Vivāh-Pañcamī Bhagavān Śrī SītāRāma is celebrated.

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सोहति सीय राम कै जोरी। छबि सिंगारु मनहुँ एक ठोरी॥

श्रीसीताराम-विवाह (विवाह-पञ्चमी) के शुभ अवसर पर सभी को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ एवं बधाई।

Heartiest Greetings of Vivāh-Pañcamī the auspicious day of the marriage anniversary of the eternal-divine couple Śrī Śrī SītāRāma to everyone !

On the fifth day of the bright half of the Mārgaśīrṣa month, the marriage anniversary of Bhagavān Śrī SītāRāma is celebrated.


राम ⇔ सीता

In the beginning the supreme absolute Brahman Śrī Rāma was one and all alone, a desire for play arose in him, and therefore he desired a second, and then he became husband (Śrī Rāma) and wife (Śrī Sītā) for the divine play and divine love and romance.

सीतारामात्मकं सर्व्वं सर्व्वकारणकारणम्।
अनयोरेकतातत्त्वं गुणतोरूपतोपि च ॥
द्वयोर्नित्यं द्विधारूपं तत्त्वतो नित्यमेकता।
(बृहद्-विष्णु पुराण)

sītārāmātmakaṃ sarvvaṃ sarvvakāraṇa-kāraṇam।
anayōr-ēkatā-tattvaṃ guṇatō-rūpatō-pi ca ॥
dvayōrnityaṃ dvidhārūpaṃ tattvatō nityamēkatā।
(Bṛhad-Viṣṇu Purāṇa)

“Whole everything is pervaded by SītāRāma. Śrī SītāRāma are the cause of all causes. They are in fact one and same entity, also by virtue of being equal in their qualities and beauty-elegance-charm of their divine forms.

They both are eternal, of two forms (as Yugal-Brahman as husband and wife) however one and same Supreme Tattva in essence.”

द्वयोर्नित्यं द्विधारूपं dvayōr-nityaṃ dvidhā-rūpaṃ — They both are eternal without any beginning, and of two forms, It means Śrī Rāma is of Rāma and Sītā forms, and Śrī Sītā is of Sītā and Rāma forms. Sometimes even Sītā exhibited the form of Śrī Rāma in Mithilā. Although they are stated to be different by name and form, yet they are one and same in Tattva. Their names also transformed into each other, this is supreme secret in itself.


« Śrī SītāRāma-Vivāh celebration»

Shruti says they are husband and wife, however their divine wedding happens in this material-world only, which fills all the worlds with divine bliss.

The Bāla-Kānda in Rāmāyaṇa-s concludes with the divine wedding of Śrī Sītā and Śrī Rāma, which makes it clear that the first and primary culmination of Avatāra-leelā of Śrī SītāRāma is in the most beautiful Vivāh-leelā for which divine couple takes incarnation in this world.

Śrī Rāma inspired Sage Vishvāmitra to come and ask for him for his Yajna, with Vishvāmitra he goes barefoot all the way to Mithilā and there he intentionally breaks the legendary bow of Lord Shiva and marries his dearest consort Śrī Sītā.

When Bhagavān broke the legendary bow of Shiva medially, and tossed on the ground the two pieces of the bow of Lord Shiva, everyone in the cosmos rejoiced at this sight.

Bhagavān Śrī Rāma fulfilled (in fact did more than) the requirement set by Maharaj Janak for the marriage of Sita. And then, Sita Ji was requested by her female-companions to place the wreath (garland) of victory round Shri Ram’s neck.

सोहति सीय राम कै जोरी। छबि सिंगारु मनहुँ एक ठोरी॥
(श्री रामचरितमानस १.२६५.४)

sōhati sīya rāma kai jōrī। chabi siṃgāru manahum̐ ēka ṭhōrī॥
(Śrī Rāmacaritamānasa 1.265.4)

“श्री सीता-रामजी की जोड़ी ऐसी सुशोभित हो रही है मानो सुंदरता और श्रृंगार रस एकत्र हो गए हों।”

(After Śrī Sītā placed the wreath of victory round Śrī Rāma’s neck,)

“The divine couple Śrī Sītā and Śrī Rāma shone as if the beauty and sentiment of love & romance (Śrīngār Rasa) had met together in human form.”

Śrī Sītā Ji is the abode of all beauty, and Śrī Rāma is the personification of all Śrīngār Rasa (love and romance) in human form – so who will not rejoice at this sight? Whole creation rejoiced the divine union of Saundarya-Rasa (the sentiment of all beauty) and Shringār Rasa (the sentiment of all love and romance).


« Unparalleled marriage of Śrī SītāRāma»

जगु बिरंचि उपजावा जब तें। देखे सुने ब्याह बहु तब तें॥
सकल भाँति सम साजु समाजू। सम समधी देखे हम आजू॥
देव गिरा सुनि सुंदर साँची। प्रीति अलौकिक दुहु दिसि माची॥
देत पाँवड़े अरघु सुहाए। सादर जनकु मंडपहिं ल्याए॥
(श्री रामचरितमानस १.३२०.३-४)

jagu biraṃci upajāvā jaba tēṃ। dēkhē sunē byāha bahu taba tēṃ॥
sakala bhām̐ti sama sāju samājū। sama samadhī dēkhē hama ājū॥
dēva girā suni suṃdara sām̐cī। prīti alaukika duhu disi mācī॥
dēta pām̐vaḍa़ē araghu suhāē। sādara janaku maṃḍapahiṃ lyāē॥
(Śrī Rāmacaritamānasa 1.320.3-4)

Gods say among each other “Ever since Lord Brahmā created the world, we have witnessed and heard of many a marriage; but it is only today that we have seen the pomp and grandeur on both sides so well-balanced in every respect, and the fathers of the bride and the bridegroom so well-matched.”

After all, one side there is the original personality of godhead Shri Rama as the bridegroom and on the other side Shri Sita Ji is the bride….. so both side was so well-matched in every respect in the pomp and grandeur, which never happened before and hereafter.


« Pāṇi-grahaṇ »

Maharāj Janak donated his darling daughter Śrī Sītā Ji to Śrī Rāma —

इयं सीता मम सुता सहधर्मचरी तव।
प्रतीच्छ चैनां भद्रं ते पाणिं गृह्णीष्व पाणिना ॥
(श्री वाल्मीकि रामायण १.७३.27)

iyaṃ sītā mama sutā sahadharmacarī tava।
pratīccha caināṃ bhadraṃ tē pāṇiṃ gṛhṇīṣva pāṇinā ॥
(Śrī Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa 1.73.27)

“(O’ Śrī Rāma!) Here is my daughter Sītā, she acquits herself in whatever duty you undertake. May bliss betide to You ! Take from me her palm into your palm !”

Bhagavān Śrī Rāma and Śrī Sītā illuminated the rasa of marriage (Vivāh-Mādhuri) in this world by becoming the bridegroom and the bride respectively.


« How to celebrate? »

One should sing auspicious songs and celebrate and perform wedding ceremony of Bhagavān Śrī Rāma and Śrī Sītā Jī in the evening. One should offer them new clothes, Sari (to Śrī Sītā Jī), Janeu and Yellow dhoti (to Śrī Rāma), flower-garlands, ornaments and other adornments, cook nice Raj-bhoga and sweets etc for the divine couple.

सिय रघुबीर बिबाहु जे सप्रेम गावहिं सुनहिं।
तिन्ह कहुँ सदा उछाहु मंगलायतन राम जसु॥
(श्री रामचरितमानस दोहा-361)

siya raghubīra bibāhu jē saprēma gāvahiṃ sunahiṃ।
tinha kahum̐ sadā uchāhu maṃgalāyatana rāma jasu॥
(Śrī Rāmacaritamānasa dōhā-361)

“श्री सीताजी और श्री रघुनाथजी के विवाह प्रसंग को जो लोग प्रेमपूर्वक गाएँ-सुनेंगे, उनके लिए सदा उत्साह (आनंद) ही उत्साह है, क्योंकि श्री रामचन्द्रजी का यश मंगल का धाम है॥”

“Those who lovingly sing or hear the story of Sita and Ram’s marriage shall ever rejoice; for Shri Ram’s glory is an abode of felicity.”

All the Sakhis (female-friends) of Śrī Sītā Jī were also married to Shri Rama on the same day along with Śrī Sītā Jī.

जय श्रीसीताराम!

सियाराघवेन्द्र शरण

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