रं रं रं रक्तवर्णं दिनकरवदनं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्राकरालं
रं रं रं रम्यतेजं गिरिचलनकरं कीर्तिपञ्चादिवक्त्रम्।
रं रं रं राजयोगं सकलशुभनिथिं सप्तभेतालभेद्यं
रं रं रं राक्षसान्तं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि।।१।।
खं खं खं खड्गहस्तं विषज्वरहरणं वेदवेदाङ्गदीपं
खं खं खं खड्गरूपं त्रिभुवननिलयं देवतासुप्रकाश।
खं खं खं कल्पवृक्षं मणिमयमकुटं मायमायास्वरूपं
खं खं खं कालचक्रं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि।।२।।
इं इं इं इन्द्रवन्द्यं जलनिधिकलनं सौम्यसाम्राज्यलाभं
इं इं इं सिद्धयोगं नतजनसदयं आर्यपूजार्चिताङ्गम्।
इं इं इं सिंहनादं अमृतकरतलं आदि अन्त्यप्रकाशं
इं इं इं चित्स्वरूपं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि।।३।।
सं सं सं साक्षिरूपं विकसितवदनं पिङ्गालाक्षं सुरक्षं
सं सं सं सत्यगीतं सकल मुनिस्तुतं शास्त्रसम्पत्करीयम्।
सं सं सं सामवेदं निपुणसुललितं नित्यतत्त्वं स्वरूपं
सं सं सं सावधानं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि।।४।।
हं हं हं हंसरूपं स्फुटविकटमुखं सूक्ष्मसूक्ष्मावतारं
हं हं हं अन्तरात्मं रविशशिनयनं रम्यगम्भीरभीमम्।
हं हं हं अट्टहासं सुरवरनिलयं ऊर्ध्वरोमं करालं
हं हं हं हंसहंसं सकलदिशयशं रामदूतं नमामि।।५।।
।। इति आञ्जनेयस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ।।
ॐ हं हनुमते रुद्रात्मकाय हुं फट्
Ram ram ram red in color with a sun-like face and terrible sharp fangs Ram ram ram beautiful effulgence, mountain-moving, fame-five-faced. Rm Rm Rm Raja Yoga, the all-auspicious night, breakable by the seven Bhetalas I offer my obeisances to the messenger of Rama, the destroyer of demons, the fame of all directions.
Bm bm bm sword-wielding, removing poisonous fever, the lamp of the Vedas and the limbs of the Vedas Bm bm bm in the form of a sword, the abode of the three worlds, the light of the gods. Bm bm bm Kalpa tree, gem-studded crown, the form of illusion I bow to the messenger of Rama, the sky, the sky, the wheel of time, the fame of all directions.
In In In Indravandyam Jalanidhi Calculation Gentle Empire Gain In In In Siddha Yoga, the compassion of the bowed people, the body worshiped by the noble worshippers. In In In The roar of the lion, the palm of the nectar, etc., the final light I offer my obeisances to the messenger of Rama, the form of the mind, the fame of all directions.
Sam sam sam witness form developed face pink eyes safe Sam sam sam true song praised by all sages and enriched with scriptures. Sam sam sam the Sama Veda, the expertly beautiful, the eternal essence, the form Sam sam sam I offer my obeisances to the messenger of Rama who is careful and famous in all directions.
Hum hum hum in the form of a swan, with a crystalline, terrible face, a subtle subtle incarnation Hm hm hm the inner self, the eyes of the sun and the moon, the beautiful, the deep, the terrible. Hum hum hum loud laughter abode of the best of the gods with raised hair terrible I offer my obeisances to the messenger of Rama, the swan, the swan, the fame of all directions.
।। This is the complete Anjaneya Stotram.