मेरा सावरा सुनेहे जिनु कल्ले
उन्हा दी हो गई बल्ले बल्ले
इसदी बंसी देवे होका
श्याम मिलन दा एहो मोका
भावे रल मिल आओ भावे कल्ले
उन्हा दी………
किसे चीज दी कमी ना रहन्दी
सुरत जिनहा दी श्याम च रहन्दी
रहन्दे हरि दे प्यार विच चल्ले
उन्हा दी……..
श्याम सुनेहे दिला विच पाये
ऐना विच डाक दे आये
हो गये जिस्दे जिस्दे भाग सवल्ले
उन्हा दी……….
My Sawara Sunhe Jinu Kalle
His was the bat bat
Its bansi deve hoka
This is the opportunity to meet Shyam
Come together, even if you are alone
They gave.
There would be no shortage of anything
Surat Jinha Di Shyam Cha Rahndi
Let us walk in the love of the living Hari
Shyam put the messages in the heart
They came to the post office in the mirror
They became whose fate was Savlle