एक श्रेष्ठ नारी थी। माता-पिता भगवद्भक्त थे, उन्होंने पुत्रीको उत्तम शिक्षा दी थी। विवाह हो जानेपर पतिगृह आकर उसने सोचा- ‘स्त्रीको पतिकी सेवा करनी चाहिये और सच्ची सेवा तो है जीवको मृत्युके मुखमेंसे बचा देना। भगवान्के भजनमें लगकर ही प्राणी मृत्युके फंदेसे छूट सकता है।’ यह विचार करके वह पतिको समय-समयपर भजन करनेको कहा करती थी।
पतिदेव थे सांसारिक व्यापार- निपुण । वे पत्नीकी बात सुनकर कह देते थे-‘अभी क्या शीघ्रता है। अभी तो बहुत दिन हैं। भजन-पूजनका भी समय होता है। संसारके अमुक कार्य पूरे कर लेने ही भजन करना है।’ फिर तो भजन एक बार पति महोदय बीमार पड़े। वैद्यजी आये,नाड़ी देखी और दवा दे गये। पत्नीने दवा लेकर रख | दी। जब दवा लेनेका समय हो गया तब पतिने पत्नीसे दवा माँगी। स्त्रीने कहा—‘अभी क्या शीघ्रता है? अभी तो बहुत दिन पड़े हैं। दवा फिर ले लीजियेगा ।’
पतिदेव झल्लाये –’तब दवा क्या मरनेके खानेको है ?”
पत्नीने दवा देते हुए कहा – ‘दवा तो अभी खानेकी है; किंतु आपने सम्भवतः भगवान्का भजन मरनेके पश्चात् करनेकी वस्तु माना है; क्योंकि मृत्यु कब आयेगी, यह तो किसीको पता नहीं।’
पुरुषको अपनी भूलका पता लगा और भूल जब समझमें आ जाय तो वह दूर होकर रहती है, यदि पुरुष सत्पुरुष है। – सु0 सिं0
She was a great woman. The parents were Bhagwad devotees, they gave the best education to the daughter. After getting married, she came to the husband’s house and thought – ‘A woman should serve her husband and the true service is to save the soul from the mouth of death. A living being can be freed from the noose of death only by engaging in the worship of God.’ Thinking this, she used to ask her husband to do bhajan from time to time.
Husband was a master of worldly business. He used to say after listening to his wife – ‘What is the hurry now. There are still many days. There is also a time for hymns and worship. Bhajan has to be done only after completing certain tasks of the world. Then once the husband fell ill. Vaidyaji came, checked the pulse and gave medicine. Keep the wife with medicine. Gave. When it was time to take medicine, the husband asked his wife for medicine. The woman said – ‘ What is the hurry now? There are still many days left. Will take the medicine again.’
Husband shouted – ‘Then what medicine is there to eat to die?
While giving the medicine, the wife said – ‘The medicine has to be eaten now; But perhaps you have considered worshiping God as something to be done after death; Because no one knows when death will come.’
A man comes to know about his mistake and when he understands his mistake, he keeps away from it, if the man is a good man. – Su 0 Sin 0