
ईश्‍वर उवाच
शतनाम प्रवक्ष्यामि श्रृणुष्व कमलानने।
यस्य प्रसादमात्रेण दुर्गा प्रीता भवेत् सती।।१।।

ॐ सती साध्वी भवप्रीता भवानी भवमोचनी।
आर्या दुर्गा जया चाद्या त्रिनेत्रा शूलधारिणी।।२।।

पिनाकधारिणी चित्रा चण्डघण्टा महातपाः।
मनो बुद्धिरहंकारा चित्तरूपा चिता चितिः।।३।।

सर्वमन्त्रमयी सत्ता सत्यानन्दस्वरूपिणी।
अनन्ता भाविनी भाव्या भव्याभव्या सदागतिः।।४।।

शाम्भवी देवमाता च चिन्ता रत्‍‌नप्रिया सदा।
सर्वविद्या दक्षकन्या दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी।।५।।

अपर्णानेकवर्णा च पाटला पाटलावती।
पट्टाम्बरपरीधाना कलमञ्जीररञ्जिनी।।६।।

अमेयविक्रमा क्रूरा सुन्दरी सुरसुन्दरी।
वनदुर्गा च मातङ्गी मतङ्गमुनिपूजिता।।७।।

ब्राह्मी माहेश्‍वरी चैन्द्री कौमारी वैष्णवी तथा।
चामुण्डा चैव वाराही लक्ष्मीश्‍च पुरुषाकृतिः।।८।।

विमलोत्कर्षिणी ज्ञाना क्रिया नित्या च बुद्धिदा।
बहुला बहुलप्रेमा सर्ववाहनवाहना।।९।।

निशुम्भशुम्भहननी महिषासुरमर्दिनी।
मधुकैटभहन्त्री च चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनी।।१०।।

सर्वासुरविनाशा च सर्वदानवघातिनी।
सर्वशास्त्रमयी सत्या सर्वास्त्रधारिणी तथा।।११।।

अनेकशस्त्रहस्ता च अनेकास्त्रस्य धारिणी।
कुमारी चैककन्या च कैशोरी युवती यतिः।।१२।।

अप्रौढा चैव प्रौढा च वृद्धमाता बलप्रदा।
महोदरी मुक्तकेशी घोररूपा महाबला।।१३।।

अग्निज्वाला रौद्रमुखी कालरात्रिस्तपस्विनी।
नारायणी भद्रकाली विष्णुमाया जलोदरी।।१४।।

शिवदूती कराली च अनन्ता परमेश्‍वरी।
कात्यायनी च सावित्री प्रत्यक्षा ब्रह्मवादिनी।।१५।।

य इदं प्रपठेन्नित्यं दुर्गानामशताष्टकम्।
नासाध्यं विद्यते देवि त्रिषु लोकेषु पार्वति।।१६।।

धनं धान्यं सुतं जायां हयं हस्तिनमेव च।
चतुर्वर्गं तथा चान्ते लभेन्मुक्तिं च शाश्‍वतीम्।।१७।।

कुमारीं पूजयित्वा तु ध्यात्वा देवीं सुरेश्‍वरीम्।
पूजयेत् परया भक्त्या पठेन्नामशताष्टकम्।।१८।।

तस्य सिद्धिर्भवेद् देवि सर्वैः सुरवरैरपि।
राजानो दासतां यान्ति राज्यश्रियमवाप्नुयात्।।१९।।

गोरोचनालक्तककुङ्कुमेन सिन्दूरकर्पूरमधुत्रयेण।
विलिख्य यन्त्रं विधिना विधिज्ञो भवेत् सदा धारयते पुरारिः।।२०।।

भौमावास्यानिशामग्रे चन्द्रे शतभिषां गते।
विलिख्य प्रपठेत् स्तोत्रं स भवेत् सम्पदां पदम्।।२१।।

।। इति श्रीविश्‍वसारतन्त्रे दुर्गाष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ।।

।। श्री दुर्गादेव्यै नमो नमः ।।

And God said, I will tell you a hundred names, listen to me, O lotus-faced one. By whose grace alone the chaste Durga is pleased.

ॐ Sati Sadhvi Bhavaprita Bhavani Bhavamochani. Arya Durga Jaya Chadya Trinetra Shuladharini.

She was a wonderful woman with a pinaka and a great ascetic with a fierce bell The mind, the intellect, the ego, the form of the mind, the mind, the mind.

The being containing all mantras is the embodiment of true bliss. Infinite, future, future, future, eternal destination.

Shambhavi is the mother of the gods and Chinta is always fond of gems. Sarvavidya Dakshakanya Daksha Yajnavinashini.

The leafless and multicolored Patala is Patalavati. She was dressed in patta and decorated with pens and chains.

She is immeasurably mighty, cruel, beautiful, beautiful of the gods. Vanadurga and Matangi worshiped by the sages Matanga.

Brahma, Maheshwari, Chandri, Kaumari and Vaishnavi. Chamunda and Varahi and Lakshmi in the form of a man.

Knowledge, action, which is pure and uplifting, and eternal, gives wisdom. Bahula Bahulaprema Sarvavahanavahana.

She kills Nishumbha and Shumbha and destroys the buffalo and demons. She destroys Madhu and Kaita and destroys Chanda and Munda.

She destroys all demons and kills all demons She is true to all scriptures and possesses all weapons.

She is armed with many weapons and holds many weapons A virgin and a single daughter, a teenager and a young woman, a saint.

The old mother is a source of strength, both immature and mature. sister with loose hair and terrible appearance and strength.

The flame of fire, the terrible face, the night of darkness, the ascetic. Narayani Bhadrakali Vishnumaya Jalodari.

Shivadooti Karali and the infinite Goddess. Katyayani and Savitri are the direct speakers of the Brahman.

He who recites this eight hundred names of Durga daily. There is nothing impossible, O Devi, in the three worlds, O Parvati.

Wealth grain son wife horse and elephant. He attains the fourfold path and at the end eternal liberation.

Having worshiped the young maiden he meditated on goddess Durga One should worship with supreme devotion and recite the eight hundred names.

May all the best of the gods, O goddess, attain that perfection. Kings become slaves and he attains the wealth of the kingdom.

with cow’s milk, red saffron, sindur, camphor and three honey. Writing down the instrument in accordance with the rituals, the ancient enemy always holds it.

On the night of Bhaumavasya when the Moon has gone to Shatabhisha Write down and recite the stotra he will become the step of wealth.

।। This is the complete Durga Ashtottara Shatanaama Stotram in the Śrī Viśvasara Tantras.

।। Ome Namah Sri Durga Devi.

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