सरयूके स्वच्छ पुलिनपर चक्रवर्तीजीके चारों कुमार खेलने आये थे सखाओंके साथ समस्त बालकोंका विभाजन हो गया दो दलोंमें एक दलके अग्रणी हुए श्रीराम और दूसरे दलके भरतलाल श्रीरामके साथ लक्ष्मण और भरतके साथ शत्रुघ्न कुमार तो सदासे रहे रहते आये, सुतरां आज भी थे। दोनों यूथ सुसज्जित खड़े हो गये। दोनों दलोंके मध्यमें विस्तृत समतल भूमि स्थिर हो गयी। मध्यमें रेखा बना दी गयी। खेल चलने लगा। आज राजकुमार कबड्डी खेल रहे थे।लखनलाल आज उमंगमें थे। वे बार-बार भरतजीको ललकारते थे भैया! आज तो रघुनाथजी विजयी होंगे।’ -‘भैया! यह ललकार भरतको उल्लसित करती थी। उनके दलके बालक आज हार रहे थे एक-एक करके उनका दल कम हो रहा था। प्रत्येक बार जब लक्ष्मण आते थे, एक-दो बालकोंको छूकर ही लौटते थे। अन्तमें शत्रुघ्र भी हार गये अपने दलमें बच रहे अकेले भरत। ‘अब सब लोग चुपचाप खड़े रहेंगे। भरतलाल मुझे छू लें तो विजय उनकी न छू पायें तो विजय मेरेदलकी।’ श्रीराघवेन्द्रने खेलमें एक अद्भुत निर्णय दे दिया। ‘आप पूरे वेगसे भागें तो सही।’ लक्ष्मणजीने बड़े भाईको प्रोत्साहित किया।
भरत आये दौड़ते और श्रीराम भागे; किंतु ऐसे भागे जैसे उन्हें दौड़ना आता ही न हो। दस पग जाते-जाते तो भरतके हाथने उनकी पीठका स्पर्श कर लिया। ‘भाई भरत विजयी हुए !’ श्रीरामका कमलमुखप्रफुल्लित हो उठा। दोनों हाथोंसे तालियाँ बजायीं उन्होंने। लेकिन भरतका मुख नीचे झुक गया था। उनके नेत्रोंमें उल्लासके स्थानपर लज्जाका भाव था। अपने अग्रजके भ्रातृस्नेहका साक्षात् करके उनके बड़े-बड़े नेत्र भर आये थे।
‘विजयी हुए भाई भरत !’ श्रीराम तो उल्लास में ताली बजाते ही जा रहे थे । – सु0 सिं0
All the four Kumars of Chakrabortyji had come to play on the clean bridge of Saryu, all the boys along with their friends were divided into two groups, one group was led by Shriram and the other group, Bharatlal, Laxman with Shriram and Shatrughan Kumar with Bharat. Both the youths stood ready. The wide flat land between the two parties became stable. A line was drawn in the middle. The game started. Today Rajkumar was playing Kabaddi. Lakhanlal was in high spirits today. He used to challenge Bharatji again and again, brother! Today Raghunathji will be victorious. -‘Brother! This challenge used to make Bharat ecstatic. His team’s boys were losing today, one by one his team was decreasing. Every time Laxman used to come, he used to return after touching one or two children. In the end, even Shatrughra was defeated, Bharat alone survived in his party. ‘Now everyone will stand quietly. If Bharatlal touches me, then Vijay can’t touch him, then Vijay is Meredalki’s. Sriraghavendra gave a wonderful decision in the game. ‘It’s okay if you run at full speed.’ Laxmanji encouraged the elder brother.
Bharat came running and Shriram ran; But he ran as if he did not know how to run. While going ten steps, Bharat’s hand touched his back. ‘Brother Bharat is victorious!’ Shriram’s lotus face became elated. He clapped with both hands. But Bharat’s face was bowed down. There was a sense of shame in place of glee in his eyes. Seeing the brotherly affection of his elder, his big eyes were filled with tears.
‘Brother Bharat became victorious!’ Shri Ram kept on clapping in ecstasy. – Su 0 Sin 0