvation to Nripa Yadu. Twenty-four Gurus have been described, take the sixth incarnation.

Swayagya Hoy, the pain of Trilokya is immense. Since then the name Hari has been created, it is the seventh incarnation.

Lord in the form of Rishabh, Paramahamsa fast. Become a body immersed in fire, this is the eighth incarnation.

Hayagriva is alive, whose Vedas are ready. Vedas were revealed and the ninth incarnation took place.

In the form of Prithu, the earth is under control.

The gross thing was exploited, the tenth incarnation took place. Take the form of a fish and kill Shankhasur.

Give knowledge to Satyavrat, the eleventh incarnation.

Lord, there is a tortoise on your back, a sharp edge to Mandarachal.

The churning of the ocean took place only then, this is the twelfth incarnation.

In the form of Dhanvantari, the nectar reduces to the stream. The milky ocean appeared, Hari, Trayodash incarnation.

Took the form of Mohini, the benefactor of the gods.

Gave nectar to drink, Chaturdasha incarnation.

The one who is in the form of a lion and has no interest in devotees, kill Hiranyakush.

The kingdom was given to Prahlad, the fifth incarnation.

Vaman is the master of Baliraj, he took pride in killing.

Three worlds were given to Indra, he is the sixteenth incarnation.

He appeared in the form of a swan himself, the benefactor of Brahma, celibacy, austerity, religion, saying the seventeenth incarnation.

O Parashuram, O Kshatriyas, he struck twenty-one times.

Kurukshetra pilgrimage in Ashtadash incarnation.

The essence of the Veda is accepted in its form. Eighteen Puranas were composed and nineteen incarnations.

Ramchandra Ravana kills, destroys by creating chaos.

Remained within the limits of religion, became the incarnation of Vinsh.

Keep religion in the form of Krishna, green gross land mass. Geeta called Arjun as the one and only incarnation. Balabhadra killed Dwivid and drew Yamuna’s stream.

Everyone observed Tirath fast, Dwivinsh incarnation. Buddha has captivated, God has destroyed the enemy.

Do section heresy, twenty-three incarnations

In the interest of religion, God will incarnate in the form of Kalki.

Hari, the clever incarnation, killed the evil Nripati.

Bhagwad Avtaara Wali, read it with all your heart. May you always be blessed and transcend future.

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