स्पेनके पेरु प्रान्तके लिमा नगरमें सोलहवीं शताब्दी में संत रोजका जन्म हुआ था। वह असाधारण रूपवती थी उसके मनमें यह धारणा परिपुष्ट हो गयी थी किमेरा सौन्दर्य भगवान्के लिये है और जब वह भगवान्के लिये है- तब परम पवित्र है । सौन्दर्य सांसारिकों की दृष्टि पड़नेपर अपवित्र हो जाता है । वह इस दिशामें सदासावधान रहती थी कि कहीं उसका शारीरिक सौन्दर्य दूसरोंके मनमें विकार उत्पन्न न कर दे। अपने निवास स्थानसे बाहर निकलनेपर वह अपने मुखपर लाल | मिर्चकी बुकनी पोत लिया करती थी; इससे मुख सूज जाता था और उसकी आकृति भद्दी दीख पड़ती थी ।
‘यह तो स्वर्गकी सुन्दरी है। कितने सुन्दर और चिकने हैं इसके हाथ ! इसके बनानेवालेने अपनी सारी कला इसके सृजनमें समाप्त कर दी है।’ एक नवयुवकके उद्गार थे संत रोजके प्रति । वह घरसे बाहर कहीं जारही थी । रोजके खुले हाथोंकी ओर उसकी दृष्टि चली गयी थी। नारीके अङ्ग इसीलिये ढके रहने योग्य हैं। अस्तु ।
रोज उसके इस कथनसे बहुत दु:खी हुई । जो सौन्दर्य दूसरेके मनमें वासना उत्पन्न कर दे, वह इस शरीरपर रहने योग्य नहीं है- यह सोचकर वह घरमें चली गयी। उसने अपने दोनों सुन्दर और स्निग्ध हाथोंको खौलते चूनेके पानीमें तत्काल डालकर विकृत कर दिया। अपने शरीरसे अपवित्र सौन्दर्य समाप्तकर वह प्रसन्नतासे नाच उठी।
– रा0 श्री0
Saint Rose was born in the sixteenth century in the city of Lima in the province of Peru, Spain. She was exceptionally beautiful, the idea that my beauty is for God’s sake was confirmed in his mind and when it is for God’s sake, then it is pure. Beauty becomes impure when it is seen by worldly people. She was always careful in this direction that her physical beauty should not create disorder in the minds of others. He turns red on his face when he comes out of his abode. Pepper’s Bukni used to take the vessel; Due to this, the face used to swell and its shape used to look ugly.
‘She is the beauty of heaven. How beautiful and smooth are his hands! Its makers have exhausted all their art in its creation.’ These were the words of a young man towards Saint Rose. She was going somewhere outside the house. His eyes went towards Rose’s open hands. That’s why the parts of a woman deserve to be covered. In reality .
Everyday I was very sad because of this statement of his. The beauty which creates lust in the mind of another, is not fit to live on this body – thinking this she went to the house. He disfigured both his beautiful and smooth hands by immediately putting them in boiling lime water. Removing unholy beauty from her body, she danced with happiness.
– Ra0 Mr.0