अपराजिता स्तोत्र

ॐ अस्या: वैष्ण्व्या: पराया: अजिताया: महाविद्ध्या: वामदेव-ब्रहस्पतमार्कणडेया ॠषयः। गाय्त्रुश्धिगानुश्ठुब्ब्रेहती छंदासी। लक्ष्मी नृसिंहो देवता। ॐ क्लीं श्रीं हृीं बीजं हुं शक्तिः। सकल्कामना सिद्ध्यर्थ अपराजित विद्द्य्मंत्र पाठे विनियोग:।
(जल भूमि पर छोड़ दे)

अपराजिता देवी ध्यान-

ॐ निलोत्पलदलश्यामां भुजंगाभरणानिव्तं।
शुद्ध्स्फटीकंसकाशां चन्द्र्कोटिनिभाननां।।१।।

शड़्खचक्रधरां देवीं वैष्णवीं अपराजितं।
बालेंदुशेख्रां देवीं वर्दाभाय्दायिनीं।।२।।

नमस्कृत्य पपाठैनां मार्कंडेय महातपा:।।३।।

श्री मार्कंडेय उवाच-
शृणुष्वं मुनय: सर्वे सर्व्कामार्थ्सिद्धिदाम्।
असिद्धसाधनीं देवीं वैष्णवीं अपराजितम्।।४।।

ॐ नमो नारायणाय, नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय, नमोऽस्त्वनंताय सह्स्त्रिशीर्षायणे, क्षिरोदार्णवशायिने,
शेषभोगपययड़्काय, गरूड़वाहनाय, अमोघाय अजाय अजिताय पीतवाससे,
ॐ वासुदेव सड़्कर्षण प्रघुम्न, अनिरुद्ध, हयग्रीव, मत्स्य, कुर्म, वाराह, नृसिंह, अच्युत, वामन, त्रिविक्रम, श्रीधर, राम राम राम।

वरद, वरद, वरदो भव, नमोस्तुते, नमोस्तुते स्वाहा।

ॐ असुर- दैत्य- यक्ष- राक्षस- भूत-प्रेत- पिशाच- कुष्मांड-
सिद्ध- योगिनी- डाकिनी- शाकिनी- स्क्न्गद्घान, उपग्रहानक्षत्रग्रहांश्रचान्या हन हन पच पच मथ मथ विध्वंस्य विध्वंस्य विद्रावय विद्रावय चूणय चूणय शंखेंन चक्रेण वज्रेण शुलेंन गदया मुसलेन हलेंन भास्मिकुरु कुरु स्वाहा।

ॐ सहस्त्र्बाहो सह्स्त्रप्रहरणायुध, जय जय, विजय विजय, अजित, अमित, अपराजित, अप्रतिहत, सहत्स्र्नेत्र, ज्वल ज्वल, प्रज्वल प्रज्वल, विश्वरूप, बहुरूप, मधुसुदन, महावराह, महापुरुष, वैकुण्ठ, नारायण, पद्द्नाभ, गोविन्द, दामोदर, हृषिकेश, केशव, सर्वसुरोत्सादन, सर्वभूतवशड़्कर, सर्वदु:स्वप्न्प्रभेदन, सर्वयन्त्रप्रभ्जज्न, सर्वनागविमर्दन, सर्वदेवमहेश्वर, सर्व्बन्धविमोक्षण, सर्वाहितप्रमर्दन, सर्वज्वरप्रणाशन, सर्वग्रहनिवारण, सर्वपापप्रशमन, जनार्दंन, नमोस्तुते स्वाहा।

ॐ विष्णोरियमानुपप्रोकता सर्वकामफलप्रदा।
सर्वसौभाग्यजननी सर्वभितिविनाशनी।।५।।

सवैश्र्च पठितां सिद्धैविष्णो: परम्वाल्लभा।
नानया सदृशं किन्चिदुष्टानां नाशनं परं।।६।।

विद्द्या रहस्या कथिता वैष्ण्व्येशापराजिता।
पठनीया प्रशस्ता वा साक्शात्स्त्वगुणाश्रया।।७।।

ॐ शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजं।
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत्सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये।।८।।

अथात: संप्रवक्ष्यामी हृाभ्यामपराजितम्।
यथाशक्तिमार्मकी वत्स रजोगुणमयी मता।।९।।

सर्वसत्वमयी साक्शात्सर्वमन्त्रमयी च या।
या स्मृता पूजिता जप्ता न्यस्ता कर्मणि योजिता।
सर्वकामदुधा वत्स शृणुश्वैतां ब्रवीमिते।।१०।।

य इमां पराजितां परम्वैष्ण्वीं प्रतिहतां
पठति सिद्धां स्मरति सिद्धां महाविद्द्यां
जपति पठति श्रृणोति स्मरति धारयति किर्तयती वा
न तस्याग्निवायुवज्रोपलाश्निवर्शभयं
न समुद्रभयं न ग्रह्भयं न चौरभयं
न शत्रुभयं न शापभयं वा भवेत्।

विषगरगरदवशीकरण विद्वेशोच्चाटनवध बंधंभयं वा न भवेत्।

एतैमर्न्त्रैरूदाहृातै: सिद्धै: संसिद्धपूजितै:। ॐ नमोस्तुते ।
अभये, अनघे, अजिते, अमिते, अमृते, अपरे, अपराजिते, पठत सिद्धे, जयति सिद्धे, स्मरति सिद्धे, एकोनाशितितमे, एकाकिनी, निश्चेतसी, सुद्र्मे, सुगन्धे, एकान्न्शे, उमे, ध्रुवे, अरुंधती, गायत्री, सावित्री, जातवेदसी, मास्तोके, सरस्वती,धरणी, धारणी, सौदामिनी, अदीति, दिति, विनते, गौरी, गांधारी, मातंगी, कृष्णे, यशोदे, सत्यवादिनी, ब्र्म्हावादिनी, काली, कपालिनी, कराल्नेत्र, भद्रे, निद्रे, सत्योप्याचकरि, स्थाल्गंत, जल्गंत, अन्त्रख्सिगतं वा माँ रक्षसर्वोप्द्रवेभ्य: स्वाहा।

यस्या: प्रणश्यते पुष्पं गर्भो वा पतते यदि।
भ्रियते बालको यस्या: काक्बन्ध्या च या भवेत्।।११।।

धारयेघा इमां विधामेतैदोषैन लिप्यते।
गर्भिणी जीवव्त्सा स्यात्पुत्रिणी स्यान्न संशय:।।१२।।

भूर्जपत्रे त्विमां विद्धां लिखित्वा गंध्चंदनैः।
एतैदोषैन लिप्यते सुभगा पुत्रिणी भवेत्।।१३।।

रणे राजकुले दुते नित्यं तस्य जयो भवेत्।
शस्त्रं वारयते हृोषा समरे काडंदारूणे।।१४।।

गुल्मशुलाक्शिरोगाणां न नाशिनी सर्वदेहिनाम्।।१५।।

इत्येषा कथिता विद्द्या अभयाख्या अपराजिता।
एतस्या: स्म्रितिमात्रेंण भयं क्वापि न जायते।।१६।।

नोपसर्गा न रोगाश्च न योधा नापि तस्करा:।
न राजानो न सर्पाश्च न द्वेष्टारो न शत्रव:।।१७।।

यक्षराक्षसवेताला न शाकिन्यो न च ग्रहा:।
अग्नेभ्र्यं न वाताच्च न स्मुद्रान्न वै विषात्।।१८।।

कामणं वा शत्रुकृतं वशीकरणमेव च।
उच्चाटनं स्तम्भनं च विद्वेषणमथापि वा।।१९।।

न किन्चितप्रभवेत्त्र यत्रैषा वर्ततेऽभया।
पठेद वा यदि वा चित्रे पुस्तके वा मुखेऽथवा।।२०।।

हृदि वा द्वार्देशे व वर्तते हृाभय: पुमान्।
ह्रदय विन्यसेदेतां ध्यायदेवीं चतुर्भुजां।।२१।।

रक्त्माल्याम्बरधरां पद्दरागसम्प्रभां।

साध्केभ्य: प्र्यछ्न्तीं मंत्रवर्णामृतान्यापि।
नात: परतरं किन्च्चिद्वाशिकरणमनुतम्ं।।२३।।

रक्षणं पावनं चापि नात्र कार्या विचारणा।
प्रात: कुमारिका: पूज्या: खाद्दैराभरणैरपि।
तदिदं वाचनीयं स्यातत्प्रिया प्रियते तू मां।।२४।।

ॐ अथात: सम्प्रक्ष्यामी विद्दामपी महाबलां।
सर्व्दुष्टप्रश्मनी सर्वशत्रुक्षयड़्करीं।।२५।।

दारिद्र्य्दुखशमनीं दुभार्ग्यव्याधिनाशिनिं।
भूतप्रेतपिशाचानां यक्श्गंध्वार्क्षसां।।२६।।

डाकिनी शाकिनी स्कन्द कुष्मांडनां च नाशिनिं।
महारौदिं महाशक्तिं सघ: प्रत्ययकारिणीं।।२७।।

गोपनीयं प्रयत्नेन सर्वस्वंपार्वतीपते:।
तामहं ते प्रवक्ष्यामि सावधानमनाः श्रृणु।।२८।।

एकाहिृकं द्वहिकं च चातुर्थिकर्ध्मासिकं।
द्वैमासिकं त्रैमासिकं तथा चातुर्थ्मासिकं।।२९।।

पाँचमासिक षाड्मासिकं वातिक पैत्तिक्ज्वरं।
श्रैष्मिकं सानिपातिकं तथैव सततज्वरं।।३०।।

मौहूर्तिकं पैत्तिकं शीतज्वरं विषमज्वरं।
द्वहिंकं त्रयहिन्कं चैव ज्वर्मेकाहिकं तथा।
क्षिप्रं नाशयेते नित्यं स्मरणाद्पराजिता।।३१।।

ॐ हीं हन हन कालि शर शर गौरि धम धम
विद्धे आले ताले माले गन्थे बन्धे पच पच विद्दे
नाशाय नाशाय पापं हर हर संहारय वा दु:स्वप्नविनाशनी कमलस्थिते विनायकमात:
रजनि संध्ये दुन्दुभिनादे मानसवेगे शड़्खिनी चक्रिणी
गदिनी वज्रिणी शूलिनी अपमृत्युविनाशिनी
विश्रेश्वरी द्रविणी द्राविणी केश्वद्यिते पशुपतिसहिते दुन्दुभिदमनी दुम्मदमनी शबरि किराती मातंगी ॐ द्रं द्रं ज्रं ज्रं क्रं क्रं तुरु तुरु ॐ द्रं कुरु कुरु।

ये मां द्विषन्ति प्रत्यक्षं परोक्षं वा तान सर्वान दम दम मर्दय मर्दय तापय तापय गोपय गोपय पातय पातय शोषय शोषय उत्सादय उत्सादय ब्रम्हाणी ब्रम्हाणी माहेश्वरी कौमारि वाराहि नारसिंही एंद्री चामुंडे महालक्ष्मी वैनायिकी औपेंद्री आग्नेयी चंडी नैॠति वायव्ये सौम्ये ऐशानि ऊध्र्व्मधोरक्ष प्रचंद्विद्दे इन्द्रोपेन्द्रभगिनि।

ॐ नमो देवी जये विजये शान्ति स्वस्ति तुष्ठी पुष्ठी विवर्द्धिनी कामांकुशे कामदुद्दे सर्वकामवर्प्रदे सर्वभूतेषु माँ प्रियं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा।

आकर्षणी आवेशनि ज्वालामालिनी रमणी रामणि धरणी धारणी तपनि तापिनी मदनी मादिनी शोषणी सम्मोहिनी।
नीलपताके महानीले महागौरि महाश्रिये।
महाचान्द्री महासौरी महामायुरी आदित्यरश्मि जाहृवि।
यमघंटे किणी किणी चिन्तामणि।
सुगन्धे सुर्भे सुरासुरोत्प्त्रे सर्वकाम्दुद्दे।
यद्द्था मनिषीतं कार्यं तन्मम सिद्धतु स्वाहा।

ॐ स्वाहा। ॐ भू: स्वाहा। ॐ भुव: स्वाहा। ॐ स्व: स्वाहा।
ॐ मह: स्वाहा। ॐ जन: स्वाहा। ॐ तप: स्वाहा। ॐ सत्यं स्वाहा। ॐ भूभुर्व: स्वाहा।

यत एवागतं पापं तत्रैव प्रतिगच्छ्तु स्वाहेत्यों।
अमोघैषा महाविद्दा वैष्णवी चापराजिता।।३२।।

स्वयं विश्नुप्रणीता च सिद्धेयं पाठत: सदा।
एषा महाबला नाम कथिता तेऽपराजित।।३३।।

नानया सदृशी रक्षा त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्दते।
तमोगुणमयी साक्षद्रोद्री शक्तिरियं मता।।३४।।

कृतान्तोऽपि यतोभीत: पाद्मुले व्यवस्थित:।
मूलाधारे न्यसेदेतां रात्रावेन च संस्मरेत।।३५।।

नीलजीतमूतसंड़्काशां तडित्कपिलकेशिकाम्।
उद्ददादित्यसंकाशां नेत्रत्रयविराजिताम्।।३६।।

शक्तिं त्रिशूलं शड़्खं चपानपात्रं च बिभ्रतीं।
व्याघ्र्चार्म्परिधानां किड़्किणीजालमंडितं।।३७।।

धावंतीं गगंस्यांत: पादुकाहितपादकां।
दंष्टाकरालवदनां व्यालकुण्डलभूषितां।।३८।।

व्यात्वक्त्रां ललजिहृां भुकुटिकुटिलालकां।
स्वभक्तद्वेषिणां रक्तं पिबन्तीं पान्पात्रत:।।३९।।

सप्तधातून शोषयन्तीं क्रूरदृष्टया विलोकनात्।
त्रिशुलेन च तज्जिहृां कीलयंतीं मुहुमुर्हु:।।४०।।

पाशेन बद्धा तं साधमानवंतीं तन्दिके।
अर्द्धरात्रस्य समये देवीं ध्यायेंमहबलां।।४१।।

यस्य यस्य वदेन्नाम जपेन्मंत्रं निशांतके।
तस्य तस्य तथावस्थां कुरुते सापियोगिनी।।४२।।

ॐ बले महाबले असिद्धसाधनी स्वाहेति।
अमोघां पठति सिद्धां श्रीवैष्णवीं।।४३।।

श्रीमद्पाराजिताविद्दां ध्यायते।
दु:स्वप्ने दुरारिष्टे च दुर्निमिते तथैव च।
व्यवहारे भवेत्सिद्धि: पठेद्विघ्नोपशान्त्ये।।४४।।

यदत्र पाठे जगदम्बिके मया, विसर्गबिन्द्धऽक्षरहीमीड़ितं।
तदस्तु सम्पूर्णतमं प्रयान्तु मे, सड़्कल्पसिद्धिस्तु सदैव जायतां।।४५।।

ॐ तव तत्वं न जानामि किदृशासी महेश्वरी।
यादृशासी महादेवी ताद्रिशायै नमो नम:।।४६।।

।। इति श्री अपराजिता स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।

ॐ The sages Vamadeva, Brahmaspata and Markandeya are the great knowledge of this Vaishnava, the Supreme, the Invincible. Gayatrushdhiganushthubbrehti chhandasi. Lakshmi is the deity of Nrishimha. Om Klim Srim Hrim Seed Hum Shakti. Vinioga for reciting the Aparajita Vidyamantra for the fulfillment of all desires. (Leave the water on the ground)

Aparajita Devi Meditation-

ॐ blue lotus petals black and covered with serpent ornaments. She was like pure crystal and had a face like a crore of moons.

The invincible Vaishnava goddess holding the conch and wheel. Balendushekhra goddess Vardabhayadayini.

O Markandeya the great ascetic offered obeisances and recited this mantra.

Sri Markandeya said: All sages listen to this woman who fulfills all your desires and objects The invincible Vaishnava goddess who achieves incompleteness.

OM NAMAH NARAYANAYA, NAMAH BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA, NAMASTVANATAYA SAHSTRISHIRSHAYANAYA, KSHIRODARANAVASHAYINE, Sheshabhogapayadkaya, Garudvahanaya, Amoghaya Ajaya Ajitaya Pitavasase, Om Vasudeva Sadkarshana Praghumna, Aniruddha, Hayagriwa, Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Nrishimha, Achyutha, Vamana, Trivikrama, Sridhar, Rama Rama Rama.

Blesser, bestower of blessings, be the bestower of blessings, I offer my obeisances to you, I offer my obeisances to you.

Om Asura- Daitya- Yaksha- Rakshasa- Bhoot-Pret- Pisacha- Kushmanda- Siddha- Yogini- Dakini- Shakini- Skngdghan, Satellites, Stars, Planets and others Han Han Pach Pach Math Destroy Destroy Dissolve Dissolve Choose Choose Conch, Wheel, Thunderbolt, Spear, Mace, Hale, Hale, Bhasmikuru Kuru Svaha.

Om Sahastrabaho Sahastrapraharanayudha, Jai Jai, Vijaya Vijaya, Ajit, Amit, Aparajita, Aprathihata, Sahatsrnetra, Jval Jval, Prajval Prajval, Visvaroop, Bahurupa, Madhusudana, Mahavaraha, Mahapurusha, Vaikuntha, Narayana, Paddnabha, Govinda, Damodara, Hrishikesh, Keshav, O Janardana, destroyer of all demons, subduer of all beings, distinguisher of all nightmares, destroyer of all instruments, destroyer of all serpents, destroyer of all gods, Lord of all gods, destroyer of all bondage, destroyer of all evils, destroyer of all fevers, destroyer of all planets, reliever of all sins.

ॐ Vishnoriyamanupaprokata sarvakamaphalaprada. Mother of all good fortune and destroyer of all fears.

She is the most dear to Siddha Vishnu and is read by all. There is nothing like her but the destruction of the wicked.

The mystery of knowledge is told and defeated by the Vaishnava Lord. It is readable or praiseworthy and is dependent on the virtues of the witness.

ॐ Vishnu, dressed in white, with four arms, the color of the moon. One should meditate on the cheerful face for the removal of all obstacles.

Therefore I shall tell you the invincible with both my hearts It is considered to be as poignant as possible, my dear, and to be of the mode of passion.

She is the embodiment of all beings and the embodiment of all mantras from the witness. That which is remembered, worshipped, chanted, entrusted, and engaged in action. O child, milk of all desires, listen to what I am telling you.

He who has defeated this supreme Vaishnava and repulsed her He reads the Siddha and remembers the Siddha Mahavidya She chants, reads, hears, remembers, holds or recites He is not afraid of fire, wind, thunderbolt, lightning or rain No fear of the sea, no fear of the planets, no fear of thieves There should be no fear of enemies or curses.

Sometimes he hates women and kings and families There should be no poisoning, no poisoning, no hatred, no killing, no bondage, no fear.

These mantras are uttered by the Siddhas and worshiped by the Siddhas. ॐ Namostute. Abhaye, Anaghe, Ajite, Amite, Amrite, Apare, Aparajite, Pathat Siddhe, Jayati Siddhe, Smarati Siddhe, Eighty-one, Ekakini, Nischetasi, Sudrame, Sugandhe, Ekanshe, Ume, Dhruve, Arundhati, Gayatri, Savitri, Jatavedasi, Mastoke, Saraswati ,Dharani, Dharani, Saudamini, Aditi, Diti, Vinte, Gauri, Gandhari, Matangi, Krishna, Yashoda, Satyavadini, Brahmavadini, Kali, Kapalini, Karalnetra, Bhadre, Nidre, Satyopyachakari, Sthalgant, Jalgant, Antrakhsigatam Va Maa Rakshasarvopdravebhya: Svaha.

If a woman loses her flower or her pregnancy falls out She whose child is frightened and who is pregnant with a crow.

This type of Dharayegha is tainted by this fault. She will be pregnant with a living calf and will undoubtedly have a daughter.

Write this piercing on a brown leaf with fragrant sandalwood. She will be tainted by this evil and will have a fortunate daughter.

He will always be victorious in battle as a messenger in the royal family He stops the weapon with joy in the battle of Kandaran.

It is not destroyer of shrubs, thorns, eyes and diseases of all bodies.

This is the said knowledge, the invincible name of fearlessness. By merely remembering this fear does not arise anywhere.

There were no attacks no diseases no warriors no thieves There are no kings nor serpents nor haters nor enemies.

Neither yakshas rakshasas vetalas nor vegetarians nor planets It is not from fire or wind or sea or poison.

or lust, and subjugation by the enemy. exaltation and stamping or hatred.

Nothing can be done where this fearlessness exists Whether he reads it or if it is in a picture or in a book or in his mouth.

A man who is afraid of the heart is in the heart or at the door Place this four-armed goddess of meditation in the heart.

She was dressed in red garlands and dressed in lotus flowers She was adorned with ropes, goads and fearless boons.

She also asked the sadhakas for mantras, colors and nectars. There is nothing beyond this that is incompatible with indwelling.

Protection and sanctification are not to be considered. In the morning the maidens are worshiped with food and ornaments That is what should be said, dear, you love me.

OM Athata: Samprakshyami Viddamapi Mahabalam. She questions all evil and destroys all enemies.

It relieves poverty and suffering and destroys diseases of misfortune. among ghosts, ghouls, devils, yakshas, ​​gandhas and rakshasas.

Dakini Shakini Skanda Kushmandanam Cha Nashinin. Maharaudin Mahashaktim Saghah Pratyayakarini..27..

All the property of Lord Parvati should be kept secret with great effort I shall tell you that Listen with careful mind.

One-day, two-day and four-monthly. Two-monthly, three-monthly and four-monthly.

Five-monthly six-monthly rheumatic fever. Heat and cold and constant fever.

Mauhurtika, pathic, cold, poisonous fever. Two-hink, three-hink, fever and one-hik. They are quickly destroyed by the constant remembrance of the defeated.

Om Hum Han Han Kali Shar Shar Gauri Dham Dham Viddhe ale tala male ganthe bandhe pach pach vidde Destroy, destroy, sin, destroy, or destroy nightmares, O mother of Vinayaka, in the lotus: At night, in the evening, with the sound of drums, the mental speed of the conchshell is stirred The club, the thunderbolt, the spear, the destroyer of death Vishreshwari Dravini Dravini Keshwadyite with Pashupati Dundubhidamani Dummadamani Sabari Kirati Matangi Om Dram Dram Jram Jram Kram Kram Turu Turu Om Dram Kuru Kuru.

Those who hate me directly or indirectly, crush them all, crush them, crush them, heat them, hide them, hide them, drop them, dry them, dry them, destroy them, destroy them, destroy them O sister of Indra and Upendra in the great knowledge of Dhrvamadhoraksha.

Ome Namo Devi Jaya Vijaya Shanti Swasti Tushthi Pushti Vivardhini Kamankushe Kamadudde Sarvakamavarprade Sarvabhuteshu Maa Priyam Kuru Kuru Svaha.

Attractive, passionate, flaming, beautiful, beautiful, earth-bearing, heating, heating, mad, intoxicating, absorbing, hypnotizing. O great blue of the blue leaf, O great Gauri, O great beauty. Mahachandri Mahasauri Mahamayuri Adityarashmi Jahrivi. Yamaghante kini kini chintamani. O fragrant surbhe, the source of all desires for the gods and demons. May whatever you intend to do be accomplished for me, Svaha.

ॐ Svaha. ॐ Bhu: Svaha. ॐ Bhuva: Svaha. OM SWA: SWAHA. ॐ Maha: Svaha. ॐ Jana: Svaha. ॐ Tapa: Svaha. ॐ Satyam Svaha. ॐ Bhubhurva: Svaha.

May the sin that has come from it return to it, Svahetyon. This infallible great learned Vaishnava bow is invincible.

It is also inspired by Vishnu himself and is always perfected by recitation. This is the mighty name I have told you, O invincible one.

There is no protection like Nana in the three worlds. This is considered to be the Sakshadrodri Shakti composed of the modes of darkness.

Even death, fearing him, stood at his feet. Place this at the base of the root and remember it at night.

She looked like a blue-green urine-skinned woman with lightning-colored hair. She looked like the rising sun and shone with three eyes.

She carried power, a trident, a conch and a vessel for drinking. They were dressed in tiger skins and covered with a network of insects.

Running in the sky: the feet of the footsteps. She had a terrible face with fangs and was adorned with serpent earrings.

She had a wide mouth and a red tongue. Drinking the blood of her devotees and enemies from a drinking vessel.

From looking at her with cruel eyes as she dried up the seven metals. She repeatedly locked his tongue with a trident.

She was tied up with a rope and was trying to get him to the table. At the time of midnight I should meditate on the goddess Mahabala.

Whoever speaks his name should chant the mantra at night. The yogini also makes him in that state.

ॐ Bale Mahabale Asiddhasadhani Svaheti. He recites the infallible and perfect Sri Vaishnava.

He meditates on the blessed Parajita Viddha. In a bad dream and in a bad misfortune and also in a bad cause. One should recite it for the removal of obstacles and will attain perfection in practice.

That which I have read here, O Mother of the universe, I have worshiped with the letter of the consonant. May that go to me in its most completeness, and may the perfection of the Sadkalpa always be born.

Om I do not know your essence, what kind of Goddess you are. I offer my obeisances to the goddess who is the great goddess as she was.

।। This is the complete Sri Aparajita Stotram.

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