थोड़ा ध्यान लगा, कान्हा दौड़े दौड़े आएंगे, तुझे गले से लगाएंगे।
अखियाँ मन की खोल….
अखियाँ मन की खोल, तुझको दर्शन वो कराएंगे, तुझे गले से लगाएंगे॥
सत्कर्म राहों पे चलना सीखते वो, वही जगदीश हैं।
प्रेम से पुकार, तेरे पाप को जलाएंगे, प्रेम से पुकार….
प्रेम से पुकार, तेरे पाप को जलाएंगे, तुझे गले से लगाएंगे॥
किरपा की छाया में, बिठाएंगे तुझको, कहाँ तुम जाओगे ।
उनकी दया दृष्टि, जब-जब पड़ेगी तुम, यह भव तर जाओगे।
ऐसा है विशवास….
ऐसा है विशवास, मन में ज्योत जगायेंगे, ऐसा है विशवास।
ऐसा है विशवास, मन में ज्योत जगायेंगे,तुझे गले से लगाएंगे॥
थोड़ा ध्यान लगा…
मुनिओं ने ऋषिओं ने, गुरु-शिष्य महिमा का, किया गुणगान है।
Took a little attention, Kanha would come running, got a little attention….
Took a little attention, Kanha will come running and hug you.
Akhiyas open the mind….
Akhiya is the open of the mind, he will show you the vision, Akhiya is the open of the mind….
Akhiyas open the mind, they will show you the vision, they will hug you.
He is Ram Ramiya, He is Krishna-Kanhaiya He, He is my beloved.
Those who learn to walk on the path of good deeds, they are the same Jagdish.
call with love….
Call with love, will burn your sin, call with love….
Cry with love, will burn your sin, will embrace you.
Took a little attention…
In the shadow of Kirpa, I will make you sit, where will you go.
His compassionate sight, whenever you fall, this world will go away.
Such is the faith….
Such is the faith, you will ignite the flame in the mind, this is the faith.
Such is the faith, will ignite the flame in the mind, will hug you by the neck.
Took a little attention…
The sages have glorified the guru-disciple glory by the sages.
At the feet of Kanha, bowing the whole creation, bowing is the Lord.
The glory is immense….
The glory is immense, He will show you the path of truth, The glory is immense.