सच्चिदानन्द परब्रह्म परमात्मा सर्वेश्वर
भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण के प्राकट्य दिवस (श्रीकृष्ण जन्माष्टमी ) पर सभी साधको को
अनेकों शुभकामनाएं !!
भक्तवत्सल भगवान् विष्णु के लीलावतारों में श्रीकृष्णावतार की बड़ी महिमा है | भगवान् भक्तों को अभय करने वाले हैं वे सर्वत्र सब रूप में हैं | उन्हें कहीं आना जाना नहीं पड़ता है, इसलिए वे वासुदेवजी के मन में अपनी समस्त कलाओं के साथ प्रकट हो गए | उनमें विद्यमान रहने पर भी भगवान् ने अपने को अव्यक्त से व्यक्त कर दिया | उनकी दिव्य ज्योति को धारण करने के कारण, वसुदेवजी सूर्य के समान तेजस्वी हो गए | अब उन्हें कोई भी अपनी बल,वाणी या प्रभाव से दबा नहीं सकता था—
भगवानपि विश्वात्मा भक्तानामभयङ्करः
आविवेशांशभागेन मन आनकदुन्दुभेः ||
स बिभ्रत्पौरुषं धाम भ्राजमानो यथा रविः
दुरासदोऽतिदुर्धर्षो भूतानां सम्बभूव ह ||
भगवान् सारे जगत् के निवासस्थान हैं,किन्तु माता देवकी उनका भी निवासस्थान बन गयी | भाद्रमास के कृष्णपक्ष की अष्टमी तिथि की अर्धरात्रि में जब रोहिणी नक्षत्र था और चारों ओर अन्धकार का साम्राज्य था, उसी समय सबके हृदय में विराजमान रहने वाले तथा जन्म-मृत्यु के चक्र से छुडाने वाले जनार्दन भगवान विष्णु पूर्व दिशा में सोलह कलाओं से पूर्ण चन्द्रमा की भाँति देवी देवकी के गर्भ से प्रकट हुए —
निशीथे तम उद्भूते जायमाने जनार्दने ।
देवक्यां देवरूपिण्यां विष्णुः सर्वगुहाशयः ।
आविरासीद् यथा प्राच्यां दिशि इन्दुरिव पुष्कलः
उस समय बालक श्रीकृष्ण के नेत्र कमल के समान कोमल और विशाल थे | वे चार सुन्दर हाथों में शंख, गदा, चक्र और कमल लिए हुए थे | उनके वक्षस्थल पर श्रीवत्स का चिह्न था | गले में कौस्तुभमणि झिलमिला रही थी | वर्षाकालीन मेघ के समान परमसुन्दर श्यामलशरीर पर मनोहर पीताम्बर फहरा रहा था | बहुमूल्य वैदूर्यमणि के किरीट और कुंडल की कान्ति से उनके सुन्दर सुन्दर घुंघराले बाल सूर्य की किरणों के समान चमक रहे थे | कमर में चमचमाती करधनी की लडियां लटक रही थीं | बाँहों में बाजूबंद और कलाइओं में कंकण शोभायमान हो रहे थे | इन सब आभूषणों से सुशोभित उनके अंग अंग से अनोखी छटा छिटक रही थी —
तमद्भुतं बालकमम्बुजेक्षणं
चतुर्भुजं शंखगदार्युदायुधम् ।
श्रीवत्सलक्ष्मं गलशोभि कौस्तुभं
पीताम्बरं सान्द्रपयोदसौभगम् ॥
त्विषा परिष्वक्त सहस्रकुन्तलम् ।
उद्दाम काञ्च्यङ्गद कङ्कणादिभिः
विरोचमानं वसुदेव ऐक्षत
……(कल्याण अवतार कथाङ्क से)
Sachchidanand Parabrahma Parmatma Sarveshwar
To all the devotees on the appearance day of Lord Krishna (Shri Krishna Janmashtami).
Many best wishes!!
Among the devotees of Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna’s incarnation has great glory. God is the one who makes the devotees fearless, He is everywhere in all forms. He does not have to come and go anywhere, hence he appeared in the mind of Vasudevji with all his arts. Despite being present in them, God expressed Himself from the unmanifested. Because of his divine light, Vasudevji became as bright as the Sun. Now no one could suppress him with his force, speech or influence –
Even the Lord, the Cosmic Soul, is fearless to His devotees
entered with a part of the mind of Anakadundubhi ||
He carried the abode of manhood and shone like the Sun
He became difficult to approach and very unassailable to all beings ||
..(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10/2/16-17)
God is the abode of the entire world, but Mother Devaki also became his abode. At midnight on the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Bhadra month, when there was Rohini Nakshatra and there was darkness all around, at that very time Lord Vishnu, the one who resides in everyone’s heart and frees us from the cycle of birth and death, saw the full moon with sixteen phases in the east direction. Like the goddess appeared from the womb of Devaki —
When darkness appeared in the night, Lord Janārdana appeared.
In Devakī, the goddess, Lord Viṣṇu resides in all caves.
It appeared as if it were abundant in the eastern direction
……(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10/3/8)
At that time, the eyes of child Shri Krishna were soft and huge like lotus. He was holding conch, mace, disc and lotus in his four beautiful hands. There was a symbol of Shrivatsa on his chest. Kaustubhamani was shimmering around the neck. Like the rainy season clouds, the beautiful yellow amber was fluttering on the beautiful dark skin of the body. Her beautiful curly hair were shining like the rays of the sun due to the light of the precious Vaidurya gem’s crown and earrings. The shining girdle threads were hanging from the waist. The armlets on the arms and the bangles on the wrists were looking beautiful. Adorned with all these ornaments, a unique glow was emanating from her body parts –
That wonderful boy with lotus eyes
He has four arms and is armed with a conchshell, club and other weapons.
Srivatsa Lakshmi, the Kaustubha adorning his neck
He was dressed in yellow and was adorned with concentrated milk.
precious emerald crown earrings-
A thousand locks of hair were embraced by the lightning.
Uddam with golden bracelets and bracelets
Vasudeva looked at him shining
……(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10/3/9-10)
……(from Kalyan Avatar story)