महात्मा रामलिङ्गम् इस बातको सोचकर सदा | वे खिन्न रहते थे कि मेरे पापोंका क्षय नहीं हो रहा है। वे रात-दिन इसी चिन्तासे परिश्रान्त रहते थे। इस समय उनकी अवस्था केवल सोलह सालकी थी। भगवान् शिवमें उनकी बड़ी निष्ठा थी; वे अच्छी तरह समझते थे कि शिवकी प्रसन्नता और कृपासे उनके पापोंका अन्त हो जायगा।
एक दिन वे मद्रासके निकट तिरुवत्तुरूर मन्दिरमें भगवान् शिवके श्रीविग्रहकी परिक्रमा कर रहे थे। वे अपने पापोंका स्मरण करके चिन्तित हो उठे और भगवान् महादेवका स्मरण करने लगे।
मन्दिरमें उस समय केवल वे ही थे। अचानक उन्हें एक दिव्य पुरुषका दर्शन हुआ। रामलिङ्गम् शिवकी प्रशस्ति गा रहे थे। बड़ी श्रद्धा और विश्वाससेवे अपने आराध्यदेवका हृदयमें आवाहन कर रहे थे। एक दिव्य पुरुष सिद्धयोगीके रूपमें दीख पड़े। रामलिङ्गम् पैरोंपर गिर पड़े।
‘मैं इस असार संसार-सागरमें डूब-उतरा रहा हूँ। आप मेरी रक्षा कीजिये। मुझे पाप-पङ्कमें गिरनेसे बचा लीजिये ।’ रामलिङ्गम्ने योगीसे निवेदन किया।
‘वत्स! मैं तुम्हारी सच्ची श्रद्धा और स्वाभाविक भक्तिसे प्रसन्न हूँ। संसारमें रहकर भगवदाश्रय करनेवाला व्यक्ति निस्संदेह पाप और पुण्यके पचड़ेसे मुक्त हो जाता है।’ दिव्य पुरुष अदृश्य हो गये।
रामलिङ्गम् आश्चर्यचकित थे। उन्हें विश्वास हो गया कि साक्षात् शिवने ही कृपा की। वे उनके श्रीविग्रहको बार-बार देखने लगे।
-रा0 श्री0
Mahatma Ramalinga always thinking of this They were sad that my sins were not being forgiven. He was tired of this worry day and night. He was only sixteen at this time. He had great devotion to Lord Shiva; They well understood that the pleasure and grace of Shiva would put an end to their sins.
One day he was circumambulating the idol of Lord Shiva at the Thiruvatturur temple near Madras. He became worried by remembering his sins and began to remember Lord Mahadeva.
They were the only ones in the temple at the time. Suddenly he saw a divine man. Ramalingam was singing the praises of Shiva. He was invoking his deity in his heart with great devotion and faith. A divine man appeared as a Siddha Yogi. Ramalinga fell at his feet.
‘I am drowning in this vain world-ocean. You protect me. Save me from falling into the mud of sin. Ramalinga requested the yogi.
‘Vats! I am pleased with your sincere faith and natural devotion. One who lives in the world and takes refuge in the Lord is undoubtedly freed from the clutches of sin and virtue. The divine men disappeared.
Ramalingam was surprised. They believed that it was Shiva himself who had done the grace. He began to look at his Srivigraha again and again.