कुछ वर्ष पूर्वकी घटना है। एक सेठजी गाँजा पीनेकी आदतसे लाचार थे। वे एक बार एक संन्यासीके पास गये और भगवत्-मार्गमें लगनेकी तदबीर पूछने लगे। जब स्वामीजीको गाँजाकी बात मालूम हुई, तब उन्होंने सेठजीसे बाततक भी न की और उन्हें बिदा कर दिया। दूसरे दिन सेठजी आकर रोने लगे । स्वामीजीने कहा- ‘तुम रातको सोनेके पूर्व दस हजार भगवन्नाम ले लिया करो।’
आश्चर्य! थोड़े ही दिनोंमें उनकी यह बुरी आदत बिलकुल छूट गयी।
डाक्टरोंने एक विद्वान् सज्जनके खंखारकी परीक्षाकर यक्ष्मा घोषित कर दिया। अब तो वे बेचारे क्षयरोगके आतङ्कसे लगे गलने और लगे जगह-जगहकी ख़ाक छानने। सभी प्रमुख डॉक्टर-वैद्योंकी शरणमें गये और उन सबकी चिकित्सा करायी, पर वह सब निष्फल गयी।
एक दिन निराश होकर वे घरसे भाग निकले। थोड़ी ही दूर गये थे कि थक गये और हारकर गिर पड़े। उसी रास्तेसे कुछ वैष्णव साधु जा रहे थे जो चिमटे बजा-बजाकर जोर-जोरसे ‘सीताराम सीताराम’ गा रहे थे। इन सज्जनने भी पूरी शक्ति लगाकर ‘सीताराम सीताराम’ कहना शुरू किया। अब वे ‘सीताराम’ मन्त्र जपकी शरण हो गये। पता लगनेपर घरवाले उन्हें उठाकर घर लाये, पर उन्होंने ‘सीताराम’ कहना नहीं छोड़ा।
कुछ ही दिनों बाद उनकी हालत सुधरने लगी और वे बिलकुल ठीक हो गये । तदनन्तर उन्होंने इस सीतारामके अतिरिक्त किसी भी डॉक्टर- वैद्यकी औषधको – जिसे वे जहर कहते थे, कभी न लेनेकी ही शपथ कर ली
एक आदमीके सिरमें भयानक पीड़ा थी। वहदर्दके मारे कराह रहा था। उसको एक दूसरे मित्रने राम-राम कहकर कराहनेकी सम्मति दी। पता नहीं उसने क्या किया? पर एक दूसरे सज्जनने उसे ध्यानमें रख लिया, क्योंकि उन्हें भी सिर-दर्द होता था। अब जब उन्हें सिर-दर्द होता, तब वे रामनामका प्रयोग आरम्भ कर देते। उन्हें तत्काल लाभ होने लगा अन्तमें इस रोगने उनका पिण्ड ही छोड़ दिया । – जा0 श0
It is an incident of few years ago. One Sethji was helpless due to the habit of smoking marijuana. Once he went to a hermit and asked him about his plan to follow the path of God. When Swamiji came to know about Ganja, he did not even talk to Sethji and sent him away. The next day Sethji came and started crying. Swamiji said- ‘You take ten thousand names of God before sleeping at night.’
Wonder! Within a few days, he completely left this bad habit.
The doctors declared tuberculosis after examining a scholar’s khankar. Now those poor people started melting due to the terror of tuberculosis and started sifting dust everywhere. All the prominent doctors went to the shelter and got all of them treated, but all of them failed.
One day he ran away from home in despair. They had gone only a short distance that they got tired and fell down. Some Vaishnav sadhus were going through the same way who were singing ‘Sitaram Sitaram’ loudly by playing tongs. This gentleman also started saying ‘Sitaram Sitaram’ with full force. Now he took refuge in chanting ‘Sitaram’ mantra. On finding out, the family members picked him up and brought him home, but he did not stop saying ‘Sitaram’.
After a few days, his condition started improving and he became completely well. Thereafter, apart from this Sitaram, he took a vow never to take any doctor’s medicine – which he used to call poison.
A man had terrible pain in his head. He was moaning in pain. Another friend gave him permission to moan by saying Ram-Ram. Don’t know what he did? But another gentleman took him into consideration, because he also had headaches. Now when he had a headache, he would start using the name of Ram. He started getting benefited immediately, in the end this disease left his body. – Ja0 Sh0