शिव अपराधस्तवः

शम्भो शङ्कर शान्त शाश्वत शिव स्थाणो भवोमापते
भूतेश त्रिपुरान्तक त्रिनयन श्रीकण्ठ कालान्तक।
शर्वोग्राभय भर्ग भीम जगतां नाथाक्षय श्रीनिधे
रुद्रेशान महेश्वरेश्वर महायोगीशतुभ्यं नमः।।१।।

स्वामिन् सर्वजगद्गुरो हर महालीलाक्षमाक्षेत्रस-
च्चिद्रूपाखिलभूतभाव्यजगतां नाथ प्रपन्नार्तिहन्।
पापघ्नाशुभपाशदुःखभयहृद्भक्तेष्टद ज्ञानद
श्रीदातर्क्य षडङ्ग मोक्षण महायोगीश तुभ्यं नमः।।२।।

क्रूरं कष्टतरं विनष्टहृदयं भ्रष्टं शठं निष्ठुरं
निर्लज्जं कृपणं कृतघ्नमशुचिं बह्वाशिनं हिंसकम्।
आशापाशशतप्रबद्धमनसं दुष्कीर्तिभाजं जडं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।३।।

मूर्खं बालमतिं स्वधर्मरहितं धर्मार्थहीनं खलं
कामान्धं क्षणिकं कदर्थनपरं दौश्शील्यजन्मस्थलम्।
अज्ञं लुब्धमसत्यनिष्ठमधमं प्रज्ञायशोवर्जितं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।४।।

क्षुद्रं दुर्भगमल्पसत्त्वमलसं भग्नव्रतं रागिणं
भीरुं डाम्भिकमीर्ष्यकं व्यसनिनं पापात्मकं सूतकम्।
आधिव्याधिनिपीडितं जडधियं सद्भिः सदा निन्दितं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।५।।

आकाङ्क्षाश्रयमार्यवर्तिविमुखं क्षीणं गुणद्वेषिणं
धूर्तं दुर्गुणमत्यशुद्धहृदयं सर्वत्र सन्देहिनम्।
दीनं पापरतं समस्त विषयेष्वासक्तमन्यायिनं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।६।।

अश्रद्धं गतपौरुषं कुपथगं जाज्वल्यमानं हृषा
संसारार्णवमग्नमूर्मितरलं नीचप्रियं निर्दयम्।
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।७।।

द्वन्द्वग्रस्तसमस्तवृत्तिकुशलं सत्सङ्गविद्वेषिणं
दुःसङ्गप्रियमप्रतिष्ठवचनं कामातुरं तस्करम्।
शैवज्ञानपराङ्मुखं खलजनव्यापारपारङ्गतं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।८।।

दुर्मत्यावमतिप्रवृद्धरजसं सद्वृद्धसेवारिपुं
सद्धर्मेष्वसमुत्सुकं गुरुजने मान्येषु चात्युद्धतम्।
शिष्टाशिष्टकरप्रियं च सततं दुष्टस्य तुष्टिप्रदं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।९।।

ध्यानाध्यानविचारणागुणरिपुं तुच्छं मदोच्छृङ्खलम्।
दारिद्र्यास्पदमात्मवैरिवशगं तापत्रयस्याश्रयं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१०।।

आत्मातिस्तुतिकारिणं परमहानिन्दाकरं निन्दितं
लुण्टाकं पतितं विपर्ययगतस्वान्तं सदा याचकम्।
व्याक्रोशाद्विहतस्वकार्यनिचयं सर्वापदां सञ्चयं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।११।।

कृत्याकृत्यविचारवर्जितमतिं व्रात्यं महावञ्चकं
दुर्बुद्धिं मदमानमत्सरनिधिं दुर्वृत्तवृत्त्याश्रयम्।
मिथ्याज्ञानिनमार्यकण्टकमलं लोकत्रये दूषितं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१२।।

दुष्कर्मप्रचये प्रहृष्टहृदयं क्लेशैश्च सम्पीडितं
चार्वाकं कुमतिं कुचेलमलसं कार्पण्यजन्मस्थलम्।
भार्यापुत्रगृहादिसक्तमनसं गाम्भीर्यधैर्यच्युतं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१३।।

चित्तक्षोभकरं कलङ्कहृदयं शोकास्पदं लोलुपं
सारासारविचारहीनमनसं नीचप्रियं नीरसम्।
मत्तोन्मत्तनिकृष्टनष्टचकितं शून्यं हृदालापिनं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१४।।

आत्मज्ञानविहीनमात्मविमुखं सर्वात्मभावद्विषं
सङ्कल्पैर्बहुभिर्विभिन्नहृदयं दैत्यप्रसक्तं सदा।
मर्माविद्वचनं कठोरहृदयं मित्रद्रुहं चुम्बकं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१५।।

वेदोक्ताचरणाशिवात्मचरितं स्वेच्छाप्रवृत्तिं सदा
सच्छास्नेष्वपरागिणं प्रियतमालक्ष्मीगुणावेष्टितम्।
दाक्षिण्यप्रतिपन्नताविरहितं स्वार्थैकदृष्टिं सदा
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१६।।

विश्वस्तेष्वपकारवञ्चनपरं मैत्रीरिपुं दुर्जनं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१७।।

कृत्वाधर्ममतिं कथञ्चिदपरः को मत्समोऽस्मिन्भवे-
दित्येवं बहुजल्पिनं कुपुरुषं भ्रान्त्याश्रयं राक्षसम्।
दृष्टादृष्टसुखैषिणं बत मुदा मुक्त्वा शिवाराधनं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१८।।

मार्जालाखुबकाश्वकुक्कुटकपिक्रोडाहिवृत्तिं सदा
तीर्थध्वाङ्क्षमनर्थकं परसुखे सन्तापिनं दुःसहम्।
त्यक्तोपायममेयकाङ्क्षिणमहो शुण्ठं च चोरोपमं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।१९।।

अस्पृश्यं विकलं कुधैर्यमखिले दोषे स्वकीये गुणं
पश्यन्तं चलमात्मकार्यनिरतं पूज्यं विषादात्मकम्।
चिन्ताशोकपरीतचेतसमलं सर्वाशुभानां पदं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२०।।

दुष्पूरस्वककुक्षिपूरणपरं भारं भुवः केवलं
दासीमेषखरस्वभावमपटुं सम्मानने भाजने।
रिक्तं बालकदीर्घसूत्रिणमलं हृच्छल्यशीलं सदा
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि भाम्।।२१।।

अत्यादेशिनमुत्तमस्थितिमतां सन्त्यागिनं नास्तिकं
रन्ध्रान्वेषिणमन्धमूकबधिरं शम्भोस्तु विश्वात्मनः।
माहात्म्य श्रवणस्तुतीक्षणविधौ माहेश्वरा वत्सलं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२२।।

दुष्कार्यालघुभारवाहनपशुं तृष्णातृणग्राहिणं
संसारार्णवदुःखपङ्कपतितं यान्तं सदाधो भृशम्।
स्वत्वाहन्त्वममत्वमोहमकरैराकृष्यमाणं सदा
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२३।।

भ्रष्टं सर्वजुगुप्सितं परहितव्याघातिनं तामसं
सम्भ्रान्तं चपलं विधानविहितव्यापारविद्वेषिणम्।
शम्भो त्वत्पदभक्तिहीनमदृढं सम्मूढमात्मद्विषं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२४।।

ज्येष्ठावासमतिप्रमादितमतिं क्षुत्तृड्जराद्यर्दितं
स्वप्नेऽप्यन्यपरोपकाररहितं सर्वाहितं दुर्लभम्।
लोके सत्परिहार्यनिन्दितमहो दुःखप्रदेशक्रियं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२५।।

त्वक्चुक्लान्त्रसिरातनूरुहमयं काराख्यरन्ध्रस्थितं
नानापायपतिष्णु कालशिखिना पापच्यमानं भृशम्।
दृष्ट्वापि स्वकलेवरं कृशतरं तत्रापि रक्तं पशुं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२६।।

किं वाचा बहुविस्तरेण भगवन् मत्सन्निभो भूतले
नाभून्नास्ति च नो भविष्यति पुमान् निर्भाग्यचूडामणिः।
तस्मादीदृशमात्मवञ्चकमहो त्रैलोक्यचूडामणे
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२७।।

सर्वश्रेष्ठ गुणैकभाजन विभो सत्त्वोत्तमेषूत्तमा-
सङ्ख्येयावगुणैकभाजनमलं कष्टातिकष्टक्रियम्।
श्रीशाश्रीशमतीन्द्रियेन्द्रियवशं निस्सङ्गिनं सङ्गिनं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२८।।

विण्मूत्रकृमिमांसशोणितमयं मेदोऽस्थिमज्जात्मकं
निर्गन्धैकनिधिं जरापरिगतं वातादिदोषात्मकम्।
दृष्ट्वा तु स्वशरीरमत्र तु सदा वैराग्यहीनं पशुं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।२९।।

विष्ठामूत्रकुजन्त्वनिष्टमशुभं स्वाभाव्यतो नश्वरं
ज्ञात्वा तु स्वशरीरमत्र तु सदा वैराग्यहीनं पशुं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।३०।।

सम्पश्यन्नपि दोषमत्र तु सदा सम्प्रीतियुक्तं पशुं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।३१।।

देहक्षालनलेपनादिविधिना संस्पर्शयोग्यं त्वचा
छन्नं क्लिन्नमहार्णवं व्रणमुखैर्नित्यं स्रवन्तं मलम्।
तं दृष्ट्वाप्यविरागिणं च नरके शूनं सरागं पशुं
कारुण्याकरवारिधे भव पितर्दोषाकरं पाहि माम्।।३२।।

।। इति श्री शिव अपराधस्तवः सम्पूर्णः ।।

  • ॐ नमः शिवाय *

।। ।।

Shambho, Shankara, peaceful, eternal, Shiva, dwelling place, O Lord of the universe
Bhootesh Tripurantaka Trinayan Srikantha Kalantaka.
Sharvograbhaya Bharga Bhima Jagatam Nathakshaya Srinidhe
O Lord of Rudras, Lord of Maheshwaras, Lord of the great yogis, I offer my obeisances to you.

Swamin Sarvajagadguru Har Mahalilakshamakshetra-
O Lord of all beings and future worlds in the form of Chid, destroyer of the sufferings of the surrendered.
Destroyer of sins, evil rope, suffering, fear, heart, devotee, dear, giver of knowledge
O Lord of the sixfold liberation of Sri Datarkya, O great Yogi, I offer my obeisances to You.

Cruel, painful, broken-hearted, corrupt, deceitful, cruel
Shameless, miserable, ungrateful, unclean, gluttonous, violent.
The mind is bound by a hundred ropes of hope, the vessel of ill-fame is dull
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

A fool with a childish mind devoid of his own righteousness and devoid of righteousness and artha is wicked
Lust is blind, it is transient, it is the birthplace of evil, it is the birthplace of immorality.
Ignorant, greedy, untruthful, mean, devoid of wisdom and fame
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

He is petty, miserable, of little strength, impure, broken in vows, and passionate
The timid, the hypocritical, the jealous, the addict, the sinful, the thread.
The dull-minded, oppressed by mental illness, is always condemned by the virtuous
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

He who takes refuge in desires, who is averse to noble conduct, who is depleted, who hates virtue
He is cunning, of bad character, of a very impure heart, and doubtful everywhere.
He is wretched, sinful, attached to all things, and unjust
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Unbelieving, lost in manhood, on the wrong path, burning with joy
The ocean of the world is drowned in the waves, the liquid, the mean, the dear, the merciless.
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

He is suffering from duality, skilled in all instincts, and hates association with the true
A thief who loves bad association and whose words are established and who is afflicted with lust
He is devoted to the knowledge of Shiva and is skilled in the business of the wicked
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The evil-minded, the insulting, the over-increased Rajas, the enemy of the good-increased service
He was not eager for the righteous and was very proud of his teachers and respectable people.
It is dear to the polite and polite hands and always satisfies the wicked
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Even in a dream it is devoid of worship of the gods with the finest fragrant flowers
The enemy of the virtues of meditation, meditation and thought, the insignificant chain of intoxication.
The source of poverty, subject to self-enmity, the refuge of torment
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The self-praising, the supremely blasphemous, the blasphemous
The robber, the fallen, the reversed, the self-conscious, always begging.
The accumulation of all calamities, destroyed by anger, is the accumulation of one’s own work
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

A brahmin with a mind devoid of action and deed and thought is a great deceiver
The evil-minded, the intoxicated, the treasure of envy, the refuge of evil conduct.
The lotus of noble thorns of false ignorance is polluted in the three worlds
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

A cheerful heart in the accumulation of evil deeds and oppressed by afflictions
Charvaka, the evil-minded, Kuchelamala, the birthplace of Karpanya.
Mind attached to wife, children, house, etc., and devoid of seriousness and patience
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

It is disturbing to the mind, tainted, grievous, greedy
The mind without the essence of thought, the lowly, the dear, the dull.
Intoxicated, insane, depressed, lost, shocked, empty, talking to the heart
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Devoid of self-knowledge, averse to the Self, envious of all Self-being
His heart was torn by many resolutions and he was always attached to the demon
The words of a wise man are hard-hearted, hateful to friends, and magnetic
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The character of Shiva, the self-character of the Vedas, is always the instinct of free will
He was devoted to good words and enveloped in the virtues of his beloved Lakshmi
Always selfishly single-minded, devoid of the attainment of generosity
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

It is composed of truth, renunciation, mercy, forgiveness, pride, and other meanings
Trust in the wicked, the enemy of friendship, the deceiver of benefits
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Having somehow made up my mind of iniquity, who else is like me in this world-
Diti thus talked a lot about the wicked man and the demon who resorted to delusion.
Alas, happily giving up the worship of Lord Shiva, seeking happiness from sight to sight
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Marjala khubaka horse chicken crocodile snake instinct always
The flag of a holy place is meaningless, it is unbearable to torment the happiness of others.
Oh, he is like a thief who has abandoned his means and longs for the immeasurable
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Untouchable, detached, impatient, in all his faults, his own virtue
Seeing him moving, engaged in his own work, worshipful, depressed.
The step of all evils is equal to the mind overwhelmed with anxiety and sorrow
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The burden of the earth alone is beyond filling one’s abdomen which is difficult to fill
Dasimeshakharasvabhavamapatun samanne bhajane.
Empty, childish, long-threaded, dirty, always heart-scratching
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect the sun from the faults.

The over-instructor, the renunciant of the best position, the atheist
The blind, the dumb, the deaf, the hole-seeker, the universal Soul of Shambhu.
In the manner of hearing and praising the greatness, Maheswara is affectionate
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

A beast carrying light loads of difficulty and thirsty for grass
Falling into the mud of sorrow like the ocean of this world, it is always going very low.
Always attracted by the sharks of self-destruction, egoism and delusion
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

corrupt, despised by all, and destructive of the welfare of others, Tamasic
He was confused, fickle, and hated the business prescribed by the law.
O Shambho, devoid of devotion to Thy feet, unsteady, deluded, self-enemy
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The eldest’s dwelling, his mind very careless, his mind afflicted with hunger, thirst, old age and so on
Even in a dream, without the benefit of others, it is rare to find all-benevolent.
Oh, the action of the region of suffering, which is blameworthy and avoidable in this world
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The skin is white, the intestines are thick, and the hair is situated in the hole called Kara
He was severely digested by the peacock of time who fell into various calamities
Even though he saw his body thinner there was still a bloody animal
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

O venerable one like me on earth what is the use of words in great detail
There has never been nor will there ever be a man who is unfortunate to us
Therefore, O great self-deceiver, O peak of the three worlds
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

O Lord, the only vessel of the best virtues, the best of the best of the Sattvas-
The dirt of a single vessel of numberless qualities is a painful and painful action.
Sri Shasri Shamati, transcendental, under the control of the senses, unattached, attached
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Consisting of feces, urine, worms, flesh, blood, fat, bone and marrow
The only treasure of odorlessness, overcome by old age, is composed of wind and other evils.
But seeing his own body here, he is always an animal without detachment
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Feces, urine, worms, unpleasant, inauspicious, and inherently mortal
It is a source of diseases such as blackheads, scabies, fever, headache and other diseases.
But knowing his own body here, he is always an animal without detachment
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

The birthplace of lameness, blindness, old age, stupidity, wickedness, and deafness
It is of the nature of wetting, cutting, drying, burning, thinness, and thickness.
Even though he sees the fault here, he is always a pleasant animal
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

Skin that can be touched by body washing, anointing and other methods
The ocean of wetness was covered with dirt constantly flowing from the mouths of the wounds
Even seeing him detached and empty in hell, an animal with passion
Be the ocean of mercy, O father, and protect me from the faults.

।। This is the complete Sri Shiva Aparadha Stavam.

Om Namah Shivaya *

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