इशारा तेरी रहमत का अगर एक बार हो जाता,
तो उजड़े दिल के गुलशन में फूलो गुलजार हो जाता,
तमना दिल में क्या क्या है बताये क्या तुम्हे बाबा,
तमना पूरी हो जाती अगर दीदार हो जाता,
इशारा तेरी रहमत का अगर एक बार हो जाता,
आँखों को बरस ता देख कर फरयाद की दिल ने,
अगर फरियाद सुन लेते तो बेडा पार हो जाता,
इशारा तेरी रहमत का अगर एक बार हो जाता,
दिले नोशाद के नगमे ख़ुशी से निकले बाबा,
जो राजा तेरे दर का आकर सेवादार हो जाता,
इशारा तेरी रहमत का अगर एक बार हो जाता,
If there was a hint of your mercy once,
So flowers would have blossomed in the gulshan of a ruined heart,
Tell me what is in your heart
The wish would have been fulfilled if it was seen,
If there was a hint of your mercy once,
Seeing the rain pouring in the eyes, the heart of the pleaded,
Had he listened to the complaint, the fleet would have been crossed.
If there was a hint of your mercy once,
Baba came out with joy in the songs of Dil Noshad,
The king who would come to your door and become a servant,
If there was a hint of your mercy once,