संत तुकारामजी अपने खेतसे गन्ने ला रहे थे। रास्तेमें लोगोंने गन्ने माँगे, उन्होंने दे दिये। एक गन्ना बच रहा, उसे लेकर वे घर पहुँचे। घरमें बड़ी गरीबी थी और भोजनका अभाव था। फिर, उनकी पत्नी जीजीबाई थी भी बड़े करारे स्वभावकी । उसने झुंझलाकर गन्नाउनके हाथसे छीन लिया और उसे बड़े जोरसे उनकी पीठपर दे मारा। गन्नेके दो टुकड़े हो गये। तुकारामजीने हँसकर कहा – ‘हम दोनोंके खानेके लिये मुझे दो टुकड़े करने ही पड़ते। तुमने सहज ही कर दिये, बड़ा अच्छा किया।’
Saint Tukaramji was bringing sugarcane from his field. On the way people asked for sugarcane, they gave it to him. One sugarcane was left, they reached home with it. There was great poverty in the house and there was lack of food. Then, his wife Jijibai was also very harsh. Annoyed, he snatched the cane from his hand and hit it hard on his back. The sugarcane broke into two pieces. Tukaram ji laughed and said – ‘ I would have to cut it into two pieces for both of us to eat. You did it easily, you did very well.’