सरस्वती नाम स्तोत्र

सरस्वत्यां प्रसादेन, काव्यं कुर्वन्ति मानवाः।
तस्मान्निश्चल-भावेन, पूजनीया सरस्वती।।१।।

श्री सर्वज्ञ मुखोत्पन्ना, भारती बहुभाषिणी।
अज्ञानतिमिरं हन्ति, विद्या-बहुविकासिनी।।२।।

सरस्वती मया दृष्टा, दिव्या कमललोचना।
हंसस्कन्ध-समारूढ़ा, वीणा-पुस्तक-धारिणी।।३।।

प्रथमं भारतीय नाम, द्वितीयं च सरस्वती।
तृतीयं शारदादेवी, चतुर्थ हंसगामिनी।।४।।

पंचमं विदुषां माता, षष्ठं वागीश्वरी तथा।
कुमारी सप्तमं प्रोक्ता, अष्टमं ब्रह्मचारिणी।।५।।

नवमंच जगन्माता, दशमं ब्राह्मिणी तथा।
एकादशं तु ब्रह्माणी, द्वादशं वरदा भवेत्।।६।।

वाणी त्रयोदशं नाम, भाषा चैव चतुर्दशं।
पंचदंश श्रुतदेवी च, षोडशं गौर्निगद्यते।।७।।

एतानि श्रुतनामानि, प्रातरूत्थाय यः पठेत्।
तस्य संतुष्यदि माता, शारदा वरदा भवेत्।।८।।

सरस्वती नमस्तुभ्यं, वरदे कामरूपिणि।
विद्यारंभं करिष्यामि, सिद्धिर्भवतु में सदा।।९।। ।। श्री सरस्वत्यै नमः ।।

By the grace of Saraswati, human beings compose poetry. Therefore, with a steady mind, Saraswati is to be worshipped.

Sri Sarvajna Mukhotpanna, Bharati Bahubhashini. It kills the darkness of ignorance, and multiplies knowledge.

I have seen Saraswati, with divine lotus eyes. riding on the shoulder of a swan, holding a book of harps.

The first is the Indian name, and the second is Saraswati. The third is Sharadadevi and the fourth is Hansagamini.

The fifth is the mother of the learned, and the sixth is Vagiswari. The virgin is said to be the seventh, and the celibate the eighth.

The ninth stage is Jagannatha, and the tenth is Brahmini. The eleventh is Brahmani and the twelfth is Varada.

Voice is the thirteenth name, and language is the fourteenth. The fifteenth is called Shrutadevi and the sixteenth is called Gaur.

These are the names heard, whoever rises in the morning and recites them. If his mother is satisfied, Sharada will be the bestower of boons.

O Saraswati, I offer my obeisances to you, bestower of boons, in the form of desire. I will begin my studies, may I always attain perfection. ।। ॐ Sri Saraswati Namah ।।

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