विष्णु स्तोत्र

विष्णवे विष्णवे नित्यं विष्णवे विष्णवे नम:।
नमामि विष्णुं चित्तस्थमहंकारगतिं हरिम।।

विष्णुमीडयमशेषेण अनादिनिधनं विभुम।।

विष्णुक्षितगतो यन्मे विष्णुर्बुद्धिगतक्ष यत।
यव्वार्हकारगो विष्णुर्यद्विष्णुर्मयि संस्थित:।।

करोति कर्मभूतोऽसौ स्थावरस्य चरस्य च।
तत पापं नाशमायातु तस्मिन्नेव हिं चिन्तिते।।

ध्यातो हरति यत पापं स्वप्ने दृष्ट्स्तु भवनात।
तमुपेंद्रमहं विष्णुं प्रणतार्तीहरं हरिम।।

जगत्यस्मीन्निराधारे मज्जमाने तमस्बध:।
हस्तावलम्बनं विष्णुं प्रणमामि परात्परम।।

सर्वेश्वरेश्वर विभो परमात्मनंधोक्षज।
हृषिकेश हृषिकेश हृषिकेश नमोऽस्तु ते।।

नृसिंहानन्त गोविन्द भूतभावन केशव।
दुरक्त दुष्कृतं ध्यातं शमयाधं नमोऽस्तु ते।।

यन्मया चिन्तितं दुष्टं स्वचित्तवशवर्तिना।
अकार्य मह्रदत्पुग्रं वच्छमं नय केशव।।

ब्रह्मण्यदेव गोविन्द परमार्थपरायण।
जगन्नाथ जगद्धात: पापं प्रशमयाच्युत।।

यथापरान्हे सायान्हे मध्यान्हे च तथा निशि।
कायेन मनसा वाचा कृतं पापमजानता।।

जानता च हृषिकेश पुण्डरीकाक्ष माधव।
नामत्र्योच्चारणत: पापं यातु मम क्षयम।।

शरीरं में हृषिकेश पुण्डरीकाक्ष माधव।
पापं प्रशमयाद्य त्वं वाक्कृतं मम माधव।।

यद भुज्जन यत स्वपस्तिष्ठन गच्छन जाग्रद यदास्थित:।
कृतवान पापमध्यान्ह कायेन मनसा गिरा।।

यत स्वल्पमपि यत स्थूलं कुयोनिनरकावहम।
तद यातु प्रशमं सर्व वासुदेवानुकीर्तनात।।

परं ब्रह्म परं धाम पवित्रं परमं च यत।
तस्मिन प्रकिर्तिते विष्णौ यत पापं तत प्रणश्यतु।।

यत प्राप्य न निवर्तन्ते गंधस्पर्शादिवर्जितम।
सूर्यस्तत पदं विष्णोस्तत सर्व शमषत्वयम।।
(अग्निपुराण, श्लोक- २ से १६ तक)

।। ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ।।

O Vishnu, Vishnu, always Vishnu, Vishnu, I offer my obeisances to you. I offer my obeisances to Vishnu, the Hari, the movement of egoism in the mind.

The Lord in the mind, unmanifest, infinite and invincible. I worship Vishnu, the eternally immortal almighty, with all my heart.

That which has gone to the earth of Vishnu, Vishnu has gone to my intellect. Vishnu, the cow of Yavvarhakara, who is situated in Me.

He acts as the action of the immovable and the movable. Then let sin be destroyed in that very thought.

The meditator takes away the sin which is seen in a dream from the building. I worship that Indra, Vishnu, Hari, the reliever of the sufferings of those who surrender to Him.

The world is drowning in the baselessness of the darkness. I bow to Vishnu, the Supreme Being, who rests on His hands.

O Lord of all lords, O Lord, O Supreme Soul, O invisible one. O Hrishikesha, O Hrishikesha, O Hrishikesha, I offer my obeisances unto Thee.

O Nrishinha, infinite Govinda, creator of beings, Kesava. I offer my obeisances unto thee, whose blood is evil, who meditateth upon the evil-doer, who calms the lowly.

That which I thought was evil under the control of my own mind. O Kesava take away the useless Mahradat Pugra Vachchama.

Brahmanyadeva Govinda Paramarthaparayana. O Lord of the universe, destroyer of the universe, O infallible one, relieve me of my sin.

As in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, and at night. Sin committed by body, mind and speech without knowing it.

And knowing, O Hrishikesha, O lotus-eyed Madhava. May my sin be destroyed by chanting the three names.

My body is Hrishikesh, Pundarika-aksha, Madhava. O Madhava forgive me the sin I have committed today

Whatever you eat, whatever you sleep, whatever you go, whatever you awaken, whatever you stand. He committed sin in the middle of the day with his body, mind and words.

Whether it is small or gross, it carries the hell of the evil womb. May all that be relieved by chanting the name of Vasudeva.

That which is the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Abode, the Holy and the Supreme. May all the sins committed by that Vishnu mentioned be destroyed.

Which, having attained, they do not withdraw, devoid of smell, touch, etc. The sun is the abode of Vishnu and may all this be satisfied. (Agni Purana, verses 2 to 16)


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