अद्भुत उदारता

temple architecture building

बंगालके सुप्रसिद्ध ब्रह्मसमाजी सत्पुरुष अघोरनाथजीके पिता श्रीयादवचन्द्र राय फारसी तथा संस्कृत भाषाके उच्चकोटिके विद्वान् थे, ईश्वरभक्त थे और अत्यन्त दयालु थे। वे बहुत ही त्यागी तथा परिग्रहरहित व्यक्ति थे। एक रात्रि उनके घरमें चोर घुसे चोरोंने घरका एक-एक कोना छान मारा; किंतु ले जाने योग्य कोई वस्तु उन्हें मिली नहीं। श्रीयादवचन्द्रजी जाग रहे थे।चोरोंकी गतिविधि देख रहे थे। वे धीरेसे उठे और चिलममें तम्बाकू भरकर हुक्का लिये चोरोंके सामने आ खड़े हुए। नम्रतापूर्वक बोले-‘भाइयो! आपलोगोंने परिश्रम बहुत किया; किंतु लाभ कुछ नहीं हुआ। अब कृपा करके तम्बाकू तो पीते जाइये।’ बेचारे चोर तो लज्जा और ग्लानिके मारे श्रीयादवचन्द्रजीके पैरोंपर ही गिर पड़े।

Shri Yadavchandra Rai, the father of Bengal’s well-known Brahmo Samaji Satpurush Aghornathji, was a scholar of Persian and Sanskrit languages, was a devotee of God and was very kind. He was a very renunciate and non-attached person. Thieves entered their house one night. Thieves searched every corner of the house; But they could not find anything worth carrying. Shriyadavchandraji was awake. He was watching the activities of the thieves. He got up slowly and stood in front of the thieves with a hookah filled with tobacco in his pipe. Humbly said – ‘Brothers! You worked hard; But there was no benefit. Now please go on smoking tobacco.’ The poor thieves fell at Shriyadavchandraji’s feet in shame and guilt.

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