
दक्ष उवाच।
गणेशकीलकं ब्रह्मन् वद सर्वार्थदायकम्।
मन्त्रादीनां विशेषेण सिद्धिदं पूर्णभावतः।।१।।

मुद्गल उवाच।
कीलकेन विहीनाश्च मन्त्रा नैव सुखप्रदाः।
आदौ कीलकमेवं वै पठित्वा जपमाचरेत्।।२।।

तदा वीर्ययुता मन्त्रा नानासिद्धिप्रदायकाः।
भवन्ति नात्र सन्देहः कथयामि यथाश्रुतम्।।३।।

समादिष्टं चाङ्गिरसा मह्यं गुह्यतमं परम्।
सिद्धिदं वै गणेशस्य कीलकं श‍ृणु मानद।।४।।

अस्य श्रीगणेशकीलकस्य शिव ऋषिः।
ॐ गं योगाय स्वाहा।
ॐ गं बीजम्।
विद्याविद्याशक्तिगणपतिप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः।

छन्दऋष्यादिन्यासांश्च कुर्यादादौ तथा परान्।
एकाक्षरस्यैव दक्ष षडङ्गानाचरेत् सुधीः।।५।।

ततो ध्यायेद्गणेशानं ज्योतिरूपधरं परम्।
मनोवाणीविहीनं च चतुर्भुजविराजितम्।।६।।

शुण्डादण्डमुखं पूर्णं द्रष्टुं नैव प्रशक्यते।
विद्याऽविद्यासमायुक्तं विभूतिभिरुपासितम्।।७।।

एवं ध्यात्वा गणेशानं मानसैः पूजयेत्पृथक्।
पञ्चोपचारकैर्दक्ष ततो जपं समाचरेत्।।८।।

एकविंशतिवारं तु जपं कुर्यात्प्रजापते।
ततः स्तोत्रं समुच्चार्य पश्चात्सर्वं समाचरेत्।।९।।

रूपं बलं श्रियं देहि यशो वीर्यं गजानन।
मेधां प्रज्ञां तथा कीर्तिं विघ्नराज नमोऽस्तु ते।।१०।।

यदा देवादयः सर्वे कुण्ठिता दैत्यपैः कृताः।
तदा त्वं तान्निहत्य स्म करोषि वीर्यसंयुतान्।।११।।

तथा मन्त्रा गणेशान कुण्ठिताश्च दुरात्मभिः।
शापैश्च तान्सवीर्यांस्ते कुरुष्व त्वं नमो नमः।।१२।।

शक्तयः कुण्ठिताः सर्वाः स्मरणेन त्वया प्रभो।
ज्ञानयुक्ताः सवीर्याश्च कृता विघ्नेश ते नमः।।१३।।

चराचरं जगत्सर्वं सत्ताहीनं यदा भवेत्।
त्वया सत्तायुतं ढुण्ढे स्मरणेन कृतं च ते।।१४।।

तत्त्वानि वीर्यहीनानि यदा जातानि विघ्नप।
स्मृत्या ते वीर्ययुक्तानि पुनर्जातानि ते नमः।।१५।।

ब्रह्माणि योगहीनानि जातानि स्मरणेन ते।
यदा पुनर्गणेशान योगयुक्तानि ते नमः।।१६।।

इत्यादि विविधं सर्वं स्मरणेन च ते प्रभो।
सत्तायुक्तं बभूवैव विघ्नेशाय नमो नमः।।१७।।

तथा मन्त्रा गणेशान वीर्यहीना बभूविरे।
स्मरणेन पुनर्ढुण्ढे वीर्ययुक्तान्कुरुष्व ते।।१८।।

सर्वं सत्तासमायुक्तं मन्त्रपूजादिकं प्रभो।
मम नाम्ना भवतु ते वक्रतुण्डाय ते नमः।।१९।।

उत्कीलय महामन्त्रान् जपेन स्तोत्रपाठतः।
सर्वसिद्धिप्रदा मन्त्रा भवन्तु त्वत्प्रसादतः।।२०।।

गणेशाय नमस्तुभ्यं हेरम्बायैकदन्तिने।
स्वानन्दवासिने तुभ्यं ब्रह्मणस्पतये नमः।।२१।।

गणेशकीलकमिदं कथितं ते प्रजापते।
शिवप्रोक्तं तु मन्त्राणामुत्कीलनकरं परम्।।२२।।

यः पठिष्यति भावेन जप्त्वा ते मन्त्रमुत्तमम्।
स सर्वसिद्धिमाप्नोति नानामन्त्रसमुद्भवाम्।।२३।।

एनं त्यक्त्वा गणेशस्य मन्त्रं जपति नित्यदा।
स सर्वफलहीनश्च जायते नात्र संशयः।।२४।।

सर्वसिद्धिकरं प्रोक्तं कीलकं परमाद्भुतम्।
पुरानेन स्वयं शम्भुर्मन्त्रजां सिद्धिमालभत्।।२५।।

विष्णुर्ब्रह्मादयो देवा मुनयो योगिनः परे।
अनेन मन्त्रसिद्धिं ते लेभिरे च प्रजापते।।२६।।

ऐलः कीलकमाद्यं वै कृत्वा मन्त्रपरायणः।
गतः स्वानन्दपूर्यां स भक्तराजो बभूव ह।।२७।।

सस्त्रीको जडदेहेन ब्रह्माण्डमवलोक्य तु।
गणेशदर्शनेनैव ज्योतीरूपो बभूव ह।।२८।।

दक्ष उवाच।
ऐलो जडशरीरस्थः कथं देवादिकैर्युतम्।
ब्रह्माण्डं स ददर्शैव तन्मे वद कुतूहलम्।।२९।।

पुण्यराशिः स्वयं साक्षान्नरकादीन् महामते।
अपश्यच्च कथं सोऽपि पापिदर्शनयोग्यकान्।।३०।।

विमानस्थः स्वयं राजा कृपया तान् ददर्श ह।
गाणेशानां जडस्थश्च शिवविष्णुमुखान् प्रभो।।३१।।

स्वानन्दगे विमाने ये संस्थितास्ते शुभाशुभे।
योगरूपतया सर्वे दक्ष पश्यन्ति चाञ्जसा।।३२।।

एतत्ते कथितं सर्वमैलस्य चरितं शुभम्।
यः श‍ृणोति स वै मर्त्यः भुक्तिं मुक्तिं लभेद्ध्रुवम्।।३३।।

।। इति श्रीमुद्गलमहापुराणे पङ्चमे खण्डे लम्बोदरचरिते श्रवणमाहात्म्यवर्णनं नाम पञ्चचत्वारिंशत्तमोऽध्याये
श्रीगणेशकीलकस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।

Daksha said. Tell me, O Brahman, the Ganesha Keelaka, which bestows all benefits. It is especially perfect for mantras and others in its fullness.

Mudgal said. Mantras without a key are not pleasant In the beginning one should recite the Keelaka in this way and chant the mantra.

Then mantras endowed with power bestow various perfections. They are no doubt I tell you as I have heard.

And it was commanded to me by Angirasa, the most secret and supreme. O respectful one hear the key of Lord Ganesha which bestows perfection.

The sage of this Sri Ganesha Keelaka is Shiva. Anuṣṭupchandaḥ. Sri Ganapati is the deity. ॐ GAM YOGA SWAHA. Om Gm ​​is the seed. Vinioga for chanting for the pleasure of Vidya, Vidya, Shakti and Ganapati.

And he should perform the chandas, sages and other initiations at the beginning and at the end. A skilled and intelligent person should practice the six stages of the one syllable alone.

Then one should meditate on Lord Ganesha, the Supreme Being in the form of light. Devoid of mind and speech and shining with four arms.

It is impossible to see the face of the bearded rod in its entirety It is composed of knowledge and ignorance and is worshiped by the glories.

Thus meditating, one should worship Lord Ganesha separately with the mind. Then the skilful should perform the chanting with the five rituals.

But one should chant twenty-one times, O Prajapati. Then one should chant the stotra and afterwards perform everything.

Give me form, strength, wealth, fame and prowess, O Gajanana. O king of obstacles I offer my obeisances to you for intelligence, wisdom and fame.

When all the gods and others were frustrated by the demons Then you would kill them and make them strong.

Similarly the mantras of Lord Ganesha were frustrated by the wicked And with your curses make them powerful, Obeisance.

All my energies are frustrated by your remembrance, O Lord. O Lord of obstacles you have made them endowed with knowledge and prowess I offer my obeisances to you.

When the whole moving and non-moving world becomes devoid of being. You have found a thousand beings and by remembering you have done it.

When the elements became powerless, O Vighnapa. I offer my obeisances to you who have been reborn with your power in your memory.

Brahmans have become devoid of Yoga by their remembrance. When again, O Ganesha, they are equipped with yoga, I offer my obeisances to you.

etc. and all the various things and by remembering you, O Lord. It became endowed with power Obeisance to the Lord of obstacles.

Thus the mantras of Ganesha became powerless. By remembrance I seek them again and make them endowed with strength.

Everything, O Lord, is composed of beings, such as mantra worship. May it be in my name, O Vakratunda, I offer my obeisances to you.

Engrave the great mantras by chanting and reciting the stotras. May the mantras bestower of all perfections be by Thy grace.

O Ganesha, I offer my obeisances to you, Heramba, the one-toothed one. O Lord of the Brahmans, inhabitant of your own bliss, I offer my obeisances to you.

This Ganesha Keelaka has been told to you, O Prajapati. The mantras spoken by Lord Shiva are supreme in carving.

He who will recite with devotion and chant Thy excellent mantra. He attains all perfections arising from various mantras.

Leaving him behind, he chants the mantra of Lord Ganesha daily. He is born devoid of all fruits, there is no doubt about it.

The key is said to be the most wonderful for all perfection. By the ancient Shambhu himself attained the perfection born of the mantra.

Vishnu, Brahma and other gods, sages and other yogis. By this they attained the perfection of the mantra, O lord of the creators.

Aila, having made the key, was devoted to the mantra. He went to the fullness of his own bliss and became the king of devotees.

The woman looked at the universe with her dull body By the very sight of Ganesha he became in the form of light.

Daksha said. How can Ailo be in a dull body and be accompanied by gods and others? He saw the universe so tell me that I am curious.

The host of merit itself, O great soul, directly destroys hell and other places. And how did he not see those who deserved to be seen as sinners?

Mudgalvach. The king himself, seated in the plane, looked at them with compassion. O Lord, the faces of Lord Shiva and Vishnu are in the dull state of the Ganeshas.

Those who are seated in the aerial chariot of their own bliss are in good or bad times In the form of Yoga all the skilful see easily.

This is the auspicious story of all the mails I have told you. He who hears this mortal certainly attains liberation from enjoyment.

।। This is the forty-fifth chapter of the Sri Mudgala Mahapurana, the fifth section, entitled Description of the Mahatmya of Hearing, in the Lambodara Charita Complete Sri Ganesha Keelaka Stotram.

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