दुःखोंका मूल- ‘मैं- मेरापन ‘

zen sand stones

जय श्री हरि।

एक मनुष्यके पास एक घोड़ा था। घोड़ा भूखा हो, तो दुःख । बिगड़ जाये, तो दुःख । बीमार पड़े, तो दुःख । एक दिन उसने घोड़ेको बेच दिया। अब वह घोड़ा दूसरेका हो गया। अब वह कभी पूछता ही नहीं कि घोड़ा भूखा है या प्यासा है? बीमार है या अच्छा है? मर गया या जीवित है! जानते हो क्यों? क्योंकि, अब घोड़ा उसका नहीं रहा।

एक भूमि थी। मेरे पितामह उसे अपनी समझते थे। मेरे पिता भी उसे अपनी समझते थे। मैं भी उसे अपनी समझता था। यदि उस भूमिमें किसीका पशु चरने आ जाये, तो हमें दुःख होता था। यदि उसमें अच्छी फसल हो जाये, तो प्रसन्नता होती थी। एक बार सरकारी जाँच-पड़ताल हुई। हमें पता लगा कि वह भूमि हमारी है ही नहीं। मेरे पितामह, पिता और मैं भी झूठे ही उसे अपनी मानते रहे थे । हमारे पड़ोसीको अपनी भूमि भूल गयी थी। उसे पता नहीं था। अतः उसने अपनी भूमिको छोड़ रखा था और हमने उसे अपनी मानकर उसपर अपना अधिकार कर रखा था। जब कागजोंसे सिद्ध हो गया कि वह भूमि हमारी नहीं हैं, तब उसके प्रति अहंताममता चली गयी । नारायण ! यह शरीर और शरीरके सम्बन्धी भूलसे अपने माने हुए हैं। अविवेकसे, अज्ञानसे, मोहवश अपने माने हुए हैं। जब मालूम हो जाता है कि ये अपने नहीं है, तब अपनेको इनका क्या दुःख है? कुछ भी तो नहीं। निरहं- निर्मम होते ही समस्त दुःखोंसे छुटकारा मिल जाता है।

Hail Lord Hari.

A man had a horse. If the horse is hungry, then there is sorrow. If it gets spoiled, then it is sad. If you fall ill, then you are sad. One day he sold the horse. Now that horse belongs to someone else. Now he never asks whether the horse is hungry or thirsty? sick or well? Dead or Alive! Do you know why? Because, now the horse is not his.

There was a land. My grandfather used to consider him as his own. My father also considered him as his own. I also considered her as my own. If someone’s animal came to graze in that land, we used to feel sad. If there is a good crop in it, then there was happiness. Once there was a government inquiry. We came to know that the land is not ours at all. My paternal grandfather, father and I too were falsely considering him as our own. Our neighbor had forgotten his land. he did not know. That’s why he had left his land and we had taken possession of it considering it as ours. When it was proved from the papers that the land did not belong to us, then the egoism towards it went away. Narayan! By mistake they consider the body and its relations as their own. Due to indiscretion, ignorance, attachment, they are considered as their own. When it is known that they are not ours, then why do we feel sorry for them? Nothing at all. As soon as you become fearless, you get rid of all the sorrows.

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