
monk walking rose petals

विभज्य भुञ्जते सन्तो भक्ष्यं प्राप्य सहाग्निना ।

चतुरश्चमसान् कृत्वा तं सोममृभवः पपुः ॥

(नीतिमञ्जरी 10 )

सुधन्वाके पुत्र ऋभु, विभु और वाज त्वष्टाके विशेष कृपापात्र थे। त्वष्टाने उन्हें अपनी समस्त विद्याओंसे सम्पन्न कर दिया। उनके सत्कर्मकी चर्चा देवोंमें प्रायः होती रहतीथी। उन्होंने बृहस्पतिको अमृत तथा अश्विनीकुमारोंको दिव्य रथ और इन्द्रको वाहनसे संतुष्ट कर उनकी प्रसन्नता प्राप्त की थी। वेदमन्त्रोंसे वे देवोंका समय-समयपर आवाहन करते रहते थे। देवोंको सोमका भाग देकर वे अपने सत्कर्म से देवत्वकी ओर बढ़ रहे थे ।

ऋभुओंने त्वष्टानिर्मित सोमपानका आयोजन किया। सामवेदके सरस मन्त्रोच्चारणसे उन्होंने सोमाभिषव प्रारम्भकर उसे चमस* में रखा ही था कि सहसा उन्हींके आकार प्रकार, रूप-रंग और वयस्के एक प्राणी दीख पड़े। ऋभुओंको बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ ।

‘चमसके चार भाग करने चाहिये।’ ज्येष्ठ पुत्र ऋभुने आदेश दिया। उनकी आज्ञाका तत्क्षण पालनहुआ बिम्बा और वाजके द्वारा । ‘अतिथिका सत्कार करना हमारा परम धर्म है, आप कोई भी हों, हमलोगोंने आपको सम भागका अधिकारी माना है।’ ऋभुओंने सोमपानके लिये अज्ञात पुरुषसे प्रार्थना की।

‘देवगण आपसे प्रसन्न हैं, ऋभुओ! मुझे इन्द्रने आपकी परीक्षाके लिये भेजा था। आपलोग संत हैं। आपने अतिथि-धर्मका पालन करके अपना गोत्र पवित्र कर लिया।’ अग्नि प्रकट हो गये। उन्होंने सोमका चौथा भाग ग्रहण किया । इन्द्रने भी सोमका भाग प्राप्त किया। प्रजापतिने उन्हें अमरता प्रदान की। वे अपने शुभकर्मसे देवता हो गये।

– रा0 श्री0

(बृहद्देवता अ0 3। 83–90)

The devotees divide the food and eat it, and obtain food along with the fire.
The princes made four chamasas and drank the moon-god.
(Nitimanjari 10)
Sudhanva’s sons Ribhu, Vibhu and Vaja were especially favored by Tvashta. Tvashta endowed him with all his knowledge. His good deeds were often talked about among the gods. He had satisfied Brihaspati with nectar, the sons of Ashwini with divine chariots and Indra with vehicles and obtained their pleasure. He invoked the gods from time to time with Vedic mantras. By giving the gods their share of the moon, they were moving towards divinity by their good deeds.
The Ribhus organized the Somapana made by Tvashta. With the charming chanting of the Samaveda, he had just begun the Somabhishava and placed it in the Chamas* when suddenly a creature of his own shape, type, appearance and age appeared. The Ribhus were very surprised.
‘Chamas should be divided into four parts. The eldest son, Ribhu, ordered. His command was immediately obeyed by Bimba and Vajka. ‘Honoring guests is our supreme religion, no matter who you are, we consider you to be entitled to an equal share. The Ribhus prayed to the unknown man for Somapana.
‘The gods are pleased with you, Ribhu! I was sent by Indra to test you. You are saints. You have purified your clan by following the religion of guests. The fires appeared. He took the fourth part of the Monday. Indra also received the share of Soma. The Creator granted him immortality. They became gods by their good deeds.

(Brihaddevata A0 3. 83-90)

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