वन्दे योगीश्वरं कृष्णं गीतापीयूषदायकम्।।१।।
कंस-कारागृहे जन्म यस्य बाल्यं च गोकुले।
द्वारकायां कर्मयोगस्तं कृष्णं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।२।।
पूतना-धेनुकादीन् यः कंस-प्रेरित-राक्षसान्।
जघान लीलया वन्दे तमहं यदु-नन्दनम्।।३।।
गोकुलं बाललीलाभिस्तोषयन्तं सुरेश्वरम्।
रक्षन्तं धेनुपान् धेनूर्नमाम्यच्युतमीश्वरम्।।४।।
सान्दीपनिं गुरुं भक्त्या यस्तुतोष यदूत्तमः।
शिष्योत्तमं तमादर्शं वन्देऽहं भक्तितः सदा।।५।।
पार्थान् युधिष्ठिरादीन् यः सत्यधर्मपथे स्थितान्।
आधारं दत्तवान् तस्मै दीनाधाराय ते नमः।।६।।
मोहपङ्के निमग्नं तं विषीदन्तं रणेऽर्जुनम्।
कर्तव्यं यो दिदेशस्तं यदुश्रेष्ठं नमाम्यहम्।।७।।
सतां संरक्षणार्थाय दुष्टान् दण्डयितुं तथा।
स्वर्गादवातरद् यो वै तस्मै कृष्णाय ते नमः।।८।।
योऽहन् नमामि तं कृष्णं राजनीतिविशारदम्।।९।।
पाण्डवा रक्षिता येन समाश्वस्ता च द्रौपदी।
निहताः कौरवास्तस्मै गोविन्दाय नमो नमः।।१०।।
यो वेदोपनिषत्सारं गीताख्यं जगते ददौ।
तस्मै पूर्णावताराय श्रीकृष्णाय नमो नमः।।११।।
शङ्क-चक्र-गदा-पद्म-धारिणं श्यामसुन्दरम्।
श्रीकृष्णं सगुणं द्रष्टुं काङक्षते मम मानसम्।।१२।।
विश्वाधारं वासुदेवं सर्वव्यापिनमीश्वरम्।
सच्चिदानन्दमूर्ति त्वां वन्देऽहं सादरं प्रभो।।१३।।
श्रीकृष्णचरितं दिव्यं श्रुत्वाऽऽचरति यस्तथा।
सफलं जन्म तस्यास्ति निश्चिताऽत्र मतिर्मम।।१४।।
।। इति श्री आपटीकर विरचितं श्रीकृष्णचरितं सम्पूर्णम् ।।
Vasudeva-devaki-nanda-yashodananda-dayaka. I salute the Lord of the Yogis, Krishna, the giver of nectar of the Gita.
born in the house of Kansa and his childhood in Gokula I bow to that Krishna, the Yoga of action in Dwarka.
He who, like the cowherds of Putana, inspired the Kansas. I killed him with his playfulness, the delight of the Yadus.
The lord of the gods was satisfied with the pastimes of the cowherd boys I bow to the Lord of the infallible cow protecting the cows.
The best of the Yadus who was satisfied with devotion the Guru of Sandipani. I always worship that excellent disciple who is mirror with devotion.
The Parthas, such as Yudhisthira, who are situated on the path of truth and righteousness. I offer my obeisances to that poor base of the base.
Arjuna, who was immersed in the mud of delusion, was depressed in battle. I offer my obeisances to the best of the Yadus who has shown what I should do.
To protect the virtuous and to punish the wicked I offer my obeisances to Krishna who descended from heaven.
Shishupala-Jarasandha-Kansa-Chaanur-Mushtika. I bow to Krishna who is an expert in politics.
The Pandavas were protected by him and Draupadi was convinced. I offer my obeisances to Govinda, the Kauravas, to him.
He who gave the essence of the Vedas to the world called Gita. I offer my obeisances to that full incarnation, Lord Krishna.
He holds a conch, wheel, club and lotus and is dark and beautiful. My mind desires to see Krishna with the modes of nature.
Visva-dhara, Vasudeva, the omnipresent Lord. I salute Thee with respect, O Lord, the form of truth and bliss.
He who hears the divine character of Sri Krishna and acts in the same way. He has a successful birth and has a certainty here.
।। This is the complete character of Sri Krishna composed by Sri Aptikara.