शिव की करो आराधना |
सुनते हैं वो हर प्रार्थना ||
वो सब के पालनहारे हैं, श्रृष्टि के रचना कार हैं |
उनकी शरण मे जो गया, उस भक्त का उधार है |
चरणों मे उनके बैठना, हाथो से उनको थामना ||
भोले हैं वो प्यारे भी हैं, सब देव मे न्यारे भी है |
माना गले मे सर्प भी, त्रिशूल वो थामें भी हैं |
त्रिदेव हैं, त्रिनेत्र हैं, जाने वो सब की भावना ||
Worship Shiva
He hears every prayer
He is the sustainer of all, the creator of the universe.
Whatever went in his shelter is a loan of that devotee.
Sitting at his feet, holding him with his hands.
They are innocent, they are also dear, they are also different in all gods.
As if there is a snake in the neck, he is also holding the trident.
There is Tridev, there is Trinetra, know the feeling of all of them.