भगवान नृसिंह के प्राकट्योत्सव की शुभकामनाएं

सभी देशवासियों को
भगवान विष्णु के अवतार
भगवान नृसिंह के प्राकट्योत्सव
दिनांक ०४ मई २०२३ ईसबी
की असीम शुभकामनाएं…!

।। श्रीनृसिंह कवच स्तोत्र ।।

अथ ध्यानम्
माणिक्यादि समप्रभं निजरूचा संत्रस्तरक्षोगणं
जानुण्यस्वकरां बुजं त्रिनयनं रत्नोल्लसद्भूषणम्।
बाहुभ्यां धृतशंखचक्रमनिशं दंष्ट्राग्रवक्रोल्ल
सज्ज्वालाजिव्ह मुदग्रके शनिचयं वंदे नृसिंह विभुम्।।

मूल मंत्र
ॐ उग्रवीरं महाविष्णुं ज्वलंतं सर्वतोमुखम्।
नृसिंहं भीषणं भद्रं मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम्।।

ॐ ह्रदयाय नमः।
श्रीं शिरसे स्वाहा।
ह्रीं शिखायै वौषट्।
ऐं कवचाय हुं।
क्ष्रौं नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्।
नारसिंहाय नमः अस्त्राय फट्।।

ॐ अंगुष्ठाभ्यां नमः।
श्रीं तर्जनीभ्यां नमः।
ह्रीं मध्यमाभ्यां नमः।
ऐं अनामिकाभ्यां नमः।
क्ष्रौं कानिष्ठिभ्यां नमः।
नारसिंहाय नमः। करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः।।

।। अथ नृसिंह कवच प्रारम्भः ।।

नारद उवाच
इन्द्रादिदेव वृंदेश ईड्येश्वर जगत्पते।
महाविष्णोर्नृसिंहस्य ब्रूहि मे प्रभो।
यस्य प्रठनाद्विद्वांखैलोक्यविजयी भवेत्।।१।।

श्रणु नारद वक्ष्यामि पुत्र श्रेष्ठ तपो धन।
कवचं नरसिंहस्य त्रैलोक्य विजयी भवेत्।।२।।

स्त्रष्टातं जगतां वस्त पठनाद्वारणा द्यतः।
लक्ष्मीर्ज्जगत्रयं पाति संहर्ता च महेश्वरः।।३।।

पठनाद्धारणाद्देवा बहवश्च दिगीश्वराः।
ब्रह्ममंत्र मयं वक्ष्ये भ्रांत्य दिवि निवारकम्।।४।।

यस्य प्रसादा द्दुर्वासास्रेलोक्य विजयी भवेत्।
पठनाद्धारणाद्यस्य शास्ता च क्रोधभैरवः।।५।।

त्रैलोक्य विजयास्यापि कवचंस्य प्रजापतिः।
ऋषिश्छंदस्तु गायत्री नृसिंहो देवता विभुः।।६।।

क्ष्रौं बीजं मे शिरः पातु चन्द्रवर्णौ महामनुः।।७।।

ॐ उग्रं वीरं महाविष्णुं जंवलंतं सर्वतोमुखम्।
नृसिंहं भीषणं भद्रं मृत्यु मृत्युं नमाम्यहम्।।८।।

द्वात्रिंशदक्षरो मन्त्रो मंत्रराजस्य सुरद्रुमः।
कंठं पातु ध्रुवं क्ष्रौं ह्रद्भगवते चक्षुषी मम।।९।।

नरसिंहाय च ज्वालामालिने पातु कर्णकम्।
दीपदंष्ट्राय च तथा अग्निनेत्राय नासिकाम्।।१०।।

सर्वरक्षो ध्राय च तथा सर्व भूत हिताय च।
सर्व ज्वरविनाशाय दह दह पदद्वयम्।।११।।

रक्ष रक्ष वर्ममंत्रः स्वाहा पातु मुखं मम।
तारादिराम चंन्द्राय नमः पादु ह्रदं मम।।१२।।

क्लीं पायात्पार्श्वयुय्मं च तारो नमः पदं ततः।
नारायणाय नाभिं च आं ह्रीं क्रों क्ष्रौं च हुंफट्।।१३।।

षडक्षरः कटिं पातु ॐ नमो भगवते पद्म।
वासुदेवाय च पृष्ठं क्लीं कृष्णाय क्लीं ऊरुद्वयम्।।१४।।

क्लीं कृष्णाय सदा पातु जानुनी च मनूत्तमः।
क्लीं ग्लौं क्लीं श्यामलंगाय नमः पायात्पदद्वयम्।।१५।।

क्ष्रौं नृसिंहाय क्ष्रौं च सर्वांगे मे सदावतु।
इति ते कथितं वत्स सर्व मंत्रौघ विग्रहम्।।१६।।

तव स्रेहान्मया ख्यातं प्रवक्तव्यं न कस्यचित्।
गुरुपूजां विधायाथ गृह्वीयात्कवचं ततः।।१७।।

सर्व पुण्ययुतो भूत्वा सर्वसिद्धियुतो भवेत्।
शतमष्टोत्तरं चास्य पुरश्चर्याविधिः स्मृत:।।१८।।

हवनादीन्दशांशेन कृत्वा तत्साधकोत्तमः।
ततस्तु सिद्ध कवचो रूपेणा मदनोपमः।।१९।।

स्पर्द्धामुद्धूय भवने लक्ष्मीर्वाणी वसेन्मुखे।
पुष्पाञ्जलष्टकं दत्त्वा मूलेनैव पठेत्सकृत्।।२०।।

अपि वर्षसहस्त्राणां पूजानां फलमाप्रुयात्।
भूजें वीलिख्य गुटिकां स्वर्णस्थां धारयेद्यदि।।२१।।

कंठे वा दक्षिणे वाहौ नरसिंहो भवोत्स्वयम्।
योषिद्वामभुजे चैव पुरुषो दक्षिणे करे।।२२।।

विभृयात्कवचं पुण्यं सर्वसिद्धियुतो भवेत्।
काकवन्ध्या च या नारी मृतवत्सा च या भवेत्।।२३।।

जन्मं वन्ध्या नष्टपुत्रा बहुपुत्रवती भवेत्।
कवचस्य प्रसादेन जीवन्मुक्तो भवेन्नरः।।२४।।

त्रैलोक्यं क्षोभयत्येवं त्रैलोक्यविजयी भवेत्।
भूत-प्रेत पिशाचाश्च राक्षसा दानवाश्च ये।।२५।।

तं दृष्ट्वा प्रपलायंते देशाद्देशांतरं ध्रुवम्।
यस्मिन्ग्रहे च कवचं ग्रामेवा यदि तिष्ठति।
तद्देशं तु तरित्यज्य प्रयांति ह्यातिद्वरतः।।२६।।

।। इति ब्रह्म संहितायां त्रैलोक्य मोहनं नाम नृसिंह कवचं समाप्तम् ।।

।। ॐ नमो नारायणाय ।।

to all countrymen Avatar of Lord Vishnu Manifestation of Lord Narasimha dated 04 May 2023 ESB Best wishes to…!

।। Sri Narasimha Kavacha Stotra.

Then the meditation A host of frightened monsters of their own taste, equally bright like rubies Kneeling with her hands in her hands, Buja with three eyes, adorned with jewels. Holding the conch and wheel in his arms he curved the tip of his fangs I salute the almighty Lord Nrishimha whose tongue is flaming and whose hair is on the tip of the moon.

The basic mantra ॐ Ugraveera mahavishnum jvalantam sarvatomukham. I bow to the terrible lion among men, the auspicious death, the death of death.

Anganyas ॐ Hrdayaaya Namah। Sri Svaha to the head. Hrim Shikhai Vaushaat. I am the shield. ksraun netratrayaya vaushaat. Ome Narasimha, phat to the weapon.

Karanyas ॐ thumbs up. ॐ sriṁ tarjanibhyaṁ namaḥ. Hriṁ middle fingers. Aim to the elbows. ksrau to the lower arms. ॐ Narasimhaaya Namah. Ome to the palms of the hands and backs.

।। This is the beginning of the Nrishimha Kavacha.

Narada said Indra and other gods, Vrindesh, Lord of the gods, Lord of the universe. O lord tell me about the great Vishnu and Nrishimha By the recitation of which the learned becomes the conqueror of the world.

Brahma said Listen, O Narada, I will tell you, my son, the best of austerities and wealth. The shield of Narasimha will be victorious in the three worlds.

The worlds are protected by the gate of reading the object. Lakshmi protects the three worlds and Mahasvara is the destroyer.

By reading and meditating many gods and lords of the directions. I shall recite this Brahman Mantra which prevents delusion in heaven.

By whose grace the world of Durvasa will be conquered. He is the ruler of this by reading and meditating and is fearful of anger.

The Creator is the shield of victory in the three worlds. The sage is the chant Gayatri and the deity is Nrishimha.

May the seed of ksraun protect my head and the moon-coloured great Manu.

ॐ Fierce, heroic, great Vishnu, burning all around. I bow to the lion among men, the terrible, the auspicious, the death, the death.

The thirty-two-syllabled mantra is the tree of the gods of the king of mantras. May Dhruva protect my neck and may my eyes be protected by the Lord of the lake.

May Karnaka protect the lion and the garland of flames. and the nose for the teeth of lamps and for the eyes of fire.

He protects all and holds and for the welfare of all beings. Burn the two feet for the destruction of all fevers.

Protect Protect Shield Mantra Svaha protect my face. O Tara and Rama, the moon, I offer my feet to the lake.

Klim from the foot and the side yuym and the star, Ome to the foot. O Narayana, I offer my navel to Aam Hrim Kron Ksraum and Humphat.

May the six-syllable Om Namo Bhagavate Padma protect my waist. Vasudeva’s back and Krishna’s thighs.

Klim to Krishna may always protect my knees and the best of Manu. Klim Glau Klim Shyamalangaaya Namah from the feet of the two feet.

May Ksraum, the lion of men, and Ksraum always protect me in all my limbs. Thus, O child, I have described to you the whole conflict of the stream of mantras.

I have known your affection and should not tell anyone. After performing the worship of the Guru one should then take the Kavacham.

He should be endowed with all merits and endowed with all perfections. One hundred and eighty-eight of these are mentioned as the rituals of the Purascarya.

Having performed Havana and other offerings with a tenth, he is the best accomplisher of that. Then Siddha Kavacha appeared in form like Madana.

Let the voice of Lakshmi dwell in the house raising competition Giving eight flowers and palms, one should recite the mantra with the root once.

Even if he reaps the fruits of worship for thousands of years If he writes on his arm and holds the ball in gold.

Be a lion among men on your neck or on your right shoulder The woman on the left arm and the man on the right.

He who wears this holy shield will be endowed with all perfections. A woman who is barren of a crow and who has a dead calf.

She may be barren by birth, lose her children and have many children. By the grace of this shield a man becomes liberated alive.

He shakes the three worlds and thus becomes the conqueror of the three worlds. Ghosts, ghouls, devils, rakshasas and demons.

Seeing him they would surely flee from one country to another And if the shield remains in the planet like a village They leave that country and go very fast.

।। This is the complete Nrishimha Kavacham named Trailokya Mohana in the Brahma Samhita.

।। Om Namo Narayanaya.

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