लगभग तीन हजार साल पहलेकी बात है। एक समय भगवान् बुद्ध राजगृहमें विहार कर रहे थे । देवदत्त उनसे ईर्ष्या करता था बहुत-से भिक्षुओंको साथ लेकर पूर्वाह्न के समय पात्र, चीवर लेकर पिंडचार (भिक्षा) के लिये उन्होंने नगरमें प्रवेश किया ही था कि देवदत्तके आदेशसे महावतने राजपथपर नालागिरि नामका प्रचण्ड गज छोड़ दिया। मतवाला हाथी सूँड उठाकर बड़े वेगसे भगवान्की ओर झपट पड़ा, उसके कान फट फट शब्द करते हिल रहे थे।
‘भन्ते! नालागिरि आ रहा है। प्राण ले लेगा। पथसे हट जाइये।’ भिक्षुओंने सुगतके चरणोंमें निवेदन किया। ‘अहिंसा-बल श्रेष्ठ है, भिक्षुओ!’ तथागतने आश्वासन दिया lराजपथके दोनों किनारोंके प्रासाद, हर्म्य और छतपर खड़े जन समूह चिन्तामग्र थे।
दुराचारियोंने सोचा कि सुगत मारे जायेंगे। सदाचारियनि उनकी प्राण-रक्षाकी कामना की।
नालागिरि अति निकट आ गया। शाक्यसिंहने उसको मैत्री – भावनासे भर दिया। उनकी करुणदृष्टिसे वह पानी पानी हो गया। अहिंसाकी तेजस्विनी ज्योतिसे उसके नेत्र चमत्कृत हो उठे। उसकी हिंसा-वृत्ति समाप्त हो गयी। हाथीने सूँड नीची कर भगवान्की वन्दना की, चरण-धूलिसे अपना मस्तक पवित्र किया; ऐसा लगता था मानो गजराजने अहिंसाके राज्यमें प्रवेश कर अपना राज्याभिषेक किया हो। हिंसाने नतमस्तक होकर आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया। अहिंसाके पद देशमें हाथी अपने स्थानको लौट गया।
It was about three thousand years ago. Once upon a time Lord Buddha was roaming in the palace. Devdutt was jealous of him, taking many monks with him, he had entered the city for Pindchar (alms) in the morning with utensils, clothes, that by the order of Devdutt, Mahavatan left a huge yard named Nalagiri on the highway. The intoxicated elephant raised its trunk and rushed towards God with great speed, its ears were vibrating with loud noises.
‘Bhante! Nalagiri is coming. Will take life Get out of the way.’ The monks prayed at the feet of Sugata. ‘Non-violence is the best, monks!’ Tathagat assured. The palaces on both sides of Rajpath, Harmya and the crowd standing on the terrace were worried.
The miscreants thought that Sugata would be killed. Sadachariyani prayed for his survival.
Nalagiri came very close. Shakya Singh filled him with friendship. Due to his compassion, that water became water. His eyes were enlightened by the tejaswini light of non-violence. His violence-instinct ended. The elephant worshiped God by lowering its trunk, purified its head with the dust of its feet; It seemed as if Gajraj had entered the kingdom of non-violence and performed his coronation. Violence bowed down and surrendered. The elephant returned to its place in the post of non-violence.