अतिथिके लिये उत्सर्ग

hinduism worship ganesh

मेवाड़के गौरव हिंदूकुल- सूर्य महाराणा प्रताप अरावलीके वनोंमें उन दिनों भटक रहे थे। उनको अकेले ही वन-वन भटकना पड़ता तो भी एक बात थी; किंतु साथ थीं महारानी, अबोध राजकुमार और छोटी-सी राजकुमारी। अकबर जैसे प्रतापी शत्रुकी सेना पीछे पड़ी थी। कभी गुफामें, कभी वनमें, कभी किसी नालेमें रात्रि काटनी पड़ती थी। वनके कन्द-फल भी अलभ्य थे। घासके बीजोंकी रोटी भी कई-कई दिनपर मिल पाती थी। बच्चे सूखकर कंकाल हो रहे थे।

विपत्तिके इन्हीं दिनोंमें एक बार महाराणाको परिवारके साथ लगातार कई दिनोंतक उपवास करना पड़ा। बड़ी कठिनाईसे एक दिन घासकी रोटी बनी और वह भी केवल एक। महाराणा तथा रानीको तो जल पीकर समय बिता देना था; किंतु बच्चे कैसे रहें? राजकुमार सर्वथा अबोध था। उसे तो कुछ-न-कुछ भोजन देना ही चाहिये। राजकुमारी भी अभी बालिका थी। आधी आधी रोटी दोनों बच्चोंको उनकी माताने दे दी। राजकुमारने अपना भाग तत्काल खा लिया। परंतु राजकुमारी छोटी बच्ची होनेपर भी परिस्थित समझती थी। छोटा भाई कुछघंटे बाद भूखसे रोयेगा तो उसे क्या दिया जायगा, इसकी चिन्ता उस बालिकाको भी थी। उसने अपनी | आधी रोटी पत्थरके नीचे दबाकर सुरक्षित रख दी, यद्यपि स्वयं उसे कई दिनोंसे कुछ मिला नहीं था । संयोगवश वहाँ वनमें भी एक अतिथि महाराणाके

पास आ पहुँचे। राणाने उन्हें पत्ते बिछाकर बैठाया। पैर धोनेको जल दिया। इतना करके वे इधर-उधर देखने लगे। आज मेवाड़के अधीश्वरके पास अतिथिको जल – पीनेको देनेके लिये चनेके चार दाने भी नहीं। किंतु उनकी पुत्रीने पिताका भाव समझ लिया। वह अपने भागकी रोटीका टुकड़ा पत्तेपर रखकर ले आयी। | अतिथिके सम्मुख उसे रखकर बोली- ‘देव! आप इसे ग्रहण करें। हमारे पास आपका सत्कार करने योग्य आज कुछ नहीं है।’

अतिथिने रोटी खायी, जल पिया और विदा हो गया; किंतु वह बालिका मूर्छित होकर गिर पड़ी। भूखसे वह दुर्बल हो चुकी थी। यह मूर्छा उसकी अन्तिम मूर्छा बन गयी। अतिथिके सत्कारमें उसने अपनी आधी रोटी ही नहीं दी थी, अपना जीवन उत्सर्ग कर दिया था।

The pride of Hindu clan of Mewar – Surya Maharana Pratap was wandering in the forests of Aravalli in those days. Even if he had to wander from forest to forest alone, it was one thing; But the queen, the innocent prince and the little princess were with her. The army of a majestic enemy like Akbar was lying behind. Sometimes the night had to be spent in a cave, sometimes in a forest, sometimes in a drain. The tubers and fruits of the forest were also rare. Bread made of grass seeds was also available on many days. The children were drying up to skeletons.
Once in these days of calamity, Maharana had to fast for several days continuously with his family. With great difficulty, one day a roti of grass was made and that too only one. Maharana and Rani had to pass the time by drinking water; But how to be children? The prince was completely innocent. He must be given some food. The princess was also still a girl. Their mothers gave half the roti to both the children. The prince immediately ate his share. But the princess understood the situation even though she was a small child. The girl was also worried about what would be given to her younger brother if he would cry of hunger after a few hours. He He kept half the roti safe by pressing it under a stone, although he himself had not received anything for many days. Coincidentally, there was a guest Maharana in the forest as well.
Come near Rana made them sit by spreading leaves. Gave water to wash feet. By doing this, they started looking here and there. Today, Adheeshwar of Mewar does not even have four grains of gram to give water and drink to the guest. But his daughter understood the feeling of father. She brought her portion of bread after placing it on a leaf. , Keeping it in front of the guest, she said- ‘Dev! You accept it. We have nothing today to welcome you.
The guest ate bread, drank water and left; But that girl fainted and fell down. She had become weak due to hunger. This stupor became his last stupor. In honor of the guest, he had not only given half of his bread, he had sacrificed his life.

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