दशमहाविद्या स्तोत्र।

आज शारदीय नवरात्रि का दूसरा दिन है। प्रस्तुत है दशमहाविद्या स्तोत्र। माता ब्रह्मचारिणी अपने सभी भक्तों का मङ्गल करें !

।। दशमहाविद्यास्तोत्रम् ।।

नमस्तुभ्यं महादेव! विश्वनाथ ! जगद्गुरो !।
श्रुतं ज्ञानं महादेव ! नानातन्त्र तवाननत्।।

इदानीं ज्ञानं महादेव ! गुह्यस्तोत्रं वद प्रभो !।
कवचं ब्रूहि मे नाथ ! मन्त्रचैतन्यकारणम्।।

मन्त्रसिद्धिकरं गुह्याद्गुह्यं मोक्षैधायकम्।
श्रुत्वा मोक्षमवाप्नोति ज्ञात्वा विद्यां महेश्वर !।।

श्री शिव उवाच-
दुर्लभं तारिणीमार्गं दुर्लभं तारिणीपदम्।
मन्त्रार्थं मन्त्रचैतन्यं दुर्लभं शवसाधनम्।।

श्मशानसाधनं योनिसाधनं ब्रह्मसाधनम्।
क्रियासाधनकं भक्तिसाधनं मुक्तिसाधनम्।।

तव प्रसादाद्देवेशि! सर्वाः सिद्ध्यन्ति सिद्धयः।

ॐ नमस्ते चण्डिके चण्डि चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनि।
नमस्ते कालिके कालमहाभयविनाशिनि।।१।।

शिवे रक्ष जगद्धात्रि प्रसीद हरवल्लभे।
प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं जगत्पालनकारिणीम्।।२।।

जगत् क्षोभकरीं विद्यां जगत्सृष्टिविधायिनीम्।
करालां विकटां घोरां मुण्डमालाविभूषिताम्।।३।।

हरार्चितां हराराध्यां नमामि हरवल्लभाम्।
गौरीं गुरुप्रियां गौरवर्णालङ्कारभूषिताम्।।४।।

हरिप्रियां महामायां नमामि ब्रह्मपूजिताम्।
सिद्धां सिद्धेश्वरीं सिद्धविद्याधरङ्गणैर्युताम्।।५।।

मन्त्रसिद्धिप्रदां योनिसिद्धिदां लिङ्गशोभिताम्।
प्रणमामि महामायां दुर्गां दुर्गतिनाशिनीम्।।६।।

नीलां नीलघनश्यामां नमामि नीलसुन्दरीम्।।७।।

श्यामाङ्गीं श्यामघटितां श्यामवर्णविभूषिताम्।
प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं गौरीं सर्वार्थसाधिनीम्।।८।।

विश्वेश्वरीं महाघोरां विकटां घोरनादिनीम्।

श्रीं दुर्गां धनदामन्नपूर्णां पद्मां सुरेश्वरीम्।
प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं चन्द्रशेखरवल्लभाम्।।१०।।

त्रिपुरां सुन्दरीं बालामबलागणभूषिताम्।
शिवदूतीं शिवाराध्यां शिवध्येयां सनातनीम्।।११।।

सुन्दरीं तारिणीं सर्वशिवागणविभूषिताम्।
नारायणीं विष्णुपूज्यां ब्रह्मविष्णुहरप्रियाम्।।१२।।

सर्वसिद्धिप्रदां नित्यामनित्यां गुणवर्जिताम्।
सगुणां निर्गुणां ध्येयामर्चितां सर्वसिद्धिदाम्।।१३।।

विद्यां सिद्धिप्रदां विद्यां महाविद्यां महेश्वरीम्।
महेशभक्तां माहेशीं महाकालप्रपूजिताम्।।१४।।

प्रणमामि जगद्धात्रीं शुम्भासुरविमर्दिनीम्।
रक्तप्रियां रक्तवर्णां रक्तबीजविमर्दिनीम्।।१५।।

भैरवीं भुवनां देवीं लोलजिह्वां सुरेश्वरीम्।
चतुर्भुजां दशभुजामष्टादशभुजां शुभाम्।।१६।।

त्रिपुरेशीं विश्वनाथप्रियां विश्वेश्वरीं शिवाम्।
अट्टहासामट्टहासप्रियां धूम्रविनाशिनीम्।।१७।।

कमलां छिन्नभालाञ्च मातङ्गीं सुरसुन्दरीम्।
षोडशीं विजयां भीमां धूमाञ्च वगलामुखीम्।।१८।।

सर्वसिद्धिप्रदां सर्वविद्यामन्त्रविशोधिनीम्।
प्रणमामि जगत्तारां साराञ्च मन्त्रसिद्धये।।१९।।

इत्येवञ्च वरारोहे स्तोत्रं सिद्धिकरं परम्।
पठित्वा मोक्षमाप्नोति सत्यं वै गिरिनन्दिनि।।२०।।

कुजवारे चतुर्दश्याममायां जीववासरे।
शुक्रे निशिगते स्तोत्रं पठित्वा मोक्षमाप्नुयात्।।

त्रिपक्षे मन्त्रसिद्धि स्यात्स्तोत्रपाठाद्धि शंकरि।
चतुर्दश्यां निशाभागे निशि भौमेऽष्टमीदिने।।

निशामुखे पठेत्स्तोत्रं मन्त्र सिद्धिमवाप्नुयात्।
केवलं स्तोत्रपाठाद्धि तन्त्रसिद्धिरनुत्तमा।
जागर्ति सततं चण्डी स्तवपाठाद्भुजङ्गिनी।।

।। इति मुण्डमालातन्त्रोक्त पञ्चदशपटलान्तर्गतं
दशमहाविद्यास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तुते।।

।। श्री महादेव्यै नमो नमः ।।

Today is the second day of Shardiya Navratri. Presented is Dashamahavidya Stotra. May Mata Brahmacharini bless all her devotees!

।। Dashamahavidyastotram.

Sri Parvati said: O Lord, I salute you! Vishwanath! Jagadguru!. Heard knowledge, O Lord! Nanatantra tavanant.

Now knowledge, O Lord! Tell me the secret hymn, Lord!. Tell me the shield, Lord! The cause of mantra consciousness.

It is the perfection of mantras, the secret from the secret, the source of liberation. Hearing this, one attains liberation, knowing the knowledge, O Lord!

Sri Shiva said: The path to the savior is rare, the footsteps of the savior are rare. Mantra consciousness for the sake of mantra is a rare means of corpse.

The means of the grave, the means of the vagina, the means of the Brahman. It is the means of action, the means of devotion, and the means of liberation.

By your grace, O Goddess! All perfections are accomplished.

O Chandika, Chandi, destroyer of Chanda and Munda, I offer my obeisances to you. O Kali, destroyer of the great fear of time, I offer my obeisances to you.

O Shiva, protect me, mother of the universe, have mercy on me, dearest to Lord Śiva. I bow to her who is the mother of the universe and the protector of the universe.

Knowledge that perturbs the world and determines the creation of the world. Terrible, terrible, terrible, adorned with a garland of skulls.

I bow to her who is worshiped by Hari and who is worshiped by Hari and who is dear to Hari. Gauri dear to her teacher and adorned with white colored ornaments.

I offer my obeisances to that great illusion dear to monkeys and worshiped by Brahma Siddha Siddheshwari accompanied by hosts of Siddha Vidyadharas.

She bestows the perfection of mantras, the perfection of the vagina, and is adorned with the Linga. I bow to the great illusory Durga who destroys evil.

Ugrama, fierce, fierce, fierce stars, and fierce hosts. I bow to the blue, blue-dense, blue-beautiful.

She was dark-skinned, dressed in dark clothes and adorned with dark colours. I bow to Gauri, the mother of the universe, who accomplishes all purposes.

The goddess of the universe is very dreadful and terrible and sounds terrible. worshiped by the first and the first teacher and the first and the first lord.

Sri Durga, the giver of wealth, full of food, the lotus, the goddess of the gods. I bow to the mother of the universe, the beloved of Chandrashekhar.

Tripura is beautiful adorned with hosts of young women She is the messenger of Lord Shiva and is worshiped by Lord Shiva and is eternally meditated upon by Lord Shiva.

Beautiful savior adorned with hosts of all the Sivas. Narayani worshiped by Vishnu and dear to Brahma and Vishnu.

It bestows all perfections, eternal and impermanent, devoid of virtue. Saguna nirguna meditative worshiped bestower of all perfections.

Vidya, the bestower of perfection, Vidya, the great knowledge, the great Goddess. Devoted to Mahesh and worshiped by Maheshi and Mahakala.

I bow to the mother of the universe, the destroyer of Shumbha and the demons. She loves red and has a red complexion and crushes red seeds.

Bhairavi, the goddess of the worlds, with her rolling tongue, the goddess of the gods. The auspicious one with four arms, ten arms and eighteen arms.

Tripuraeshri, dear to Visvanath, Visveshwari, auspicious. She loves loud laughter and destroys smoke.

The lotus with her spear cut off and the elephant the beautiful goddess. The sixteenth Vijaya, Bhima, Dhuma and Vagalamukhi.

It bestows all perfections and purifies all knowledge and mantras. I bow to the savior of the universe and Sara for the fulfillment of the mantra.

Thus, O best of riders, the stotra is supremely perfect. By reciting it one attains liberation indeed, O delight of the mountains.

Phalashruti- On the fourteenth day of the month of Kujvara, on the day of Jiva. One who recites this stotra at night on Venus attains liberation.

In the three aspects, the mantra is accomplished by reciting the stotra, O Shankari. On the fourteenth day of the month at midnight on the eighth day of the month of Bhauma

One who recites this stotra at the beginning of the night attains the perfection of the mantra. The perfection of the Tantra is excellent by merely reciting the stotra. Chandi, the serpent-girl, is always awake by reciting her hymns.

।। This is within the fifteen panels mentioned in the Mundamala Tantra Complete Dashamahavidyastotram.

O auspicious one, auspicious to all, auspicious, fulfiller of all purposes. O protector of the three worlds, O Gauri, O Narayani, I offer my obeisances unto thee.

।। Ome Namah Sri Mahadevi.

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