भक्तकी रक्षा

meadow grass woman

एक भक्त ब्राह्मणदम्पति थे। उनके मनमें सदा यह इच्छा बनी रहती थी कि ‘हम कहाँ जायँ जिससे हमें भगवान्‌के दर्शन हो जायँ ।’ अन्तमें उन्होंने वृन्दावन जानेका निश्चय किया और वे चल पड़े। गोवर्द्धनके पास रात हो गयी। वे वहाँठहरनेका विचार करके पासकी एक बस्तीमें चले गये। उसी समय स्त्रीको दिखायी पड़ा कि गोवर्द्धन पर्वतपर श्रीकृष्ण और श्रीराधा बैठे हैं और यहाँ ठहरनेको मने कर रहे हैं। स्त्री अपने पतिके साथ वहाँसे चली गयी।वास्तवमें वह डोमोंकी बस्ती थी। डोमोंने यह सोचा था कि ‘इनको मारकर इनका धन ले लेंगे।’ वहाँसे जानेपर उनको स्वप्र हुआ कि ‘वह डोमोंकीबस्ती थी। उनका विचार तुमलोगोंको मारनेका था। इसलिये हमने तुमको मना किया था।’

भगवान् सबकी रक्षा करते ही हैं।

There was a devout Brahmin couple. He always had this desire in his mind that ‘where should we go so that we can see God’. At last he decided to go to Vrindavan and he left. It was night near Govardhan. Thinking of staying there, they went to a nearby township. At the same time, the woman saw that Shri Krishna and Shriradha were sitting on the Govardhan mountain and were refusing to stay here. The woman left there with her husband. Actually it was a colony of Domons. Domon had thought that ‘kill him and take his money’. On leaving there, he realized that ‘that was the settlement of Domon. His idea was to kill you guys. That’s why we had forbidden you.’
God protects everyone.

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