अपनी प्रशंसासे अरुचि

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एक बार लियेन्स नगरके विद्वानोंने एक लेखके लिये पुरस्कारकी घोषणा की। उस समय नेपोलियन युवक थे। पुरस्कार प्रतियोगितामें उन्होंने भी लेख भेजा और उनका लेख ही प्रथम पुरस्कारके योग्य माना गया। सम्राट् होनेपर नेपोलियनको यह बात भूल चुकी थी; किंतु उनके मन्त्री टेलीरान्तने एक विशेष व्यक्तिको भेजकर लियेन्ससे नेपोलियनके उस लेखकी मूल प्रतिमँगायी। लेखको सम्राट्के आगे रखकर उसने हँसते हुए पूछा – ‘सम्राट् इस लेखके लेखकको जानते हैं ?’ टेलीरान्तको आशा थी कि उसके इस कार्यसे सम्राट् उसपर प्रसन्न होंगे और वह पुरस्कार पायेगा; किंतु नेपोलियनने लज्जित होकर सिर झुका लिया और लेखको उठाकर उसने जलती अँगीठीमें डाल दिया । मन्त्री महोदय तो अपने सम्राट्का मुख देखते रह गये । – सु0 सिं0

Once the scholars of Lyons city announced a prize for a writer. Napoleon was young at that time. He also sent an article in the award competition and his article was considered worthy of the first prize. Napoleon had forgotten this when he was emperor; But his minister, Talleyrand, sent a special person and got the original copy of that author of Napoleon from Lyons. Putting the article in front of the emperor, he asked laughingly – ‘Does the emperor know the author of this article?’ Telerant had hoped that the Emperor would be pleased with him for his work and he would be rewarded; But Napoleon bowed his head in shame and picked up the writing and threw it into the burning fireplace. The minister kept looking at the face of his emperor. – Su 0 Sin 0

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