फ्रान्सके प्रसिद्ध संत इवोहिलारीका समस्त जीवन दैन्यका प्रतीक था। तेरहवीं शताब्दीके यूरोपके इतिहासमें उनका नाम अमर है। अपने निवासस्थान ब्रिटनी नगर में वे परम दीन होकर रहनेका यत्न करते थे और अपने आपको साधारण से साधारण मानवके रूपमें प्रकट करते थे। उनके पास कहनेके लिये इस संसारमें अपना कुछ भी नहीं था; फसल कटते ही सारा अन्न गरीबों और दीन-दुखियोंको देकर वे महती प्रसन्नताका अनुभव करते थे।
एक समय वे अपनी कुटीमें ही बैठकर किसीपादरीसे बात कर रहे थे । घरमें केवल एक रोटी बची थी। उस रोटीको उन्होंने गरीबोंमें बाँट देनेका आदेश दिया। पादरीकी इच्छा देखकर आधी रोटी उसे दे दी। वह आश्चर्यचकित हो गया।
‘आप क्या भोजन करेंगे ?’ पादरीका प्रश्न था । ‘भूख लगनेपर भगवान् जो कुछ भी भेज देंगे, उसीसे ही काम चल जायगा ।’ संतने शान्तिपूर्ण उत्तर दिया और उनके आदेशसे शेष आधी रोटी गरीबोंको दे दी गयी।
कितना उच्च था उनका दैन्य-वरण । – रा0 श्री0
The whole life of Saint Evohilari of France was a symbol of charity. His name is immortal in the history of thirteenth century Europe. In the city of Brittany, where he resided, he tried to remain extremely humble and revealed himself as the most ordinary human being. He had nothing of his own in this world to say; As soon as the crop was harvested, he used to feel great happiness by giving all the food to the poor and downtrodden.
Once he was sitting in his cottage talking to a priest. There was only one roti left in the house. He ordered to distribute that bread among the poor. Seeing the wish of the priest, he gave half the bread to him. His jaw dropped to the floor.
‘What will you eat?’ It was a question of the priest. ‘Whatever God sends when he is hungry, that alone will do.’ The saint replied peacefully and by his order the remaining half of the bread was given to the poor.
How high was his charity. – Ra0 Mr.0