हनुमत तांडव स्तोत्रम्

यह हनुमान तांडव स्तोत्र सावधानी से पढ़ना चाहिए। इसके पढ़ने से हर तरह के संकट, रोग, शोक आदि सभी तत्काल प्रभाव से समाप्त हो जाते हैं।

वन्दे सिन्दूरवर्णाभं लोहिताम्बरभूषितम्।
रक्ताङ्गरागशोभाढ्यं शोणापुच्छं कपीश्वरम्।।

भजे समीरनन्दनं, सुभक्तचित्तरञ्जनं,
दिनेशरूपभक्षकं, समस्तभक्तरक्षकम्।

सुकण्ठकार्यसाधकं, विपक्षपक्षबाधकं,
समुद्रपारगामिनं, नमामि सिद्धकामिनम्।।

सुशङ्कितं सुकण्ठभुक्तवान् हि यो हितं
वचस्त्वमाशु धैर्य्यमाश्रयात्र वो भयं कदापि न।

इति प्लवङ्गनाथभाषितं निशम्य वानराऽधिनाथ
आपशं तदा, स रामदूत आश्रयः।।

सुदीर्घबाहुलोचनेन, पुच्छगुच्छशोभिना,
भुजद्वयेन सोदरीं निजांसयुग्ममास्थितौ।

कृतौ हि कोसलाधिपौ, कपीशराजसन्निधौ,
विदहजेशलक्ष्मणौ, स मे शिवं करोत्वरम्।।

सुशब्दशास्त्रपारगं, विलोक्य रामचन्द्रमाः,
कपीश नाथसेवकं, समस्तनीतिमार्गगम्।

प्रशस्य लक्ष्मणं प्रति, प्रलम्बबाहुभूषितः
कपीन्द्रसख्यमाकरोत्, स्वकार्यसाधकः प्रभुः।।

प्रचण्डवेगधारिणं, नगेन्द्रगर्वहारिणं,

विभीषणेन सख्यकृद्विदेह जातितापहृत्,
सुकण्ठकार्यसाधकं, नमामि यातुधतकम्।।

नमामि पुष्पमौलिनं, सुवर्णवर्णधारिणं
गदायुधेन भूषितं, किरीटकुण्डलान्वितम्।।

सुपुच्छगुच्छतुच्छलंकदाहकं सुनायकं
विपक्षपक्षराक्षसेन्द्र – सर्ववंशनाशकम्।।

रघूत्तमस्य सेवकं नमामि लक्ष्मणप्रियं
दिनेशवंशभूषणस्य मुद्रीकाप्रदर्शकम्।

विदेहजातिशोकतापहारिणम् प्रहारिणम् सुसूक्ष्मरूपधारिणं नमामि दीर्घरूपिणम्।।

नभस्वदात्मजेन भास्वता त्वया कृता महासहा
यता यया द्वयोर्हितं ह्यभूत्स्वकृत्यतः।

सुकण्ठ आप तारकां रघूत्तमो विदेहजां
निपात्य वालिनं प्रभुस्ततो दशाननं खलम्।।

इमं स्तवं कुजेऽह्नि यः पठेत्सुचेतसा नरः
कपीशनाथसेवको भुनक्तिसर्वसम्पदः।

न शत्रुतो भयं भवेत्कदापि तस्य नुस्त्विह।।


।। ॐ इति श्री हनुमत्ताण्डव स्तोत्रम् ।। ।। श्रीहनुमते नमः ।।

This Hanuman Tandava Stotra should be read carefully. By reading this, all kinds of crisis, disease, mourning etc. are all eliminated with immediate effect.

I salute the color of sindur and adorned with red clothes The lord of the monkeys was rich in blood charcoal and passion

I worship the Sameeranandana, the well-devoted mind, He eats the form of the day, the protector of all the devotees.

Sukanthakaryasadhaka, the opponent of the opposition, I bow to the Siddha-kama, who is a master of the sea.

For he who eats well-suited with a good neck is good You are quickly patient and take refuge in you here and there is no fear

Hearing the words spoken by the monkeys, the monkey lord was overwhelmed. Then the messenger of Rama was the refuge of the Apasha.

with a long-armed eye, a tail-crowned woman, They stood in the pair of their own arms with their arms.

For the two kings of Kosala, in the presence of the king of the monkeys, Vidahajesha and Lakshmana, he quickly makes me auspicious.

Sushabdashastrapagam, Vilokya Ramachandramah, Kapisha Nath Sevak, all the paths of ethics.

Praising Lakshman, adorned with a long arms The lord, the accomplisher of his work, made friendship with the monkey king.

Prachandavegadharinam, nagendrarogvaharinam, It destroys the eyes of the eyes of the mother of the phoenix, the pride of the heart.

Vibhishana is a friendly Videha, the cause of caste and suffering, I bow to the Yatudhataka, who accomplishes the work of the well-neutral work.

I bow to the flower garland, the golden-coloured one It was adorned with a club weapon and with crown earrings.

Sunayakam with a good tail, a slippery, and a burning fire. Opposition, wings, demons, destroyer of all lineages.

I bow to the servant of the best of the Raghu The seal exhibition of the Dinesh dynasty ornament.

I bow to him who destroys the heat of the body, who removes the heat of sorrow, who is striked, and who holds the subtle forms, who holds it in a long form.

You have made the great helper of the Nabhasvada’s son Because of her own activity by which the good of the two has been.

Sukantha you are the stars of the Raghuttama Videhaja Then the lord dropped Vali and then the ten-faced wicked man.

A man who recites this hymn on the day of Kuj, a man with a good-minded man The servant of the monkeys and the servant of all wealth.

Sadasadasadashasada He will never be afraid of the enemy.

In the year Anangavasa, the eye of the eyes and the joy of the body. It was made by Bhatta by Bhatta by the name of the Lord of the worlds.

।। Om is the Sri Hanuman Tandava Stotram. ।। ॐ Sri Hanuman Namah ।।

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