
WhatsApp Image 2022 09 10 at 15.39.10

नमामीशमीशान निर्वाण रूपम्
विभुम् व्यापकं ब्रह्म वेदस्वरूपम् ॥
निजं निर्गुणम् निर्विकल्पं निरीहम् ।
चिदाकाशमाकाश वासं भजेअ्हम् ॥1॥

निराकारमोंकार मूलं तुरीयम् ।
गिराग्यान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् ॥
करालं महाकाल कालं कृपाालं ।
गुणागार संसार पारं नतोअ्हम्॥2॥

तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गंभीरम् ।
मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री :शरीरं॥
स्फुर्न्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारु गंगा ।
लसत्भालबालेंदु कंठे भुजंगा ॥3॥

चलत्कुंडलं भ्रू सुनेत्रं विशालम् ।
प्रसन्नानम नीलकंठं दयालम् ॥
मृगाधीश चर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं ।
प्रियं शंकरं सर्वनाथम् भजामि ॥4॥

प्रचंडं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशम् ।
अखंडं अजं भानुकोटि:प्रकाशं।॥
त्रय:शूलनिर्मूलनम् शूलपाणिम् ।
भजेअ्हम् भवानी पतिं भावगम्यम्॥5॥

कलातीत कल्याण कल्पांतकारी ।
सदा सच्चिदानंद दाता पुरारी ॥
चिदानंद संदोह मोहापहारी ।
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥6॥

ना यावद्  उमानाथ पदारविंदं ।
भजंतीह लोके परेअ्वा:नराणाम्॥
ना तावत् सुखं शांति संताप नाशम् ।
भजेहम् शिवं सर्व भूतादि वासम् ॥7॥

ना जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां ।
नतोहम् सदा सर्वदा शंभु तुभ्यम्॥
जरा जन्म दु:खौघतातप्यमानं।
प्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शंभो ॥8॥

रुद्राष्टकं इदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषये।
ये पठंति नरा: भक्तया: तेषांशंभु: प्रसीदति॥

I bow to Lord Shiva, the form of Nirvana
The almighty, all-pervading Brahman is the form of the Vedas.
He is transcendental, transcendental, free from choice and free from egoism.
I worship the sky of consciousness, the dwelling place of the sky.

The formless Omkara is the root of the fourth.
The Lord of the mountains is the Lord of the mountains.
The terrible, great time, the time, the merciful.
I bow to the other side of the world of virtues.

It was white and deep like a mountain of snow
The mind is the millions of lights, the glory is the body.
Sphurnmauli Kallolini Charu Ganga.
Lasatbhalabalendu kanthe bhujanga ॥3॥

He had moving earrings, eyebrows and beautiful eyes.
Cheerful, blue-necked, compassionate.
The lord of the deer is dressed in leather and wears a garland on his head.
I worship my dear Lord Shiva, the Lord of all.

He was tremendously attractive and proud of the Lord of the gods.
Unbroken, unborn, radiant like millions of suns.
He destroyed the three tridents and carried a trident in his hand.
I worship, O goddess, my husband, who is attainable by feeling.

Kalaatit Kalyan Kalpantakari.
Sada Sachchidananda Data Purari ॥
Chidanand Sandoh Mohapahari.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on me, O Manmathari.

Not until the lotus feet of Uma Nath.
They worship others in this world
There is no such thing as happiness, peace, or the destruction of sorrow.
I worship Lord Shiva, the abode of all beings and others.

I don’t know yoga, chanting or worship.
I bow to Thee always and for ever, O Sambhu.
Old age and birth are tormented by the flood of suffering.
Lord, protect me in distress, O Lord Shambho.

This Rudrashtakam is recited by a brahmin to satisfy Lord Hari.
Lord Śambhu is pleased with those who recite this mantra with devotion

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