कर्मोंका प्रतिफल

hourglass monk time

कर्मोंका प्रतिफल

एक समय नारदजी विष्णुलोक की यात्रापर जा रहे थे, मार्गमें नारदजीको दो सरोवर मिले, जिनका जल अत्यन्त स्वच्छ, शीतल और मीठा था, परंतु वे दुखी थे; क्योंकि कोई भी उनका जल नहीं पीता था। आगे चलनेपर उनको दो विशालकाय आमके वृक्ष मिले, जो फलोंसे लदे हुए थे, परंतु दोनों वृक्ष भी दुखी थे; क्योंकि उनके फल कोई नहीं खाता था। आगे चलनेपर उनको दो दुधारू गौएँ भी मिलीं, जिनका दूध उनके बछड़े भी नहीं पीते थे, इसलिये वे भी दुखी थीं।
नारदजीने भगवान् विष्णुके पास पहुँचकर मार्गमें मिले सरोवर, आम्रवृक्ष एवं गौओंके दुखी होनेका कारण बताने हेतु प्रार्थना की। श्रीभगवान्ने कहा कि यह सब कर्मोंका प्रतिफल है। विधाता मात्र न्याय करते हैं, उन्हें किसीसे राग-द्वेष नहीं है। दोनों सरोवर पूर्वजन्ममें दो सगी बहनें थीं। वे धनाढ्य और दानी भी थीं, परंतु वे दान देनेमें पक्षपात करती थीं, केवल परिचितोंको ही दान देती थीं। इतना ही नहीं, वे हमेशा अपनी प्रशंसाकी। कामना भी करती थीं। उनके विचारोंमें अत्यन्त संकीर्णता थी। उनका उद्धार तभी होगा, जब सरोवरोंका पानी
नहरोंद्वारा सभीके खेतोंको मिले और सभीका कल्याण हो। इसी प्रकार दोनों आम्रवृक्ष पूर्वजन्ममें प्रकाण्ड विद्वान् थे, परंतु स्वार्थी होनेके कारण उनकी विद्वत्ताका लाभ अन्य लोगोंको नहीं मिलता था। उनका उद्धार तभी होगा, जब उनके फलोंके बीजोंसे अनेक उद्यान लगाये जायें और सभी लोगोंको फल खानेको मिलें।
दोनों गौओंके विषयमें भगवान्ने कहा कि ये दोनों गौएँ पूर्वजन्ममें महिलाएँ थीं। वे मात्र अपने पति तथा बेटोंका ध्यान रखती थीं। उनमें स्वार्थ एवं कपटकी भावना अत्यन्त प्रबल थी और स्वभाव भी उनका अत्यन्त संकुचित था। उनका उद्धार तभी होगा, जब उनका दूध अभावग्रस्त रोगियों पीड़ितों एवं निर्धन बालकोंको मिले। भगवान्‌के समाधानके अनुसार तीनोंने आचरण किया और कुछ समय बाद ही तीनोंका दुःख दूर हो गया।
उक्त आख्यानसे स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि प्रत्येक व्यक्तिको अपने कर्मोंके अनुसार कर्मफल अवश्य ही मिलता है। कर्मफल मिलनेमें भले ही विलम्ब प्रतीत हो, परंतु कर्मफल तो मिलेगा ही।

reward of deeds
Once Naradji was going on a journey to Vishnulok, Naradji found two lakes on the way, whose water was very clean, cool and sweet, but he was sad; Because no one used to drink their water. On walking further, they found two huge mango trees, which were laden with fruits, but both the trees were also sad; Because no one used to eat their fruits. On moving forward, they also found two milch cows, whose milk even their calves did not drink, so they were also sad.
Naradji reached Lord Vishnu and prayed to tell the reason for the sorrow of the lake, mango tree and cows found on the way. The Lord said that all this is the result of Karma. The creator only does justice, he does not have attachment-hatred with anyone. Both Sarovar were two real sisters in their previous birth. She was also wealthy and charitable, but she was biased in giving donations, giving donations only to acquaintances. Not only that, she always praised herself. Used to wish too. There was extreme narrowness in his views. They will be saved only when the water of the lakes
Everyone’s fields get access through canals and everyone’s welfare. Similarly, both the mango trees were great scholars in their previous lives, but being selfish, other people did not get the benefit of their knowledge. They will be saved only when many gardens are planted with the seeds of their fruits and all people get to eat the fruits.
Regarding both the cows, the Lord said that both these cows were females in the previous birth. She only took care of her husband and sons. The feeling of selfishness and hypocrisy was very strong in him and his nature was also very narrow. They will be saved only when their milk is given to the needy patients, victims and poor children. All three behaved according to God’s solution and after some time the sorrow of all three went away.
It becomes clear from the above narration that every person definitely gets the result of his actions according to his deeds. Even if there seems to be a delay in getting the result of your actions, but you will definitely get the result of your actions.

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