एक महात्मा वृन्दावनके पास वनमें बैठे थे। उनके मनमें आया कि सारी उम्र ऐसे ही बीत गयी, न भगवान् के दर्शन हुए, न उनके किसी सखाके ही
हुए। इसी समय काली घटा छा गयी और बड़े जोरसे पानी बरसने लगा। किंतु वे महात्मा वहाँसे उठे नहीं। दो घंटेतक लगातार मूसलधार पानी बरसता रहा, अब उनको ठंड लगने लगी।
इसी समय उनको दिखायी दिया कि साड़ी पहने एक छोटी-सी सुकुमार लड़की पानीपर छप छप करती आ रही है।
लड़की – ‘महाराज! आप यहाँ क्यों बैठे हैं।’ महात्मा-‘ऐसे ही।’
लड़की – ‘क्या आपको अभी किसीके दर्शननहीं हुए।’
महात्माको उसकी बात सुनकर बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ कि यह लड़की कौन है और कैसे मेरे मनकी बात जान गयी। वे उसकी ओर देखने लगे, कुछ बोले नहीं, तब लड़कीने कहा—’अच्छा, अब आप पहले ललिताजीके दर्शन करिये।’ इतना कहकर वह तुरंत अदृश्य हो गयी। महात्माजी बड़े प्रसन्न हुए।
एक बार उनके चेचक निकल आयी। उस समय वे वृन्दावनसे दो सौ मील दूर थे। उनके बहुत प्रार्थना करनेपर एक सज्जन टैक्सी करके उनको वृन्दावन ले आये ।
ज्यों ही उनसे कहा गया कि वृन्दावन आ गया, उनको भगवान्के दर्शन हो गये और वे इस शरीरको चले गये। -कु0 रा0
A Mahatma was sitting in the forest near Vrindavan. It came to his mind that the whole life passed like this, neither did he see God nor did he see any of his friends.
Happened. At the same time there was a black cloud and it started raining heavily. But that Mahatma did not get up from there. It rained continuously for two hours, now they started feeling cold.
At the same time, he saw that a beautiful little girl wearing a saree was splashing on the water.
Girl – ‘ Maharaj! Why are you sitting here?’ Mahatma – ‘Like this.’
Girl – ‘Haven’t you seen anyone yet?’
Mahatma was very surprised to hear her talk that who is this girl and how she came to know about my mind. They started looking at her, didn’t say anything, then the girl said – ‘Okay, now you first see Lalitaji.’ Having said this, she immediately disappeared. Mahatmaji was very happy.
Once he got smallpox. At that time he was two hundred miles away from Vrindavan. On his many requests, a gentleman brought him to Vrindavan by taxi.
As soon as he was told that Vrindavan had arrived, he had darshan of God and left this body. -K0 Ra0