शक्ति-शील-सौन्दर्य-सिन्धु तुम, दीन-बन्धु, करुणामय ।
निर्बलके बल, प्रखर प्रभामय, त्रेताके सूर्योदय ।।
नील कमल-सा वर्ण तुम्हारा, नयन सरोज लजाते ।
सीता माता-सहित हृदयमें, दिव्यानन्द बढाते ।।
लखन लाल दाहिने सुशोभित, सावधान सहचर हैं ।
चरण-कमल-नत अन्जनिके सुत, अनुपम भक्तप्रवर हैं ।।
यह बानक, यह साज सजे प्रभु ! मेरे उरमें आओ ।
रोम-रोममें रमे रहो तुम, पामरको अपनाओ ।।
रघुकुल-तिलक, पतित-पावन तुम, मुझे उठाओ आओ ।
अभय-दान दो, भक्ति-दान दो, अपना मुझे बनाओ ।।
हर क्षण, चहुँ दिशि देखूँ तुमको, पास सदा ही पाऊँ ।
अन्त समय भी राम-नाम लूँ, जीवन सफल बनाऊँ ।।
Strength-modesty-beauty-Sindhu, you, poor friend, compassionate. The strength of the weak, the bright light, the sunrise of the Treta. Your complexion is like a blue lotus, your eyes are ashamed. Along with Mother Sita, divine joy increases in the heart. Lakhan Lal is a handsome, careful companion on the right. Anjanika’s sutra with lotus feet, is an incomparable devotee. This standard, this decorated Lord! Come into my womb. You remain immersed in every pore, adopt Palmer. Raghukul-Tilak, Purifier of the Purifier, come pick me up. Donate fearlessness, donate devotion, make me yours. Every moment, I see you in every direction, I always find you near. I should take the name of Ram even at the last moment and make my life successful.