क्षमा प्रार्थना

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अपराधसहस्त्राणि क्रियन्तेहर्निशं मया।
दासोयमिति मां मत्वा क्षमस्व परमेश्वरि॥

आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि विसर्जनम्‌।
पूजां चैव न जानामि क्षम्यतां परमेश्वरि॥

मन्त्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं सुरेश्वरि।
यत्पूजितं मया देवि परिपूर्णं तदस्तु मे॥

अपराधशतं कृत्वा जगदम्बेति चोच्चरेत।
यां गतिं सम्वाप्नोते न तां बह्मादयः सुराः॥

सापराधो स्मि शरणं प्राप्तस्त्वां जगदम्बिके।
इदानीमनुकम्प्योहं यथेच्छसि तथा कुरु॥

अक्षानाद्विस्मृतेर्भ्रान्त्या यन्नयूनमधिकं कृतम्‌ ॥
तत्सर्वं क्षम्यतां देवि प्रसीद परमेश्वरि॥

कामेश्वरि जगन्मातः सच्चिदानन्दविग्रेहे।
गृहाणार्चामिमां प्रीत्या प्रसीद परमेश्वरि॥

गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गृहाणास्मत्कृतमं जपम्‌।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवि त्वत्प्रसादात्सुरेश्वरि॥

I commit thousands of crimes every day.
O Supreme Lord consider me to be your servant and forgive me

I do not know how to invoke the Lord, nor do I know how to expel Him.
I do not know how to worship you O Supreme Lord forgive me

Without mantras, without action, without devotion, O Goddess of the gods.
“O Devi whatever I have worshiped may be fulfilled for me”

After committing a hundred offenses, one should chant Jagadamba.
The gods like Bahma do not attain that state which he attains.

O mother of the universe I have taken refuge in you without guilt
Be kind to me now do as you wish

Because of ignorance, forgetfulness and delusion, whatever you have done is less than that.
“O Devi O Supreme Lord forgive all that Have mercy on me”

O Goddess of desire, mother of the universe, in the conflict of truth and bliss.
Accept this worship with love and have mercy, O Supreme Lord.

O protector of secrets and most secrets, please accept this mantra chanted by us.
O Devi O queen of the gods by your grace may I attain perfection

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