स्कंद पुराण से शीतलाष्टक स्त्रोत

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मान्यता है कि शीतलाष्टक स्तोत्र की रचना स्वयं भगवान शिव जी ने लोक कल्याण हेतु की थी।स्कंद पुराण में शीतला माता केविषय में विस्तार पूर्वक वर्णन किया गया
है। माता शीतला का धर्म शास्त्रों में विशेष महत्व है। ऐसा
माना जाता है कि शीतला माता की पूजा आराधना करने से न केवल रोगों का नाश हो जाता है तो वहीं सामान्य
पूजा अर्चना से ही माता शीतला अपने भक्तों पर प्रसन्न होकर मनोकामना पूरी कर देती है। माता शीतला की
सामान्य आराधना के साथ ही शीतलाष्टक का पाठ भी नित्य करना चाहिए, इस पाठ का मूल यहां दिया जा रहा है।

शीतलाष्टक-स्तोत्र –
।।ईश्वर उवाच।।

वन्देऽहं शीतलां-देवीं, रासभस्थां दिगम्बराम्।
मार्जनी-कलशोपेतां, शूर्पालङ्कृत-मस्तकाम् ।।1।।

वन्देऽहं शीतलां-देवीं, सर्व-रोग-भयापहाम्।
यामासाद्य निवर्तन्ते, विस्फोटक-भयं महत् ।।2।।

शीतले शीतले चेति, यो ब्रूयाद् दाह-पीडितः।
विस्फोटक-भयं घोरं, क्षिप्रं तस्य प्रणश्यति ।।3।।

यस्त्वामुदक-मध्ये तु, ध्यात्वा पूजयते नरः।
विस्फोटक-भयं घोरं, गृहे तस्य न जायते ।।4।।

शीतले ! ज्वर-दग्धस्य पूति-गन्ध-युतस्य च।
प्रणष्ट-चक्षुषां पुंसां , त्वामाहुः जीवनौषधम् ।।5।।

शीतले ! तनुजान् रोगान्, नृणां हरसि दुस्त्यजान् ।
विस्फोटक-विदीर्णानां, त्वमेकाऽमृत-वर्षिणी ।।6।।

गल-गण्ड-ग्रहा-रोगा, ये चान्ये दारुणा नृणाम्।
त्वदनुध्यान-मात्रेण, शीतले! यान्ति सङ्क्षयम् ।।7।।

न मन्त्रो नौषधं तस्य, पाप-रोगस्य विद्यते।
त्वामेकां शीतले! धात्री, नान्यां पश्यामि देवताम् ।।8।। शीतला माता की जय हो

It is believed that Shitlashtak Stotra was composed by Lord Shiva himself for the welfare of the people. In Skanda Purana, the subject of Sheetla Mata has been described in detail. Is. Mata Sheetla has special importance in religious scriptures. As such It is believed that by worshiping Sheetla Mata, not only diseases are destroyed, but also normal life. Mata Sheetla fulfills the wishes by being pleased with her devotees only by offering prayers. Mother Sheetla’s Along with general worship, recitation of Sheetalashtak should also be done regularly, the origin of this recitation is being given here.

Shitalashtaka-Stotra – ** ।।God said।।

I salute the cool-goddess, the digambara in the Rasabha. with a wiping pitcher, and a head decorated with a scythe.

I worship the goddess Shitala, who removes all diseases and fears. When they reach it they turn away, there is a great fear of explosions.

He who says, ‘In the cold and in the cold,’ is suffering from burning. The fear of explosions is terrible, and it quickly disappears.

But he who meditates and worships you in the midst of water. The fear of explosions is terrible, and it does not arise in his house.

Cool! He was burnt with fever and had a smell of pus For men who have lost their sight, they call you the medicine of life.

Cool! You take away the diseases of the body, which are difficult for men to give up. Those who are torn by explosives, you alone shower nectar.

Diseases of the throat, cheeks, planets, and other terrible diseases of men. Just by meditating on you, cool! They go to destruction.

There is no mantra or medicine for that, for the disease of sin. You’re alone, cool! Mother, I see no other goddess. Hail to Shitala Mata

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