सत्तूका चमत्कार
कहा जाता है, पलामूके शासक भगवन्तराय काफी कुशाग्रबुद्धि तथा विनोदी स्वभावके थे।
बात है, सन् 1618ई0 के आस-पासकी। मानसिंहने अपनी सेनाकी एक टुकड़ीके साथ सरगुजासे औरंगानदीके तटवर्ती पलामूके इलाकोंपर धावा बोल दिया। देखते ही-देखते तहलका मच गया। भगवन्तराय तनिक भी विचलित नहीं हुए।
भगवन्तराय औरंगानदीके तटपर पहुँचे। उन्हें ज्ञात हुआ कि दुश्मनकी सेना वहाँसे पश्चिमकी ओर तटपर ही है । पानीके बहावकी दिशा पूरबसे पश्चिमकी ओर देखकर वे बहुत खुश हुए। उन्होंने आदेश दिया कि पलाश और सखएकी पत्तियोंके दोने भारी संख्यामें बनवाये जायँ और पाँच-सात मन सत्तूकी व्यवस्था की जाय।
राजाके आदेशानुसार व्यवस्था होते देर न लगी। दूसरे दिन भोर होते-होते दोने थोड़ी मात्रामें सत्तूके साथ नदीमें बहाये जाने लगे। कुछ ही देरमें नदी बहते हुए दोनोंसे भर गयी।
उधर मानसिंहने जब इतने सारे दोने बहते हुए देखे तो वह काँप उठा। जब छाने गये दोनोंकी गिनती की गयी, तो संख्या लगभग पचीस हजार थी। यह सोचते ही मानसिंहके प्राण सूख गये कि भगवंतरायकी सेनाके पचीस हजार सिपाही तैनात हैं, जिन्होंने नाश्ता करनेके बाद जूठे दोने नदीमें फेंक दिये हैं। उसे लगा, इतनी बड़ी सेनाके सामने भला उसकी फौजकी छोटी टुकड़ीकी क्या बिसात !
कहते हैं, उसके बाद अविलम्ब मानसिंह भीगी बिल्लीकी तरह सेनासमेत वहाँसे भाग खड़ा हुआ।
[ श्रीश्यामबिहारीसिंहजी ]
sattuka miracle
It is said that the ruler of Palamu, Bhagwantraya was very intelligent and humorous.
It is a matter of around 1618 AD. Mansingh with a piece of his army raided the areas of Palamu on the banks of Aurangadi river from Surguja. There was panic in no time. Bhagwantraya did not get distracted even a bit.
Bhagwantrai reached the banks of the Aurangadi river. They came to know that the enemy’s army is on the west side of there. He was very happy to see the direction of flow of water from east to west. He ordered that both Palash and Sakhi leaves should be made in large numbers and arrangements should be made for five-seven hearts of Sattu.
It didn’t take long for the arrangements to be made according to the order of the king. By the time of dawn on the second day, both of them started flowing in the river along with a small amount of sattu. In no time the river was filled with both of them while flowing.
On the other hand, when Mansingh saw so many donas flowing, he trembled. When both of them were counted, the number was about twenty five thousand. Mansingh’s life dried up thinking that twenty-five thousand soldiers of Bhagwantraya’s army are deployed, who have thrown both the liars into the river after having breakfast. He thought, in front of such a big army, how good is a small piece of his army!
It is said that immediately after that Mansingh ran away from there along with the army like a wet cat.
[Shri Shyam Bihari Singhji]