स्वर्गीय महामहोपाध्याय पं0 श्रीविद्याधरजी गौड़ श्रुति स्मृति प्रतिपादित सनातन वैदिक धर्मके परम अनुयायी थे। कई ऐसे अवसर आये, जिनमें धार्मिक मर्यादाकी किंचित् अवहेलना करनेसे उन्हें प्रचुर मान धन मिल सकता था; परंतु उन्होंने उसे ठुकरा दिया। इनके पास बहुतसे लोगोंके मकान वर्षोंसे रेहन और बन्धक पड़े थे। जब इनकी मृत्युका समय आया, तबमकानदारोंने आपके शरणागत होकर ऋण चुकाने में अपनी असमर्थता प्रकट की। इन्होंने उनके दुःखसे कातर होकर बिना कुछ भी कहे यह कह दिया कि आपकी जो इच्छा हो सो दे जाइये। इस प्रकार कुछ ले देकर उनको चिन्तामुक्त कर दिया ।
आप कहा करते थे, ‘इस शरीरसे यदि किसीकी भलाई नहीं की जा सकी, तो बुराई क्यों की जाय। ‘
Late Mahamahopadhyay Pt. Shrividyadharji Gaur was the ultimate follower of Sanatan Vedic Dharma propounded by Shruti Smriti. There were many such occasions, in which a little disregard of religious dignity could have given them rich wealth; But he rejected her. Many people’s houses were mortgaged and mortgaged with them for years. When the time of his death came, the landlords expressed their inability to repay the loan by taking refuge in you. Being moved by their grief, without saying anything, he said that whatever you wish, give it to him. By taking something in this way, he was freed from worries.
You used to say, ‘If anyone’s good could not be done with this body, then why should evil be done. ,