इन्द्रकृतं श्रीलक्ष्मी स्तोत्रं ।।

इन्द्र उवाच
ऊँ नम: कमलवासिन्यै नारायण्यै नमो नम:।
कृष्णप्रियायै सारायै पद्मायै च नमो नम:।।१।।

देवराज इन्द्र बोले- भगवती कमलवासिनी को नमस्कार है। देवी नारायणी को बार-बार नमस्कार है। संसार की सारभूता कृष्णप्रिया भगवती पद्मा को अनेकश: नमस्कार है।

पद्मपत्रेक्षणायै च पद्मास्यायै नमो नम:।
पद्मासनायै पद्मिन्यै वैष्णव्यै च नमो नम:।।२।।

कमलरत्न के समान नेत्रवाली कमलमुखी भगवती महालक्ष्मी को नमस्कार है। पद्मासना, पद्मिनी एवं वैष्णवी नाम से प्रसिद्ध भगवती महालक्ष्मी को बार-बार नमस्कार है।

सर्वसम्पत्स्वरूपायै सर्वदात्र्यै नमो नम:।
सुखदायै मोक्षदायै सिद्धिदायै नमो नम:।।३।।

सर्वसम्पत्स्वरुपिणी सर्वदात्री देवी को नमस्कार है। सुखदायिनी, मोक्षदायिनी और सिद्धिदायिनी देवी को बारम्बार नमस्कार है।

हरिभक्तिप्रदात्र्यै च हर्षदात्र्यै नमो नम:।
कृष्णवक्ष:स्थितायै च कृष्णेशायै नमो नम:।।४।।

भगवान श्रीहरि में भक्ति उत्पन्न करने वाली तथा हर्ष प्रदान करने में परम कुशल देवी को बार-बार नमस्कार है। भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के वक्ष:स्थल पर विराजमान एवं उनकी हृदयेश्वरी देवी को बारम्बार प्रणाम है।

कृष्णशोभास्वरूपायै रत्नपद्मे च शोभने।
सम्पत्त्यधिष्ठातृदेव्यै महादेव्यै नमो नम:।।५।।

रत्नपद्मे ! शोभने ! तुम श्रीकृष्ण की शोभास्वरुपा हो, सम्पूर्ण सम्पत्ति की अधिष्ठात्री देवी एवं महादेवी हो, तुम्हें मैं बार-बार प्रणाम करता हूँ।

शस्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै च शस्यायै च नमो नम:।
नमो बुद्धिस्वरूपायै बुद्धिदायै नमो नम:।।६।।

शस्य की अधिष्ठात्री देवी एवं शस्यस्वरुपा हो, तुम्हें बारम्बार नमस्कार है। बुद्धिस्वरुपा एवं बुद्धिप्रदा भगवती के लिए अनेकश: प्रणाम है।

वैकुण्ठे या महालक्ष्मीर्लक्ष्मी: क्षीरोदसागरे।
स्वर्गलक्ष्मीरिन्द्रगेहे राजलक्ष्मीर्नृपालये।।७।।

गृहलक्ष्मीश्च गृहिणां गेहे च गृहदेवता।
सुरभी सा गवां माता दक्षिणा यज्ञकामिनी।।८।।

देवि ! तुम वैकुण्ठ में महालक्ष्मी, क्षीरसमुद्र में लक्ष्मी, राजाओं के भवन में राजलक्ष्मी, इन्द्र के स्वर्ग में स्वर्गलक्ष्मी, गृहस्थों के घर में गृहलक्ष्मी, प्रत्येक घर में गृहदेवता, गोमाता सुरभि और यज्ञ की पत्नी दक्षिणा के रूप में विराजमान रहती हो।

अदितिर्देवमाता त्वं कमला कमलालये।
स्वाहा त्वं च हविर्दाने कव्यदाने स्वधा स्मृता।।९।।

तुम देवताओं की माता अदिति हो। कमलालयवासिनी कमला भी तुम्हीं हो। हव्य प्रदान करते समय ‘स्वाहा’ और कव्य प्रदान करने के अवसर पर ‘स्वधा’ का जो उच्चारण होता है, वह तुम्हारा ही नाम है।

त्वं हि विष्णुस्वरूपा च सर्वाधारा वसुन्धरा।
शुद्धसत्त्वस्वरूपा त्वं नारायणपरायणा।।१०।।

सबको धारण करने वाली विष्णुस्वरुपा पृथ्वी तुम्हीं हो। भगवान नारायण की उपासना में सदा तत्पर रहने वाली देवि ! तुम शुद्ध सत्त्वस्वरुपा हो।

क्रोधहिंसावर्जिता च वरदा च शुभानना।
परमार्थप्रदा त्वं च हरिदास्यप्रदा परा।।११।।

तुम में क्रोध और हिंसा के लिए किंचिन्मात्र भी स्थान नहीं है। तुम्हें वरदा, शारदा, शुभा, परमार्थदा एवं हरिदास्यप्रदा कहते हैं।

यया विना जगत् सर्वं भस्मीभूतमसारकम्।
जीवन्मृतं च विश्वं च शवतुल्यं यया विना।।१२।।

तुम्हारे बिना सारा जगत भस्मीभूत एवं नि:सार है, जीते-जी ही मृतक है, शव के तुल्य है।

सर्वेषां च परा त्वं हि सर्वबान्धवरूपिणी।
यया विना न सम्भाष्यो बान्धवैर्बान्धव: सदा।।१३।।

तुम सम्पूर्ण प्राणियों की श्रेष्ठ माता हो। सबके बान्धव रुप में तुम्हारा ही पधारना हुआ है। तुम्हारे बिना भाई भी भाई-बन्धुओं के लिए बात करने योग्य भी नहीं रहता है।

त्वया हीनो बन्धुहीनस्त्वया युक्त: सबान्धव:।
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां त्वं च कारणरूपिणी।।१४।।

जो तुमसे हीन है, वह बन्धुजनों से हीन है तथा जो तुमसे युक्त है, वह बन्धुजनों से भी युक्त है। तुम्हारी ही कृपा से धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष प्राप्त होते हैं।

यथा माता स्तनन्धानां शिशूनां शैशवे सदा।
तथा त्वं सर्वदा माता सर्वेषां सर्वरूपत:।।१५।।

जिस प्रकार बचपन में दुधमुँहे बच्चों के लिए माता है, वैसे ही तुम अखिल जगत की जननी होकर सबकी सभी अभिलाषाएँ पूर्ण किया करती हो।

मातृहीन: स्तनत्यक्त: स चेज्जीवति दैवत:।
त्वया हीनो जन: कोsपि न जीवत्येव निश्चितम्।।१६।।

स्तनपायी बालक माता के न रहने पर भाग्यवश जी भी सकता है, परंतु तुम्हारे बिना कोई भी नहीं जी सकता। यह बिलकुल निश्चित है।

सुप्रसन्नस्वरूपा त्वं मां प्रसन्ना भवाम्बिके।
वैरिग्रस्तं च विषयं देहि मह्यं सनातनि।।१७।।

हे अम्बिके ! सदा प्रसन्न रहना तुम्हारा स्वाभाविक गुण है। अत: मुझ पर प्रसन्न हो जाओ। सनातनी ! मेरा राज्य शत्रुओं के हाथ में चला गया है, तुम्हारी कृपा से वह मुझे पुन: प्राप्त हो जाए।

वयं यावत् त्वया हीना बन्धुहीनाश्च भिक्षुका:।
सर्वसम्पद्विहीनाश्च तावदेव हरिप्रिये।।१८।।

हरिप्रिये ! मुझे जब तक तुम्हारा दर्शन नहीं मिला था, तभी तक मैं बन्धुहीन, भिक्षुक तथा सम्पूर्ण सम्पत्तियों से शून्य था।

राज्यं देहि श्रियं देहि बलं देहि सुरेश्वरि।
कीर्तिं देहि धनं देहि यशो मह्यं च देहि वै।।१९।।

सुरेश्वरि ! अब तो मुझे राज्य दो, श्री दो, बल दो, कीर्ति दो, धन दो और यश भी प्रदान करो।

कामं देहि मतिं देहि भोगान् देहि हरिप्रिये।
ज्ञानं देहि च धर्मं च सर्वसौभाग्यमीप्सितम्।।२०।।

हरिप्रिये ! मनोवांछित वस्तुएँ दो, बुद्धि दो, भोग दो, ज्ञान दो, धर्म दो तथा सम्पूर्ण अभिलषित सौभाग्य दो।

प्रभावं च प्रतापं च सर्वाधिकारमेव च।
जयं पराक्रमं युद्धे परमैश्वर्यमेव च।।२१।।

इसके सिवा मुझे प्रभाव, प्रताप, सम्पूर्ण अधिकार, युद्ध में विजय, पराक्रम तथा परम ऎश्वर्य की प्राप्ति भी कराओ।

इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यं त्रिसंध्यं य: पठेन्नर:।
कुबेरतुल्य: स भवेद् राजराजेश्वरो महान्।।

सिद्धस्तोत्रं यदि पठेत् सोपि कल्पतरुर्नर:।
पंचलक्षजपेनैव स्तोत्रसिद्धिर्भवेन्नृणाम्।।

सिद्धिस्तोत्रं यदि पठेन्मासमेकं च संयत:।
महासुखी च राजेन्द्रो भविष्यति न संशय:।।

अर्थ- फलश्रुति-
यह स्तोत्र महा पवित्र है। इसका त्रिकाल पाठ करने वाला बड़भागी पुरुष कुबेर के समान राजाधिराज हो सकता है।

।। इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्तमहापुराणे इन्द्रकृतं लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।

Indra said ऊँ Ome to the lotus-dwelling Narayani. I offer my obeisances to Sarai and Padma, dear to Krishna.

meaning- Indra, the king of the gods, said: Obeisance to Goddess Kamalavasini. I salute Goddess Narayani again and again. Many salutations are offered to Goddess Padma, the dearest to Krishna, the essence of the world.

O lotus-eyed lady with eyes like lotus petals I offer my obeisances unto you Obeisances to you who sit on the lotus and to the lotus-like Vaishnava.

meaning- O lotus-faced Goddess Mahalakshmi with eyes like lotus gems, I salute you. I repeatedly salute Goddess Mahalakshmi, known as Padmasana, Padmini and Vaishnavi.

Obeisances to you who are the embodiment of all wealth and the giver of all. Obeisances to you who bestow happiness and liberation and who bestow perfection.

meaning- I salute the goddess who is the embodiment of all wealth and the giver of all. I repeatedly salute the goddess who gives happiness, salvation and perfection.

“Obeisances to you bestower of devotion to Hari and bestower of joy Obeisances to you who are seated on the chest of Krishna and who are the Lord of Krishna.

Meaning- Salutations again and again to the goddess who generates devotion in Lord Sri Hari and is highly skilled in providing happiness. Repeated salutations to Goddess Hridayeshwari who is seated on the chest of Lord Krishna.

O beautiful gem and lotus in the form of black beauty Obeisances to the goddess Mahadevi, the possessor of wealth.

meaning- Ratnapadme! Beautiful! You are the beauty of Krishna, the Goddess and Mahadevi, the possessor of all wealth, I bow to you again and again.

“Obeisances to the goddess who is the inhabitant of the crop and to the goddess of the crop. Obeisance to the form of intelligence and to the giver of intelligence.

meaning- O goddess of crops and crop-form, I repeatedly salute you. There are many salutations to the Goddess who is the embodiment of wisdom and the giver of wisdom.

The great Lakshmi in Vaikuntha is the Lakshmi in the ocean of milk. The opulence of heaven is in the house of Indra and the opulence of kings is in the palace of the king.

She is the household lady and the household goddess in the house of the housewives That fragrant mother of cows is almsgiving and desires sacrifice.

Meaning- Goddess! You reside in the form of Mahalakshmi in Vaikuntha, Lakshmi in Kshir Samudra, Rajalakshmi in the palace of kings, Swargalakshmi in Indra’s heaven, Grihalakshmi in the house of householders, Griha Lakshmi in every house, cow mother Surabhi and Dakshina, the wife of Yagya.

Aditi is the mother of the gods and you are the lotus in the lotus garden. Svaha and you are said to be Svadhā in the offering of Havir and in the offering of Kavya.

Meaning- You are Aditi, the mother of the gods. You are also Kamla, the resident of Kamalalaya. The pronunciation of ‘Swaha’ while offering ‘Havya’ and ‘Swadha’ on the occasion of offering poetry, is your name only.

For you are the form of Vishnu and the earth is the basis of all. You are the embodiment of pure Sattva and are devoted to Narayana.

Meaning- You are the Vishnu-like earth that supports everyone. The goddess who is always ready to worship Lord Narayana! You are pure form of sattva.

She is free from anger and violence and has a beautiful face and bestows boons You are the supreme bestower of the supreme goals and the supreme bestower of the servants of Hari.

Meaning- There is not even the slightest room for anger and violence in you. You are called Varada, Sharda, Shubha, Parmarthada and Haridasyaprada.

Without her the whole world would be burnt to ashes and without essence Without her the living and the dead universe are like corpses.

Meaning- Without you the whole world is reduced to ashes and meaningless, it is dead while alive, it is like a dead body.

And you are the supreme of all in the form of all relatives. Without her relatives cannot always be spoken to by relatives.

Meaning- You are the best mother of all living beings. You are the one who has come in the form of everyone’s bondman. Without you, even a brother is not capable of talking to his brothers.

Without you I am without relatives and with you I am with relatives And Thou art the embodiment of the cause of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

Meaning- The one who is inferior to you is inferior to his relatives and the one who is superior to you is inferior to his relatives also. It is only by your grace that religion, wealth, work and salvation are attained.

Just as a mother always treats breastfed babies in infancy Thus you are always the mother of all in all their forms.

Meaning- Just as you are a mother to infants in their childhood, similarly you fulfill all the desires of everyone by being the mother of the entire world.

If he lives without a mother and abandoned by his breasts he is a god Without you no one will ever live for sure.

Meaning- A mammalian child may luckily survive in the absence of its mother, but no one can survive without you. This is absolutely certain.

O well-pleased form, please me, O Ambike. And give me the object of the enemy, O eternal one.

Meaning- Hey Ambike! Always being happy is your natural quality. So be happy with me. Sanatani! My kingdom has fallen into the hands of enemies, may I get it back by your grace.

As long as we are without you we are monks without relatives They were devoid of all wealth and were so dear to the monkeys.

Meaning- Haripriya! Until I got your darshan, I was friendless, a beggar and devoid of all wealth.

O goddess of the gods give me kingdom give me wealth give me strength Give me fame, wealth and glory.

Meaning- Sureshwari! Now give me the kingdom, give me Sri, give me strength, give me fame, give me wealth and also give me fame.

Give me desire, give me wisdom, give me pleasures, dear to the monkeys. Give me knowledge and righteousness and all the good fortune I desire.

Meaning- Haripriya! Give desired things, give intelligence, give enjoyment, give knowledge, give religion and give all the desired good fortune.

influence and glory and all authority. Victory and prowess in battle and supreme wealth.

Meaning- Apart from this, give me influence, majesty, complete authority, victory in war, bravery and ultimate wealth.

Phalashruti: He who recites this most pious stotra for three evenings. He will become a great lord of kings equal to Kubera

If one recites the Siddha Stotra he too becomes a man of the Kalpa tree. By chanting five lakhs of these stotras men attain perfection.

If one recites the Siddhi Stotra with self-control for one month. There is no doubt that the king will be very happy

Meaning- Result- This stotra is very sacred. A fortunate person who recites this trikaal can become a king like Kubera.

।। This is the complete Lakshmi stotra composed by Indra in the Śrī Brahma-vaivarta-maha-purāṇa.

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