शिव शंकर शिवा पती शंभू

परात्मानमेकं जगद्विजमाद्यं निरीहं निराकारमोङ्कारवेद्यम् ।

यतो जायते पाल्यते येन विश्वं तमीशं भजे लीयते यत्र विश्वम् ।।

श्रीमच्छंकराचार्यविरचित वेदसारशिवस्तव

शिव शंकर शिवा पती शंभू हे निराकार हे अविनाशी।
हे योगेश्वर करुणालय प्रभु हे अन्तर्घट घट घट वासी।।
हे अन्तरिक्ष सम व्योम वर्ण हे हिम सम शुभ्र दिगम्बर हे।
हे शान्त सुगम त्रैलोक्यपती करुणाकर हे प्रलयंकर हे।
हे मेघ श्याम घन घटा अलक सुरसरि जल से नित स्नात प्रभू।
त्रिभुवन में व्यापक परमेश्वर त्रिभुवन धारत निज गात प्रभू।
ब्रह्माण्ड के आदि हो अन्त तुम्हीं सृष्टी के पालक घालक हो।
दीनों के तारणहार प्रभू शरणागत आर्त्तनिवारक हो।
भस्मांग विभूषित सुन्दरता त्रिभुवन मोहन अति शोभन हो।
निगमागम वेद निहितार्थ तुम्हीं भक्तों के मुक्ति प्रलोभन हो।
प्रभु के चरणों में दास पड़ा प्रभु तुम तो अन्तर्यामी हो।
इस दास को चरणन शरण गहो इस सेवक के तुम स्वामी हो

The Supreme Soul is one, the original twin of the universe, free from egoism and formless, and knowable by egoism.
I worship that Lord from whom the universe is born and by whom it is maintained and where the universe merges.
Vedasara Shivastava composed by Srimat Shankaracharya

Shiv Shankar Shiva’s husband Shambhu is formless and imperishable.
O Lord of Yogeshwar Karunalaya, O resident of the depths of the world.
He is like space in color, he is like snow and he is white, he is Digambara.
O peaceful and easy-going ruler of the world, O merciful one, O destroyer of destruction.
O Lord, who is bathed daily with dark, dark, dense and sparkling water.
The omnipresent God in Tribhuvan, the land of Tribhuvan is our own singing God.
You are the originator of the universe, after all you are the nurturer and creator of the universe.
May God, the savior of the poor, provide relief to those who surrender themselves.
May the beauty adorned with ash, Tribhuvan Mohan be very beautiful.
Nigamagam Veda implications: You are the salvation of the devotees.
The servant lay at the feet of the Lord. Lord, you are the innermost being.
Take shelter at the feet of this servant, you are the master of this servant.

🕉️‼️Har Har Mahadev ‼️🕉️
🕉️‼️Jai Mahakal ‼️🕉️

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