कार्येण याऽनेकविधां श्रयन्ती, निवारयन्ती स्मरतां विपत्तीः।
अपूर्वकारुण्य रसार्द्र चित्ता, सा शैलपुत्री भवतु प्रसन्ना।।१।।
स्वर्गोऽपवर्गो नरकोऽपि यत्र, विभाव्यते दृक्कलया विविक्तम्।
या चाऽद्वितीयाऽपि शिवद्वितीया, सा ब्रह्मचारिण्यवताद् भवेभ्यः।।२।।
पादौ धरित्री कटिरन्तरिक्षं, यस्याः शिरो द्यौरुदिताऽऽगमेषु।
अन्यद्यथा योगमयोग दूरा, सा चन्द्रघण्टा घटयत्वभीष्टम्।।३।।
स्वराड् विराड् संसृतिराड् अखण्ड ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डाकलनैकवीरा।
सा पापविध्वंसनसद्म कूष्माण्डाऽ- व्याद् अपायादयदानशौण्डा।।४।।
द्वैमातुरत्वे द्विरदाननस्य, षाण्मातुरत्वे च कुमारकस्य।
एकैव माता परमा मता या, सा स्कन्दमाता मुदमादधातु।।५।।
कतस्य गोत्रादथवाऽपरस्मात्,किं वेतरस्मात् कथमेकिकैव।
जातेति माताह्वयतां इता या, कात्यायनी सा ममतां हिनस्तु।।६।।
कालोऽपि विश्रान्तिमुपैति यस्यां,काऽन्या कथा भौतिकविग्रहाणाम।
प्रपञ्च पञ्चीकरणैकधात्री,सा कालरात्री निहताद् भयानि।।७।।
कालीकुलं श्रीकुलमप्यपारं,कृष्णाद्युपासा प्रवणं यतश्च।
साऽनन्तविद्या विततावदाना,गौरी विदध्यादखिलान् पुमर्थान्।।८।।
गृणन्ति यां वेदपुराणसाङ्ख्य, योगागमादेव महर्षयश्च।
पुत्रान् प्रपौत्रान् सुधियः श्रियश्च, सा सिद्धिदा सिद्धिकरी ददातु।।९।।
या चण्डी मधुकैटभप्रमथिनी या माहिषोन्मूलिनी,
या धूम्रेक्षेणचण्डमुण्ड दलिनी या रक्तबीजाशिनी।
शक्तिः शुम्भनिशुम्भदैत्यदलिनी या सिद्धि लक्ष्मीः परा
सा दुर्गा नवकोटि मूर्तिसहिताऽ- स्मान् पातु सर्वेश्वरी।।१०।। ।। इति श्रीनवदुर्गास्तवः सम्पूर्णः ।।
Shailaputri- She who takes refuge in many kinds of work by work, preventing the calamities of remembering. May she be pleased with the unprecedented red mind, the daughter of the mountain.
Brahmacharini- Heaven, liberation, and hell, where it is conceived, is separate from the sight. And that which is also the second Shiva is the second, from the celibate as the celibate.
Chandraghanta- The earth is the earth, the waist is the space, the head of which is in the heavens. Otherwise yoga is far from yoga, and that moon bells may be desired.
Kushmanda- Svarad Virad Sansritirad Akhand Brahmandabhandakalanaikavira. That is the destruction of the sins of the Kushmanda, the sword of the sword.
Skandamata- of the two-maternal dviradana, and in the case of the young man. May the mother of Skanda, who is considered to be the supreme mother, bring joy.
Katyayani- From the clan or from the other,what is the same from the vetara? Let the mother call it born, and let the Katyayani kill my lover.
Kalaratri- Time also attains rest in which, what other story of the physical conflicts. The world is the one-clad one, and that is the fear of the night of time.
Gauri- Kalikula, Srikula, is also immense, and because of the worship of Krishna and others. That infinite knowledge is spread out, Gauri should give all the male meanings.
Siddhidatri- The Maharshis who chant the Vedas and Puranas, by the Yoga-Agama. May she grant me sons, grandsons, wise men and prosperity, and may she bestow perfection and perfection.
Ya Chandi Madhukaitabhapramathini or Mahishonmulini, She who is smoky-eyed, fierce-headed, Dalini, who eats red seeds. Shakti: Shumbha, Nishumbha, Daityadalini, or Siddhi Lakshmi. May that Durga protect us with nine crore idols. ।। This is the complete Sri Navadurgastava.