प्रयागदत्त बहिन-जीजा जी से मिलने बड़ी प्रसन्नता और उत्सुक्ता मे चले । मन मे यही होता कि कैसे शीघ्र से शीघ्र अयोध्या पहुँचते जाऊँ । जहाँ कही प्रयागदत्त अपने शारीरिक कृत्य के लिए ठहरते हैं, किसी वृक्ष की डाल में वह पोटली टांग देते हैं । इस प्रकार कुछ दिनों में वे अयोध्या जी पहुँच गये । अयोध्या मे प्रयागदत्त अपने चक्रवर्ती जीजा रामचंद्र को खोजने लगे, जिससे पूछते, वह हंस देता । बेचारे बहुत परेशान हुए । बैठ के रोने लगते ,जब कोई संत लोग पास आकर कहते – बेटा ! क्यों रो रहे हो ? प्रयागदत्त कहता – हम अपनी दीदी और जीजा जी को खोज रहे है , वे हमें मिल नहीं रहे । संत पूछते – क्या नाम है तुम्हारी दीदी और जीजा का ? प्रयागदत्त कहता – चक्रवर्ती रामचंद्र और जानकी नाम है । संत लोग कहते – वो सामने कनक महल है ,वहाँ चले जाओ ।
अंदर जाकर पुजारी जी से पूछते की हमारी दीदी जानकी और जीजा रामचंद्र कहाँ है । पुजारी जी कहते – ये रहे सामने । प्रयागदत्त जी कहते – नहीं नहीं मूर्ति नहीं , सच वाले दीदी जीजा चाहिए हमें तो । सब लोग यही समझते की भोला बालक है ,हठ कर रहा है । बाद में स्वयं ही प्रयास करके बहुत ढूंढा परंतु बडनोई जी कहीं नहीं मिले । मणिकूट की ओर गये । वहाँ भी खोजते रहे । फिर तंग आकर एक जगह बैठ गए , जहाँ सीताकुण्ड को जानेवाले रास्ते के दक्षिण सघन विटपावलिसे आच्छादित है, जिसमे पूर्व में हनुमन्निवास श्री अयोध्या के भक्त पूज्य बाबा गोमती दास जी महाराज भजन करते थे । प्रयागदत्त बहुत थक गये थे । बहनोई जी को रिश्ते से खूब गालियों देने लगे ।
कहने लगे- देखो, इतना ढूंढा, हैरान हुआ, कहीं मिलता ही नहीं । न जाने कहाँ रहता है ? अब क्या करूँ, कहाँ जाऊँ? माता तो कहती थी की जीजा जी बहुत बड़े चक्रवर्ती सम्राट है ,सब इन्हें जानते है । इतने में आवाज आयी – राजाधिराज चक्रवर्ती सम्राट परब्रह्म अखिलकोटि ब्रह्मण्डनायक भगवान् श्रीरामचंद्र जी पधार रहे है । एक श्वेत हाथीपर सोने की अम्बारी मे विराजे हुए उनकी बहिनसहित बहनोई साहब आ निकले । हाथी वही पास बैठ गया , रामचंद्र जी उतार कर वही खड़े हो गए । प्रयागदत्त जी तो देखते ही रह गए । श्री किशोरी जी प्रयागदत्त जी को हृदय से लगाकर दुलार करने लगी और उनकी भावना के अनुसार पहले राखी बाँधी । फिर पूछा – भैया ! माताने हमारे लिये कुछ दिया है ? भैया की तो गति ही अचिंत्य हो गयी । प्रयागदत्त जी सोचने लगे – माँ सत्य कहती थी ,हमारे जीजा जी बहुत बड़े सम्राट है और जैसी हमारी दीदी है वैसी किसी की दीदी नहीं है ।
किसी तरह अपने को सँभालकर कहा – हाँ, दीदी ! यह है लो । पोटली दे दी और बोले – मैंने तो बहुत खोजा परंतु तुमलोग मिले ही नहीं ,न जाने कहाँ रहते हो ! कोई बताता ही नहीं । श्री किशोरी जी ने पोटली लेते हुए कहां – हाँ भैया ! तुम्हें कष्ट तो बहुत हुआ । क्या करें हमलोग ऐसी जगह रहते हैं, जिसे सबलोग नहीं जानते । जानकी जी ने माता की भेजी हुई और भैया को दी हुई पोटली में से दो कसार निकाल लिये और पहले प्रभु को पवाये ,स्वयं पाये ।शेष प्रयागदत्त को देते हुए कहा- भैया ! इन्हें तुम खाना और अब तुम घर जाओ, माता चिन्ता करती होगी । कुछ दिनों के बाद फिर आ जाना और माता से कह देना कि हमलोग बड़े सुख से हैं । फिर मिलेंगे । हाथी खडा हो गया और दोनों राम जानकी उसपर सवार होकर चलने लगे , कुछ दूर जाकर हाथी अदृश्य हो गया ।
मामाजी अपने बहिन बहनोई के ध्यान में २४ घंटे मूर्छा की अवस्था में वहीं पडे रहे । वाणी रुद्ध और नेत्रो में अश्रु प्रवाह जारी था । दूसरे दिन उनकी दशा कुछ सँभलने लगी । उधर ही एक संत आ निकले । उन्हाने देखा कि एक सन्दर सुगौर कुमार बेतरह पडा हुआ है । निकट जाकर उसे ध्यान से देखा और हाल पूछा । यद्यपि उसने ठिक तरह से कुछ बताया नहीं तथापि महात्मा रहस्य ताड़ गये । निकट ही उनकी गुफा थी । प्रयागदत्त को वही ले गये । उचित उपचार किया । स्नान-जलपान कराया । जब वे सावधान हुए तब फिर एक बार उन्होंने उनका हाल पूछा । पूछते ही प्रयाग दत्त रो पड़े। महत्मा जी भी आद्र हो गये । कुछ देरतक भावावेश में ही रहे । अनन्तर प्रकृतिस्थ हानेपर प्रयागदत्त जी ने स्वयं महात्मा जी से अपना सब वृत्तान्त कहा । महात्मा जी ने गद्गद होकर उन्हें छाती से लगा लिया ।
मेरे प्यारे का यह भी प्यारा है । मेरी आखों का भी सितारा है।।
Prayagdutt went to meet sister-in-law with great pleasure and eagerness. It would have been in my mind that how should I reach Ayodhya as soon as possible. Wherever Prayagdatta stays for his physical work, he hangs a bundle in the branch of a tree. Thus in a few days he reached Ayodhya ji. In Ayodhya, Prayagdatta started searching for his Chakravarti brother-in-law Ramchandra, whom he would have laughed if asked. The poor man was very upset. Sitting and crying, when some saints would come near and say – son! why are you crying? Prayagdutt would say – We are searching for our didi and brother-in-law, they are not finding us. The saint asks – what is the name of your sister and brother-in-law? Prayagdatta says – Chakravarti is the name of Ramchandra and Janaki. Saints would say – that is Kanak Mahal in front, go there.
Going inside and asking the priest where are our sister Janki and brother-in-law Ramchandra. The priest ji would say – here it is in front. Prayagdutt ji says – No no, not an idol, we need a sister-in-law with truth. Everyone understands that he is a naive child, he is stubborn. Later he tried himself and searched a lot but Badnoi ji could not be found anywhere. Went to Manikoot. Keep searching there too. Then got fed up and sat down at a place, where south of the road leading to Sitakund is covered with dense vitpavalis, in which the devotee of Hanuman Niwas Shri Ayodhya used to worship Pujya Baba Gomti Das Ji Maharaj in the past. Prayagdatta was very tired. Brother-in-law started abusing a lot from the relationship.
Started saying – Look, searched so much, was surprised, could not find it anywhere. Don’t know where do you live? What do I do now, where do I go? Mother used to say that brother-in-law is a very big Chakravarti emperor, everyone knows him. At this the voice came – Rajadhiraja Chakravarti Emperor Parabrahma Akhilkoti Brahmandnayak Lord Shri Ramchandra ji is coming. The brother-in-law along with his sister-in-law, who was seated on a white elephant in a golden canopy, came out. The elephant sat nearby, Ramchandra ji took off and stood there. Prayagdutt ji was shocked to see it. Shri Kishori ji began to caress Prayagdutt ji with her heart and according to his feeling first tied rakhi. Then asked – Brother! Mothers have given something for us? Brother’s speed has become inconceivable. Prayagdutt ji started thinking – Mother used to tell the truth, our brother-in-law is a very big emperor and no one’s sister is like our sister.
Somehow, taking care of himself, he said – Yes, sister! Take it. Gave the bundle and said – I have searched a lot but you have not found it, do not know where do you live! No one even tells. Where did Shri Kishori ji take the bundle – yes brother! You have suffered a lot. What to do We live in such a place, which everyone does not know. Janaki ji took out two boxes from the bundle sent by mother and given to brother and first got it to the Lord, found it himself. Giving the rest to Prayagdutt, he said – Brother! You eat them and now you go home, mother must be worried. Come again after a few days and tell your mother that we are very happy. See you . The elephant stood up and both Ram Janaki rode on it and started walking, after going some distance the elephant became invisible.
Mamaji lay there in a state of unconsciousness for 24 hours in the meditation of his sister-in-law. Speech was stagnant and tears continued to flow in his eyes. The next day his condition started improving a bit. There a saint came there. He saw that a beautiful Sugaur Kumar was lying unnecessarily. Going closer, looked at him carefully and inquired about his condition. Although he did not tell anything exactly, yet the Mahatma was unearthed. Nearby was his cave. He took Prayagdutt away. got proper treatment. Took bath and refreshments. When he was alert, once again he inquired about his condition. Prayag Dutt cried as soon as he was asked. Mahatma ji also became humble. Remain in emotion for some time. Prayagdutt ji himself told all his story to Mahatma ji on being in eternal nature. The Mahatma ji got enraged and hugged him on his chest.
This is also cute my dear. There is also a star in my eyes.