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नमामि भक्त वत्सलं कृपालु शील कोमलम्
भजामि ते पदाम्बुजम् अकामिनां स्वधामदं |
निकाम श्याम सुंदरम भवाम्बुनाथ मन्दरम्
प्रफुल्ल कंज लोचनं मदादि दोष मोचनं ||
प्रलम्ब बाहु विक्रमं प्रभोअप्रमेय वैभवं
निषंग चाप सायकं धरम त्रिलोक नायकं |
दिनेश वंश मंडनं महेश चाप खंडनं
मुनीन्द्र संत रंजनं सुरारि वृन्द भंजनं ||
मनोज वैरि वंदितं अजादि देव सेवितं
विशुद्ध बोध विग्रहम् समस्त दूषणापहं |
नमामि इंदिरा पतिं सुखाकरं सतां गतिं
भजे सशक्ति सानुजं शची पति प्रियानुजं ||
त्वदंघ्रि मूल ये नराः भजन्ति हीन मत्सराः
पतंति नो भवार्णवे वितर्क वीचि संकुले |
विविक्त वासिनः सदा भजन्ति मुक्तये मुदा
निरस्य इंद्रियादिकं प्रयान्ति ते गतिं स्वकम् ||
तमेकमद्भुतं प्रभुं निरीहमीश्वरं विभुं
जगद्गुरुम च शाश्वतं तुरीयमेव केवलम |
भजामि भाव वल्लभं कुयोगिनां सुदुर्लभं
स्वभक्त कल्प पादपं समम सुसेव्यमन्वहं ||
अनूप रूप भूपतिं नतोहमुर्विजा पतिं
प्रसीद मे नमामि ते पदाब्ज भक्ति देहि मे |
पठन्ति ये स्तवं इदं नरादरेण ते पदम
व्रजन्ति नात्र संशयम् त्वदीय भक्ति संयुताः ||
बिनती करी मुनि नाइ सिरु कह कर जोरि बहोरि |
चरण सरोरुह नाथ, जनि कबहुँ तजै मति मोरी ||

I bow to Him who is affectionate to His devotees, compassionate, gentle in character
I worship Your lotus feet, the abode of the unwilling
Nikam dark beautiful Bhavambunatha temple
Prafulla Kanj Lochanam Madadi Dosh Mochanam ||
Long arm, prowess, Lord, immeasurable glory
Nishang chapa sayakam dharam triloka nayakam |
Dinesh dynasty adornment Mahesh bow refutation
Munindra saint ranjanam surari vrinda bhanjanam ||
Manoj is worshiped by the enemy and served by the god Ajadi
Pure enlightenment is the conflict that removes all contamination
I bow to Indira, the husband, the pleasant path of the virtuous
I worship with my powerful brother-in-law, the husband of Sachi, my beloved brother-in-law
Those men who worship the root of Thy feet are devoid of envy
They fall us into the ocean of death, in the crowd of arguments and searches
Those who live in solitude always worship with joy for liberation
They reject the senses and other things and go to their own destination
That one wonderful Lord, the selfless Lord, the Almighty
and the eternal Guru of the universe, the fourth only
I worship the dearest of feelings, which is very rare for the evil yogis
Svabhakta Kalpa Padapam Samama Susevyam Manvaham ||
I bow to the king of incomparable beauty, the husband of the priests
Have mercy on me, I bow to your lotus feet, and give me devotion
Those who recite this hymn with respect to men are the abode
They go there no doubt with your devotion ||
Binti kari muni nai siru kah kar jori bahori |
Charan Saroruh Nath, Jani Kabhun Tajai Mati Mori ||

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