‘महाराज ! हमें जिनकी खोज थी, वे मिल गये। मन्त्रीने शिविरमें प्रवेश करके महाराजा वीरसिंहको शुभ सूचना दी। महाराजा सरिता-तटकी और चल पड़े। उन्हें स्वप्रमें किसी महान् शक्तिने प्रेरणा दी थी कि महात्मा मधुसूदन सरस्वतीकी सेवा करनेसे संतान प्राप्ति होगी। महाराजा वीरसिंह अपनी राजधानीसे थोड़ी दूरपर एक सरिताके किनारे कई दिनोंसे शिविरमें निवास कर रहे थे। वे प्रसन्नतासे आगे बढ़ रहे थे और उनके पीछे-पीछे महामन्त्री और असंख्य सैनिक थे।’
‘महाराज! भगवान्की कृपासे आपका दर्शन हो सका।’ राजाने तपस्वीसे सपनेकी बात कही, पर वे कुछ बोले ही नहीं। उन्होंने पलक उठाकर देखातक नहीं पिछले चौदह वर्षोंसे नयनोंको बंद करके तथा मीन-व्रत लेकर वे एकान्तसेवनमें लीन थे। राजावीरसिंह उनकी विकट तपस्यासे आश्चर्यचकित हो गये; पर उनके मनमें यह बात अच्छी तरह बैठ गयी कि उन्हें मधुसूदन सरस्वतीका दर्शन हुआ है। महामन्त्रीको उस स्थानपर एक विशाल मन्दिरके निर्माणका आदेश देकर वे अपनी राजधानीमें लौट आये।
तीन वर्ष बीत गये। एक दिन अचानक महात्मा सरस्वतीने नेत्र खोल दिये। उन्होंने अपने आपको एक विशाल राजमन्दिरमें पाया । भगवान्के श्रीविग्रहका दर्शन किया। मन्दिरमें राजभोग आदिका उत्तम प्रबन्ध देखकर वे किसी विशेष चिन्तामें लीन हो गये।
‘भैया ! इस माया-मन्दिरका निर्माण किसने कराया ? मेरी कुटी कहाँ चली गयी ?’ महात्माने पुजारीसे प्रश्न किया। पुजारीके मुखसे वीरसिंहका वृत्तान्त सुनकर वेआश्चर्यचकित हो गये।
दो-चार क्षण विचार करनेके बाद वे उठ पड़े। उन्होंने सदाके लिये मन्दिरका परित्याग कर दिया औरतपस्याके लिये बाहर निकल गये । कितने विकट तपस्वी थे वे। उनका जीवन धन्य था।
-रा0 श्री0
‘King ! We found what we were looking for. The minister entered the camp and gave good news to Maharaja Vir Singh. Maharaja Sarita-Tatki and started walking. He was inspired by some great power in his dream that by serving Mahatma Madhusudan Saraswati, he would get a child. Maharaja Veer Singh was living in a camp for many days on the banks of a stream, a little far from his capital. They were moving forward happily and behind them were the General Secretary and innumerable soldiers.
‘King! By the grace of God I could see you. The king told the ascetic about the dream, but he did not say anything. He didn’t even lift his eyelids and for the last fourteen years he was engrossed in seclusion by closing his eyes and observing Pisces fast. Rajaveer Singh was surprised by his severe penance; But this thing sat well in his mind that he had seen Madhusudan Saraswati. He returned to his capital by ordering the Mahamantri to build a huge temple at that place.
Three years have passed. One day suddenly Mahatma Saraswati opened her eyes. He found himself in a huge royal temple. Had a darshan of the Deity of God. Seeing the excellent arrangement of royal enjoyment etc. in the temple, he got engrossed in some special concern.
‘Brother ! Who got this Maya-temple built? Where has my hut gone?’ Mahatma questioned the priest. They were surprised to hear the story of Veer Singh from the mouth of the priest.
After thinking for a moment or two, he got up. He left the temple forever and went out for penance. He was such a severe ascetic. His life was blessed.