श्रीरुद्रद्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम्

प्रथमं तु महादेवं द्वितीयं तु महेश्वरं।
तृतीयं शङ्करं प्रोक्तं चतुर्थं वृषभध्वजम्।।१।।

पञ्चमं कृत्तिवासं च षष्ठं कामङ्गनाशनं।
सप्तमं देवदेवेशं श्रीकण्ठं चाष्टमं तथा।।२।।

नवमं तु हरं देवं दशमं पार्वतीपतिं।
रुद्रमेकादशं प्रोक्तं द्वादशं शिवमुच्यते।।३।।

एतद्वादशनामानि त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः।
गोघ्नश्चैव कृतघ्नश्च भ्रूणहा गुरुतल्पगः।।४।।

स्त्रीबालघातकश्चैव सुरापो वृषलीपतिः।
सर्वं नाशयते पापं शिवलोकं स गच्छति।।५।।

शुद्धस्फटिकसङ्काशं त्रिनेत्रं चन्द्रशेखरं।
इन्दुमण्डल मध्यस्थं वन्दे देवं सदाशिवम्।।६।।

।। इति श्रीरुद्रद्वादशनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ।।

।। श्री रुद्राय नमः ।।

The first is Mahadeva and the second is Maheshwara. The third is said to be Shankara and the fourth Vrishabhadhvaja.

The fifth is Krittivasa, and the sixth is the destruction of lust. The seventh is Lord of the gods and the eighth is Srikantha.

The ninth is Lord Hari and the tenth Lord of Parvati. Rudra is said to be the eleventh and Shiva is said to be the twelfth.

He who recites these twelve names for three evenings. He is a cow-killer and an ungrateful person who kills an embryo and sleeps with his master.

He is a murderer of women and children and a drunkard and the husband of a bull. He destroys all sin and attains the world of Shiva.

He is like pure crystal and has three eyes and a moon-peak. I salute Lord Sadashiva who is in the midst of the moon.

।। This is the complete Sri Rudra Dwadashanam Stotram.

।। Ome Sri Rudra.

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